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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. Follow the money lol theres only two weeks left, they aren’t going to change course over 14 days.
  2. Too far south still! when the males are still clinging to the beds it’s nearly every cast. I’ve been a part of a quadruple header with the three of us in the boat. One guy was still getting his fish netted while I cast and hooked another one. it literally changes the next day, but when the weather and stars align its happened.
  3. Youve clearly never fished Georgian bay on an early opener year lol ive seen 15 lbs caught at the same time
  4. Extremely generous of you cliff! If I can’t get it running myself I will definitely make the trip! I have a trip into the Bush planned at the end of the month so I gotta get this thing running smoothly by then so that it doesn’t strand me somewhere in the middle of bloody nowhere.
  5. If this all goes horribly and I’m stuck without a working carb for this motor, I can assure you I will be reaching out to someone and begging them to let me bring them the carb to them to get it put together correctly. im probably most nervous about adjusting the float’s level. There’s instructions but they aren’t exactly clear what you are actually supposed to do aside from ensure that the base of the float should be 23-25mm away from the top of the carburetor body flange...great except I have no idea what the carburetor body flange is lol and I hope you are correct about that needle valve o ring being included, part of me feels like it may not be because I am ordering everything as parts rather than as a “rebuild kit” heck I couldn’t even find the part number for a new gasket to attach the carb to the intake manifold.
  6. I ended up buying a totally new float and needle valve, plus a new bowl gasket. I am slightly concerned that there’s no sleeve listed on the parts diagram for the needle valve. I’m hoping it comes with it! going to give this a shot! Wish me luck! thanks everyone that provided their two cents. Any more tips on how to do this work are certainly appreciated
  7. Hey Fish, So i did some more digging and cross referenced the Vin# to determine the year. I believe that it is actually a 1992 Suzuki DT15c The Vin# is 01502-232014 I pull that up on boats.net and I get the carb assembly code - 13200-89E10 Low and behold all of the associated parts appear to be in stock except for the entire assembly. This is back to the original problem that I was having not being able to find any replacements for that exact assembly. So I guess I ask, is it really that difficult to change the float and needle valve? There was a reference to a sleeve, would that not be fitted into the assembly itself. Let me know what you guys think. Maybe someone knows a guy that could either A show me how to do the swap/B is willing to rebuild the carb if i get the parts for it. I have no idea how to disassemble/reassemble the thing to that extent but am willing to try if thats what it takes.
  8. Here’s the parts diagram also that “screw” says “adjuster” whatever it’s adjusting I’m not sure Year, I believe is 1988...its a Suzuki DT15C
  9. weve got a private launch at our new place. If you are headed to PAB, head to The Moorings at the end of north shore road. Id imagine Brian will let you launch at his place. I think its $15? in and out.
  10. this is really not good news if the case. I have been trying to find parts/replacement carbs for this thing to no avail. 😢
  11. Absolutely it may need to be adjusted/may be worn? It seems to function right but I honestly don’t know enough to know. Unfortunately I also looked heavily into just buying an entire new carb but cannot seem to find them anywhere. this is where I wish I knew someone that knew more than I do about this stuff. I have no way of knowing if the float is totally out of whack or not. this is the best I can do strangely the manual doesn’t seem to even show this screw existing???
  12. Hey guys, yes there is a hole along what I would call where the shaft of that screw is that you can see plugs when the screw is tight. For it to maybe be a drain makes a lot of sense? By loosening that screw that hole will open and allow gravity to drain the bowl. the picture here is of a knock off cArb from alibaba that matches the real one. (I’m actually kind of impressed that these motors from 1987 literally barely changed at all all the way until the 2000’s when two stroke carb engines were discontinued. but the one on the 1988 suzuki dt15c is a mikuni i guess suzuki nailed it so hard with these motors that there is no reason to ever change a thing. You’d be shocked at how well this motor runs.
  13. Hey guys, im definitely a total rookie when it comes to small engines. I know enough to clean out a carb by taking it apart and putting it back together, but as far as tuning goes I’m at a bit of a loss. the motor runs like a top however it recently has been having a major issue flooding when idling at low RPM. after taking the carb off it seems that the set screws were not adjusted correctly at all. So much so that I think the screw in the bowl was just leaking fuel like crazy. I ended up finding a copy of the original manual and it’s instructions for tuning the carburetor utilizing the pilot air screw, (it gives a recommended number or turns from set) however it makes no reference the following screw on the bowl. I’m sure someone on here knows all there is to know about these things. First of all what is this particular set screw, and does anyone have a recommendation on where are they typically set? let me know what you think! Heck if anyone knows a guy/shop that could get me in in a pinch to simply tune this thing correctly/is willing to point me on how to do it id be open to those as well. The motor runs so damn well aside from the flooding problem it’s a shame that I don’t trust it all of the time for trolling!
  14. Drove north and went fishing this weekend. Was towing the boat, had the OPP cruising with me on the 400, no issues. Was a great weekend caught a bunch
  15. i hope he sold before the most recent 20% crash :S
  16. I do not disagree with this. Tournament organizers need to be paying more for hosting events on lakes and that funding needs to go directly back to the fishery and not to any other junk. That entire B1 fiasco comes to mind.
  17. I don’t consider myself a “terrible” bass angler, but I’ve yet to finish in the money. I’ve been on the right fish, but as Dave Chong said to me “to win, first you need to find the fish, then you need to convince them to bite, and then everything has to go right” ive gotten steps 1 and 2 out of the way multiple times but have unfortunately never had step 3 work out lol. I can still see that 6lb smallmouth I lost in my last tournament last year forever burned in my mind. It did the old poke it’s head and stand vertical out of the water for me to stare at him before he shook me off.
  18. The elite series events boost the heck out of a lot of local economies. You’ve got 100 pros coming through needing accommodations and food. Then people travel to come and watch them weigh in. Places like waddington I’m sure love the business.
  19. When you get really into bass fishing it’s actually pretty intriguing to watch. As much as tournament angling is gambling, it’s also not. When you watch them fish, and the bags that they are able to weigh while fishing solo, they are something to aspire to. Of course aside from the slight gear advantage that they have, the average person could attempt to do what these guys do. Except you can’t cast, or work a bait, or cast and fish as efficiently as them. Zaldain has been on bass live multiple times skipping ten inch swimbaits under docks...could you imagine? seth fieder can pick apart a dock so bloody precisely you couldn’t imagine getting baits into where he puts them. I’ve seen him on live put his bait to the dock infront of a pontoon boat with its outboard down and haul out 6lber’s. It’s nuts if you watched Chris Johnston (one of the three Canadians on the elite series) win on the st Lawrence last year on championship Sunday, he was pushing it to the absolute edge catching giant smallmouth in 6 foot rollers on Lake Ontario. That kind of stuff is good entertainment as far as I am concerned. even more so is a lot of the bass season is during Canada’s closed season. Watching a guy like Lee Livedsay catch a 42lb 5 fish limit of 7 and 8 lbers on a top water this weekend has me all kinds of jacked up for bass season. until you tournament fish it’s harder to appreciate the stakes. I would never try and make tournament fishing a living, but trust me, when you are in one and you hook a good one, it’s literally one of the ultimate highs. I guess it’s built for adrenaline junkies in a way, there’s just something about driving your boat to the limit, fishing super hard and the absolutely extreme highs of catching big ones and the crushing lows of losing them.
  20. dont get me wrong, theres very few of these guys that are actually making any money doing this stuff, but those at the top have more importantly got the sponsorship dollars backing them. A guy like Gerald Swindle hasnt won a thing in a decade, but hes a salesman with a history and appears to be doing just fine travelling around fishing for a living. Its not the life for everyone, but I could think of worse careers lol. I recently saw a stat that Zaldain (the angler being referenced to by the OP) has finished in the money over 80% of the time while on the elite series...thats pretty damn impressive. Id argue that spending $200 on a bait for him to fish the way he does is a worthwhile investment. thats whats intriguing about zaldain, he fishes like no one else does, or really can. What he did on G ville last year was insane.
  21. will also earn you more money than any other species...Never heard of any $100,000 every couple of week tournaments for anything else.
  22. the idea of removing the gobies from some of these fisheries where our predator species walley and smallmouth bass are relying so much on them for prey scares the hell out of me. Especially because its been shown that the gobies have had a negative effect on those predator species old sources of prey. did they not also discover that gobies eat zebra muscles? Hence when you go to the kawarthas where there are no gobies the entire bottom is literally 100% coated in zebra muscles while other lakes with gobies the bottom is not.
  23. Good play by the president of the United States to use subtle sarcasm when talking about treatments during a global pandemic. Top notch stuff
  24. He did indeed, also injecting bleach and exposing your insides to UV light. Not sure why no one is trying those either. I think it’s a conspiracy by “big pharma” and the “elite” as part of the depopulation agenda.
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