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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. my buddies go up fishing there every once in a while. They seem to catch a good amount of bass. Its nice and quite and I dont think its too "rough" they have no issues camping around at various boat launches.
  2. Whats happened at cabellas and bass pro over the last decade is a major reason I barely bother to shop there anymore. Instead of selling any half decent product, they instead got a bunch of chinese factories to knock off every decent lure in existence and threw and XPS logo on the packaging and then stopped selling the original version of everything. The XPS stuff is absolute junk, from the terminal tackle to the baits its all complete chinese knock off garbage. My favourite was i needed some tungsten drop shot weights in a pinch, stopped in on my way up north and bought a pack...literally every single weight fell off of the line holder on the first cast...i brought the package back with 2 weights and the line holders and told them what happened and they asked me where the weights were...i explained that they were on the bottom of the lake after losing 3 in a row on the first cast lol
  3. ya i remember gord talking about this very recently and that guy really knows his stuff...hard to argue with a controlled environment and experiment though. Interesting at the end the guy seems to take issue with how they conducted the experiment.
  4. the best part of this photo is the boat you landed the bloody thing in holy cow. it almost looks like the boat cant contain it. Well done!
  5. great news...the light at the end of this friggin tunnel just got a bit brighter. Really great results so far, very limited negative news so far aside from people experiencing allergic reactions to PEG in very small numbers. Unfortunate news for people that have severe allergies, hopefully everyone does their part though and gets vaccinated to protect those that cant get the vaccine due to allergies.
  6. i learned the hard way a while back...when it comes to fishing gear, i basically no longer cheap out on anything. Ive paid too much money with lost fish, broken stuff etc even when its from legitimate manufacturers. Im literally better off forking over the money up front because they stuff will still be useable in 5 years time. Heck some of my reels are now 15+ years old are are smoother than a lot of $100 brand new reels.
  7. BAH bahhhhh giving you references from the Ontario Epidemiology report is not MSM. Lets clear that up. Once again, I have not once provided any references to any publications from "MSM" (i love that you guys have a special name for that now too) Every single reference here I have provided are from scientific documents being published by either our local health units, or other scientific sources. Not a single article from any media company to be found. Tough to have a discussion when one side simply provides facts from vetted sources while the other is arguing with "what ifs" from youtube lol
  8. Lmao you really used the term “sheep” come on man. please define the “bull” I have attributed to this conversation. Please show me the lies or non fact based information I have provided in this entire thread? Unless you are part of the group that believes that everything being published in the epidemiology summaries are lies? if that’s the case, then enjoy your time living in fear of the boogy man aka “globalistst and the elite” how well is the flu shot working out? So you are blatantly questioning the science of the flu shot? Lol come on man. Do you also think the polio vaccine is not effective as well? The flu shot has been scientifically proven to reduce transmission of the flu entirely between 40 and 60 percent dependant on the dominate strain each year and on top of that reduces severity of symptoms should someone unfortunately contract the illness after having the shot.
  9. It’s not that complicated. The us government alone spent 1.6 billion dollars on the thing. the world was able to develop COVID-19 vaccines so quickly because of years of previous research on related viruses and faster ways to manufacture vaccines, enormous funding that allowed firms to run multiple trials in parallel, and regulators moving more quickly than normal
  10. You mean...like the flu shot? Lol what? Here we go with the “globalist, new world order” conspiracy about a depopulation agenda and that they are using mass vaccination with some form of agenda either through “mind control” or “sterilization” somehow these shadowy figures have convinced everyone working in the healthcare industry to play along, however 1 Whistle blower lady that has had all of her accreditation’s removed due to her constant promotion of conspiracy based medical information is the only one speaking the truth. The collective of politicians, canadian medical profession the pharmaceutical industry and main stream media are all lying to us in some form of grand collaboration to hurt everyone for the sake of profit . Oh also, collapsing the stock market and enforcing lock downs that collapse the retail industry in the name of creating profits for pharmaceutical companies and Amazon specifically makes a lot of sense too. you guys are way too much. SMH I can’t even believe I’m taking time to respond lmao. It must suck to live in a completely paranoid state believing that everyone is out to get you.
  11. You mean obtain accreditation from a post secondary institution and then obtain a doctorate that allows for you to formally document your paper. Conduct a significant study and then publish it for peer review by other scientists. Upon approval you can then publish your findings...or do you mean just watch a bunch of YouTube? the thought of non medical professionals conducting their own research to become enlightened and “woke” on how to treat disease is dangerous. go, talk to your doctor, and then go and seek a second, third even fourth opinion in person and then you can make an informed decision.
  12. Maybe there’s a better job to be done there then? I get that they make efforts to try and educate the public so that people let them go when they accidentlY catch them. And try and educate people on how to differentiate them from pike. but if you have a group of 1000 guys that are specifically targeting them you’d think there would be a standard protocol for fish management that’s shared by the group? like these guys were throwing fish on the floor of the boat, yanking big trebles out, taking photos before reviving, not reviving the fish fully before releasing...like basically doing everything you can do wrong as an amateur wrong. With a big muskies canada sticker on the side of the boat lmao.
  13. The virus is not 99% recoverable...not sure where you are getting that statistic from? Clearly Facebook or some other incorrect source? The death rate currently stands at 2.7% in ontario its still 5% if you are over age 60 and 24% if you are age 80+ 16 people in their 20’s and 30’s have died from covid in Ontario by the way this is all from a preventable disease. Could you imagine in a normal year if 4,000 people died from something preventable how much of a news story that would be? Want some shocking perspective? Just under 1/3 of as many people have died from covid in canada in 9 months as the amount of Canadians that died during the entire course of fighting in world war 2. Let that sink in for a minute. It’s shocking
  14. I’m not really for directly quoting and pointing fingers at specific members. I prefer to simply post relevant factual based information sourced from legitimate scientific sources. call them “debunking” dangerous misinformation that’s being spread by Russian bots, internet trolls and conspiracy theory enthusiasts all over the internet. The “information” if you can call it that is literally dangerous and can cause people serious harm. there are a number of posts in this very thread that question basic vaccines like the flu shot. The entire “anti flu shot” sentiment is 100% based in YouTube based conspiracy theories linked to Saros and the new world order. Enough said
  15. sprouts are disgusting unless managed by a good chef. Like a lot of things, if you cook it like an old british person its probably going to taste awful. If you boil and steam crap and dont season it, its going to taste like absolute garbage. I am a huge fan of veggies of all types, but holy cow I will not eat steamed soft carrots etc. Frozen vegetables? Yuck Best way ive ever eaten brussel sprouts, halved baked with olive oil until browned, then placed into baked proscuitto cups with fig and a balsamic glaze drizzled on it...wow
  16. and look bad risking their possibility of re-election? Ha! Theres always a scapegoat isnt there. This is how I feel about a lot of this type of stuff...ive always been confused why people need to go to great lengths to create conspiracies when the truth is just as shocking and interesting lol. Thats the thing, scandalous type stuff always ends up making its way out because its almost impossible to keep secrets, especially in 2020. Even more so when multiple people need to be involved. The truth can make for some really interesting reading! lol
  17. crime of neccessity...people are so scabby that the experts knew that if they told people to wear masks, there would have been a shortage of PPE available for medical professionals treating people with covid. You cant trust the idiots in society to not hoard toilet paper, imagine they let the public have a free for all on PPE.
  18. Lol out of all of the food available at the grocery store, I’m not sure how someone looks at one of those things and says to themselves, mmmm delicious
  19. Grimsby has got a point. Heck the same goes for walleye. No big deal to have 100 boats in one small stretch of water keeping two fish per person meanwhile if you target bass in may...and let’s get serious bass arent spawning in 40 degree water, then game over. oh it’s also cool to keep 30 crappies a day im a big believer that our protection of them during late may and June is paramount to protecting the fishery, but I have no clue why they are closed all winter aside from the fact they stack up. This reg makes sense to me. for people asking about my muskys canada comment, I’ve had the pleasure of fishing with Fisherpete who without putting words in his mouth quit attending muskies canada meetings because he didn’t agree with how some guys truly were handling the resource. I think he said something along the lines of “it’s just an excuse for those guys to drink beer” When I fished with pete he took absolutely every single precaution available to him to ensure the fish survived and low and behold we never lost a fish over multiple trips. and then through a friend I went fishing with a couple of muskies canada members and watching how they handled the fish we caught I was stunned. I thought they would all consistently take utmost care of the fish being “members” and I wouldn’t call it anything close to the care that pete takes. let’s just say I’m glad I learned fish care from pete...his methods can be used for all species and I do use them for everything and subsequently very rarely have difficulty releasing fish, to the point that they almost never even need any form of reviving.
  20. thats exactly it...there is a large subset of the population that wont be afforded the luxury of getting the shot to be protected, they are reliant on healthy people to squash the virus out. Allowing it to continue to flow through the community because "im healthy" while equating a death sentence to people with cancer, COPD, or heart conditions isnt really a brotherly thing to do to other canadians. Sometimes its hard to believe that only a couple of generations ago, people in the prime of their lives voluntarily signed up to place their lives in extreme peril in the name of defending their neighbors...
  21. yet the extremely real threat of covid does not? Im not sure people are grasping the lethality of the virus? If i gave you a gun with a 100 round clip and put 4 bullets in it (attempting to account for your age...im not 100% certain how old you are Terry but im ballparking) and told you to pull the trigger...or told you to take the covid vaccine, youd choose putting the gun to your head? Even then...if you manage to survive putting the gun to your head...anyone you saw for the over the course of the few days that you werent experiencing symptoms, now also has to take said same gun and put it up to their head as well...would that maybe change your mind? This isnt all about protecting yourself remember. Its about protecting your family and neighbors or the guy at the grocery store. I think that seems to get lost on some people. I dont doubt that if I got covid I would survive just fine like most young healthy people, but damn it scares the hell out of me that I might give it to my parents, neighbor...anyone really...I couldnt live with the guilt if i inadvertently caused someone harm because i chose to be skeptical of science and doctors.
  22. Thinking that there’s some kind of grand conspiracy at play, while the #1 vaccine priority group is healthcare workers...during a pandemic while the resource is already stretched to the max. I don’t know what to tell you, you can lead a horse to water...
  23. Same here...my friend doesn’t work specifically in vaccines, he actually works in the development of dermal alcohol readings after starting his career in cancer treatment drug development. They are trying to figure out how to make vehicles that take blood alcohol/drug readings while you drive a school bus or other important vehicles but understands the science vaccine development. He’s laid it out clear as day, I’m not smart enough to understand it all, but there’s absolutely nothing fishy going on from his perspective so i have to take his word for it. I absolutely am for any drug that can assist with fighting this virus, the more drugs available to beat it and the more people treated the faster we get this stupid thing over with. I also believe that much like these vaccines, they should undergo a clinical trial. My understanding is that there is nothing barring the manufactures of invermin from engaging in one and then subsequently requesting approval once complete? Why is this not being done? I don’t personally have the answer. also is this not something that folks who take the “I’m going to wait a long time to get it” approach have not considered? If a significant portion of the population does not get vaccinated, we quite literally are never going to get past this thing. All of those lock down measures that you hate so much...are going to go on and on and on. It’s as if the people just figure they won’t get sick? Or will catch it and then it doesn’t matter anymore? I’m not sure I can explain their logic? there are already many confirmed cases of people catching covid two times by the way, there’s are very very strong doubts now that any form of “strong immunity” is available as a result of contracting the virus. You may not die from the second bout but you are indeed contagious and will potentially kill a family member or neighbor. The man with the most followers on Instagram in the entire world has contracted covid twice now...is that high profile enough for everyone to ensure it’s not another conspiracy?
  24. Ya and so is the population of the world...exponentially And the treatment of said diseases has also advanced exponentially over time by none other than the efforts of the medical and scientific community...
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