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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. To everyone saying, how can this vaccine be developed so quickly...it’s because the type of vaccine has been in development for treatment of cancer, flu viruses and HIV. With the amount of funding made available by countries collectively funding the development of a vaccine, here we are. Just a coincidence but my friend with the doctorate in biology shared this right after I posted. Here it is laid out for stupid idiots such as myself...and even now I still don’t totally understand what I’m reading because low and behold I don’t have a degree in biology! Luckily smart people do though to save our bloody lives
  2. pretty straightforward: Direct from the FDA If you think there is some form of grand conspiracy occurring to utilize the vaccine to harm the population then I dont know what else to tell you. Once again, the side effects if any shown in the clinical trials were minimal to nill, meanwhile covid has killed almost 14 thousand Canadians in 9 months and an additional 5000 of those people required to be admitted to the ICU in order to have their lives saved...those stats scare me a hell of a lot more then the "side effect stats" that have come out based on the clinical trials of the covid vaccine. The vaccine is basically a flu shot, ive gotten a flu shot almost every year since they have become available, no adverse side effects what so ever except a bit of a runny nose this year after getting the nasal version this year due to the shortage. Go figure, the one year I didnt get the shot I got a really bad case of influenza where i considered calling an ambulance for myself if my condition got slightly worse. A direct family member of mine is a doctor, he says outright the biggest issue with doing his job now is convincing people that he is a doctor and has their best interests in mind. Because apparently everyone has now completed 8 years of schooling because they own an iphone with google. Another close friend has a doctorate in biochemistry and works on developing medicines, he struggles greatly with the fact that facebook conversations have begun discrediting his commitment to the work that he does. It doesn't paint a great picture of society to be honest. Very intelligent people dont become doctors or biochemists and spend 8 years of their life plotting how they can work with Bill Gates to kill you...i can assure you of that. Some of the side-effects that may be associated with ivermectin include skin rash, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, facial or limb swelling, neurologic adverse events (dizziness, seizures, confusion), sudden drop in blood pressure, severe skin rash potentially requiring hospitalization and liver injury (hepatitis). Laboratory test abnormalities include decrease in white cell count and elevated liver tests. Any use of ivermectin for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 should be avoided as its benefits and safety for these purposes have not been established. Data from clinical trials are necessary for us to determine whether ivermectin is safe and effective in treating or preventing COVID-19.
  3. lol so you were aware of that one as well. The best part were the simps trying to stand up for her ahahha
  4. https://www.google.com/amp/s/theconversation.com/amp/ivermectin-is-still-not-a-miracle-cure-for-covid-19-despite-what-you-may-have-read-144569 america is a scary place...it’s legal to pay a doctor to recommend your drug. the main problem with ivermectin is the associated side effects experienced by those that take a high enough dose to defeat covid 19. Side effects such as nausea and dizzyness are experienced in 50% of people that take it...yes you read that right, 50% yes of course preventing covid is important, but these drugs can be used effectively to treat covid, but the argument is that a vaccine will prevent covid with minimal to no side effects. you may see a bunch of people talking about Bell’s palsy in 2 of the European people in the clinical trial...the funny thing about that was that the incidence of Bell’s palsy associated with that trial was actually lower than the normal incidence of Bell’s palsy in regular people in every day life. I.e. less people got Bell’s palsy than they normally would have covid vaccine or not.
  5. The internet is a good thing for policing that kinda crap bill. Recently a Instagram chick got caught up transporting fish around for pro staff shots illegally and regular folks picked up on it and basically shut her up Instagram down and made her lose her crappy little sponsorship. if people are doing what they are doing within the regs and at the end of it all still put the fish back to live another day then so be it. I’ve watched how “musky canada” guys apparently think is the right way to handle musky (thats another story)...it definitely doesn’t look like putting a bass in a live well by itself for a bit while on a good bite to see if you can get a second big one. I’m also not opposed to tournament angling personally if things are being done right either. But of course to each his own. I am more concerned about people just taking fish to eat but at the same time I think the time of year for the most part would have me believe that only the most hardcore anglers will be dunking boats in April to chase smallies. When was the last time you even saw a boat aside from in the Larry targeting bass? Lots of shore guys around but not many boaters. More importantly maybe it will reduce some of the clowns that I see every year throwing spinner baits and whacky rigs for musky and pike in early June...probably not though who am I kidding.
  6. \I think this is something that is going to be tested in Zone 20 and eventually make its way across all of the regs. To me it makes total sense to give the bass even more time to finish up spawning while they are guarding nests. I take a week off every year at opener and its incredible the transition of the fish over a 7 day period and the difference it makes on catch rates. Especially in colder years those first few days the fish are still dirt shallow and by the end of the week they are out into 10 fow. If you gave them the extra week I am certain you would be saving a lot of fish, especially from tournament pressure where anglers are taking the fish and totally relocating them. The most important part about this change is that it opens up the pre-spawn bite to recreational anglers but unless you have an implemented MLF style digital tournament set up, these regs completely eliminate the possibility of tournaments until July while allowing recreational anglers to target some big big fish. I dont know about anyone else but I am beyond stoked at the opportunity to take a few of those warm March/april and even early may days and target some giant bass out of Hamilton and the Toronto islands. Ill see you guys out there on lake O, ill be in the white skeeter!
  7. lol when i saw this thread I thought it was referring to a "couch" report...because all of us seem to be stuck with our boats put away and little to no ice on our lakes lol
  8. Little cold snap to start the week. It’s going to refreeze, let’s see how much it puts on. Supposed to be close to -20 on g bay tuesday night and three straight days below -15 at night with no snow cover. I might be ice fishing close to home on Christmas. We shall see
  9. Mini cold snap coming early next week. I should have enough ice to walk in infront of our place. Maybe build a rink if it doesn’t snow too much
  10. honestly lex...you seem to be getting a lot of answers from guys that havent fished with a live scope talking negatively about it lol. Live scope without a doubt is as expensive as hell, but it is 100% a game changer. Dont let anyone tell you otherwise. Wanna know why even for a "stationary" activity like ice fishing where you think a flasher does the same job? Because you pop a hole and you shoot the damn thing across the area you want to fish and rotate it and voila...it will tell you exactly where the fish are if there are any...so yes if there are fish 50 meters away to your right...your flasher aint showing you that. I havent had the pleasure of using one while ice fishing yet, but I already know how deadly that could be for fishing crappies when they are constantly moving. Instead of me drilling out a big grid of holes and then running around trying to stay on top of them I could simply rotate the deucer when they move off of my hole and figure out exactly what hole I should be fishing out of next. Now from experience fishing smallmouth...phhh how about being able to see smallies 30 feet off of the front of your boat and then casting out directly ontop of them rather then waiting until your boat is on top of them to see them. Chris Johnston won a BASS event this year doing exactly that on lake O...hed mark the fish off in the distance by rotating his trolling motor head to scan the area and then cast out a drop shot right too them without spooking them with the boat. Once again, its super super expensive stuff...but dont let people poo poo it...its crazy when you watch schools of smallmouth and walleye swim under your boat...or even crazier watching your crankbait 10 feet down swim live across your screen from 40 feet out in front of you...no joke.
  11. As noted above .6 of people getting the vaccine have a reaction... .5 have a reaction to a placebo...aka sugar and water and I’m guessing egg because that’s what vaccines are typically made in? so basically if you are allergic to eggs you may end up having a problem
  12. Livescope goes both in the boat and on the ice if you can afford it, it’s a game changer...if not then stick with what you got.
  13. my powerdrive v1 died 2 years ago..understandably the foot pedal fried, but it had done its job long enough...so what I did was actually buy my father a new 80lb terrova v2 for his new boat so that I could take his 55lb powerdrive ipilot for my tinner. Then I bought my own boat that came with an old motorguide tour...I sold that to finance a 80lb terrova with ipilot for myself because how I fish...there is no way in hell im trying to dance on a TM while drop shotting smallies in great lakes winds...its just a no go. All should be fine and dandy right? Covid hits, my big boat is now grounded because all of the launches are closed so I take the old trust tinner out with the powerdrive ipilot...it fries the controller its dead...then my old man running his new terrova bumps a rock with the skeg of his motor and it breaks the flimsy mounting clip on his shaft up by the head??? so that his motor now slips and wont always engage when you turn it. And then the fall arrives and my Terrova fries itself, I buy a brand new pedal for it and it lasts one day and fries itself again. I take it to aikmans he cant see anything wrong with the motor except for the fact that if you use it for more than 8 hours it will fry your brand new pedals every single time. Thats 4 minkottas broken in 3 years and only one could technically be blamed on the user for bumping a rock with the skeg...Im done...Theres a Garmin Force sitting in my garage ready to be installed if we get a stretch of warmer weather at some point.
  14. "Detailed data from the vaccine's trials showed potential allergic reactions in 0.63% of those who received the vaccine, compared with 0.51% of those who received the placebo. Reviewers from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration called this a “slight numerical imbalance.”" 🧐 both people had a history of experiencing severe allergic reactions and carry epi pens with them. They also both recovered.
  15. this is what makes chuckle...one person in this thread commented, well i dont need power and hole shot, i drive my boat around slowly all day...an electric motor cant do that 😬
  16. Tesla has to keep the price low for the purpose of proof of concept. The first generation owners get a discount because Tesla needs people to go and take their truck and drive it and show everyone that holy cow an electric pickup truck is a real thing and that it works and does the things that most pickup trucks can do if not better? Heck anything at this point would be better than my ram which is in the shop once again... When gas prices inevitably hit 1.30 a litre again in 2022 when the economy is booming like its post ww2 with the pandemic over will the V8 drivers that front their own gas bills be thinking that not paying that gas bill is such a crazy idea? Everyone seemingly in this thread is exactly the reason Tesla has to eat cost to launch its vehicles. Without a belief in the technology and proof of concept you are never going to convert the gas guzzling pick up truck driver. Why do you think tesla has invested such absurd amounts of money installing their super chargers everywhere? Critical mass is literally the biggest challenge that the electric vehicle faces. Whats incredible is that Tesla is pulling it off it just has failed to convert everyone yet. Cars were the first and most common sense market to tackle. Trucks, planes, ATV's etc etc are whats next. Much like outdoor power equipment, the conversion is swift once the proof of concept is proven in the market. Take a poll of how many people would buy a gas vs electric auger for ice fishing if they had the budget for it? 10 years ago this wasnt even on anyone's radar. Ill also mention that Tesla's ability to get 650,000 people to give them $150 for something that doesnt even exist yet, nor will it exist for many more years is far different than a deposit on an item that you will get in short turn. Im not even a "tesla freak" some people are obsessed with elon musk and all that he does, im a 2 stroke outboard driving, diesel truck owning dude with a 2 stroke snowmobile and gas auger! I just like many others (including a hell of a lot of people that buy stocks apparently) think that Tesla is on to something. They are making something that seemed futuristic, impossible, paradigm shifting and game changing right before our eyes. Youd never seen an electric car on the roads 10 years ago...my my how things have changed...in a very very short amount of time.
  17. How do we submit our orders for those egg patterns?
  18. I swear to god that Minkotta and Johnson controls have switched their manufacturing facilities in the past 10 years. The old powerdrives and fortrexes were basically ready to use for close to 20 years...now you are lucky to have one that lasts 5. Heck every single person i know thats bought an ultrex has had it fail and they have only been out a total of 3 years now...
  19. nothing "wealthy family" about a $69,000 pick up when dodge is trying to sell 1500's for 79k now and chevys are 100k and give your head a shake...you are talking about the boating industry in this thread lol...think about what you are saying.
  20. I’m shocked you don’t like the interior. I absolutely love it. And yup I don’t want it to be delivered for a few years my current truck only has 130k on it at the moment. your comment about fast? The ones I got to ride in were the fastest cars I’d ever been in. The amount of tourque off of the line was absolutely insane.
  21. I’ve already got my order in for a cyber truck and go for a ride in a Tesla, I’ll assure you it’s more of a 80-100k car than a Dodge Ram rebel is that’s for damn sure lol
  22. lmao you guys are now coming up with conspiracy theories to debunk an electric motor that doesnt exist yet? I guess Tesla's have secret two stroke motors running them too lol The richest part about this entire debate is the fact that all of us already have 3-4 giant lead batteries in our boats already, yet were debating whether putting batteries in your boat is a good idea hahaha. What do people want from outboards? holeshot and top end. Guess what electric engines have? Basically unlimited tourque, no power band and a hypothetical unlimited top end. What do boats also do? travel in very relatively short distances. No one drives their boat 300km in a single day unless its a very very weird circumstance. If you have somehow convinced yourself that no one is going to attempt to embrace these facts then you probably also think tesla is going to go out of business lol.
  23. Pointe au baril skimmed over last night
  24. you need to speak to Dave Chong about this. He was showing off the shading relief this summer. If its something you are interested in it may be worth the money.
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