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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. As long as the boat and equipment seize is permanent and auctioned off the punishment is harsh enough. Those fish were definitely headed to market without a single doubt
  2. Feel better man! Keep us updated and stay safe. If you start going downhill do not hesitate to visit the hospital. I’ve heard of many people trying to fight through breathing troubles and putting themselves in more trouble than they needed to.
  3. Don’t worry about that, if you ensure that you use the boat frequently you won’t regret owning it for a second. my suggestion is to take it easy for the first bit on buying new gear for it because you will inevitably notice things that are broken or could use fixing and you’ll want to make sure you have funding to keep those things running rather than doing additions. unfortunately boats no matter how basic will always be a money pit. But being a guy that uses his boat 10 days +a month in the summer it’s worth it. there is also of course the “things you can live with” and things you can’t live without. For me a guy that fishes tournaments I have no choice but to keep my boat running perfectly when it comes to pumps, electronics and motors. but owning an old boat is still worth it when you consider the price of a new one. I’ll tell you right now there will always be something that needs fixing almost always. Right now for me it’s my trailers wiring and a new bilge pump (the old one works, im not a maniac i just need an auto which ive bought ive just been waiting to muster up the energy to dig around in my bilge area which is very difficult to access.) . Inevitably I will fix those tomorrow and something else will break lol just the name of the game!
  4. Honestly your best bet is to just get a trickle charger to use when you get home. The solar method of charging Doesn’t guarantee that your battery will recharge again. you are going to want to make sure that your trolling motor battery has enough 12 volt amp hours to last you a day of fishing. Let us know what kind of battery you are planning on using. go home and throw the battery on the trickle charger to make sure you keep it topped up at all times. Low batteries that don’t stay charged when stored dont last nearly as long. Make sure you top them up with distilled water as well that helps the solution in them remain the correct dilution resulting in longer battery life. Lots of YouTube videos will help you do that.
  5. an absolutely killer deal for someone. wow, i wish i had the dough
  6. Wait for minkotta to catch up with brushless tech and you’ll be set. The power these motors have is ridiculous and the draw is so minimal. ive basically discovered that I almost never use my motor now on higher than level 3 of 10 regardless of how windy it is. That’s how much power these things have. right now only the top top top of the line motors have it from Garmin and lowrance and maybe MG. I imagine the next gen of minkottas will all be brushless
  7. i finally got my 66 year old mom out in the skeeter last spring. She held on tight but loved it. My father hates riding in my boat and this year he hasnt put his boat in yet so hes been doing a lot of riding in it. It also hasnt been particularly warm. 2 weeks ago he asked if we could "cruise" back so that he would be warmer lol
  8. seems like people are fishing elsewhere
  9. now you are just making me feel bad for my passengers in my single console bass boat 🤣
  10. Bugs here stayed close to the water and didn’t fly high. Different story in the Bush or near the beach. The black flies are hatched and chewing. Luckily so were the Laketrout. Had 3 in 3 casts at one point. Caught a bunch more too. Panoptix putting on a clinic. Didnt even have to get up with the Sun. They ate all afternoon. thanks for the recap
  11. I used to do this with a leatherman, before I had splitting pliers. I stopped after stabbing myself multiple times lol
  12. If we didn’t have a relatively wet end to April our rivers would have been friggin completely dry at this point.
  13. yup, as far as I know its got good pike and bass fishing, as does most of the area.
  14. Lol I’d think that the guys putting them in planes need them to run pretty consistently
  15. dont underestimate the "chinese" batteries. Because guess what...all lithium batteries are made in china. The best you can get is "assembled in USA" whatever the hell that means. My father is actively involved in lithium mining and processing. Currently there are no lithium battery manufacturers for these types of batteries anywhere in the world but china. I needed new batteries for the boat last year and heavily considered going lithium but decided it was still too early. Ive been hearing a lot of terrible stories to be honest so far about their longevity and reliability, not to mention the astronomical prices for "high quality ones" I decided to let the pros and those with deeper pockets do their 10 year test run before I took the plunge. So far we havent seen anyone use a lithium battery in a boat for more than 5 years. Whereas i know the AGM's in my boat have a 4 year full replacement warranty and will likely last upwards of 7 years or even beyond. The weight savings for my boat had me really really considering it though because a boat like mine is super impacted by weight distribution and total. Heck i changed trolling motors this year and lost 2mph off of my top end! Could you imagine I cut 150lbs from my boat? im not pooping on lithiums i just really had a lot of things to consider. If im fishing from a toon though, im going for it, the weight savings are so astronomically more important.
  16. Weve caught a few (shellcrackers as they call them in the south) down in South Carolina. My buddy dave ended up hooking into a 3 1/2lber and he said it was one of the craziest fights of his life. It fought like a sunny but was a big saucer. wild
  17. And buying a boat should feel much like buying a house, when you see it you simply know it’s the one from the get go, If you are humming and hawing...go find a different boat
  18. Lol dog for the wife...ya ok, that’s why my current dog cash, was originally my ex girlfriends lol
  19. Why is it that shore fisherman spend their lives casting as far as they can out into the water while guys in boats love to cast towards shore?
  20. Phhh found a boat with a yammy at a price that isn’t way too astronomically high...you won the lottery pal. enjoy your summer fishing it, and next year at this time you can commence dreaming about your next 19 foot boat, and so on lol
  21. i think port hope wanted to mainly get through the complete gonshow that is ontario trout opener.
  22. I’ll tell you right now, the noise surrounding the lockdown has died totally down aside from the weirdos at “no more lockdowns” there’s no way dougie or any of his crew are going to make noise at this point. They are going to let these next what 13? Days pass and point to the fact that once again (as we already knew) tight lockdowns are extremely effective at reducing case and hospitalization numbers. In two weeks my assumption is that we will probably be a lot closer to 1000 cases per day with no doubt a decline in the volume in the ICU’s to be on topic, this petition is a month late and won’t have any impact on the current lockdown we are in. You’d have to be crazy to think that anyone involved with the decision to close local boat ramps is going to do a total 180 on the subject. As with most things it’s easier to just shut it totally down then try and police who’s going fishing vs who’s going fishing with their buddies from 5 different households etc. Or who’s going “fishing” but actually going to have a boat party and get drunk with some girls on their dad’s cabin cruiser. the entire premise that “carrying a fishing rod and having a fishing license” is grounds for you to go boating is hilarious. Funny how easy carrying a fishing pole and having a fishing license turns into what I described above. once again and I will reiterate. If you want to go fishing, it’s easily done. Those that care enough to go have been and will continue to be out on the water and laying into some fish.
  23. operationally I dont think it would make financial sense for golf courses to operate at 1/4 capacity. fishing however is on your own dime. By the way, fishing isnt illegal right now, its just hard to find a launch thats open. As usual, people would rather complain then actually put the effort in to make it happen. Typically these same people are the ones that are only complaining because they cant go fishing with all of their buddies. Ive been out fishing, and many people I know have as well.
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