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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. ahhh glad it worked out for you brent! Nothing like some GB smallies, the colours on them are friggin awesome too!
  2. not to start a new thread but does anyone have an answer as to how this works? I have heavily been considering getting navionics for my phone to use a GPS on GB. Ive been doing a fair bit of exploring lately but without a GPS on GB is really really sketchy. Obviously i expect running the app constantly is gonna smoke your battery fast, but Id mainly be using it just to get too and from new spots to make sure i dont run into trouble. Is there a function to be able to download maps of a certain area and save them on the phone? My undestanding is that with the map downloaded, you can then simply use the GPS on your phone and it requires no data? I tried the free 1 week trial recently and it didnt work at all. Anyone with some insight it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,
  3. cant wait for my turn with Pete in September! great report!
  4. Now i just need to invest in a new fuel tank for it as the old 89 metal one seems to be corroding and fouling my engine constantly.
  5. we catch these fish all the time, ive seen both pickerel and pike with this colouration, check this 40 incher my pops caught this spring with a blue face
  6. started running shell v power with seafoam in my 89 suzuki 15, the thing hasnt run so smoothly since i started driving it 8 years ago.
  7. Good thing Im originally from Flin Flon Manitoba....keep travelling north, youll get there eventually Those southerners from Dryden dont know what winter is.
  8. lol i would almost sell these tickets and downgrade to different seating a make a huge profit lol
  9. keep on rollin boys! We wanna see more than just a wildcard game, the depth of the jays is heavily in their favour over a 7 game series. Just realized that if they can keep the lead they avoid the royals in the first round as well!
  10. even if its a pay cut, living is cheaper up north in comparison to the GTA or my scenario down town Toronto. Plus you spend your days cruising the wilderness for poachers...any job where i get to be outside like that would be worth while, plus im capable of pushing paper if need be. Full pension is also a big deal, not too many jobs left offering that.
  11. The Ontario Waste Diversion Act was implemented in 2002 which outlined responsibilities for corporations that generate packaging and hazardous waste. Since that point Manitoba, SK, and BC have all implemented similar regulations. Little known to most people, your municipalities recycling and hazardous material collection programs are paid for by the companies that generate the products and packaging. I.e. Coca cola pays for the cost to recycle one of their cans. My job is to enforce this law...i investigate, enforce and Audit the companies and ensure that they meet the requirements of these regulations on a National Scale. This includes the generation of legal documents and serving notices to companies of their failure to comply... I also like to fish and be outdoors a little bit
  12. its a stupid long shot, but im Sr. Compliance officer in the recycling industry enforcing Ontario environmental regulation...no harm in applying! This is like the dream job to end all dream jobs.
  13. the walters are still kicking around, just dispersed a bit, i caught a 20 incher this past weekend at 2 in the afternoon during a no cloud day with a spinner bait. Fishing has been pretty darn good this year if you know where to look. Too bad im not up this weekend Brett, would have loved to take you out for a fish.
  14. this all makes sense now, i saw 2 shooting stars this past weekend without even paying attention and 1 was a pretty intense and slow moving. Now i know why!
  15. ive been up at the cottage and heard the wolves trying to lure my pup out at night its terrifying, what a horrible way to lose a friend. RIP
  16. looking at the historical schedule the Jays have not lost by more than 1 run in 16 games. and they are 11-1 in their last 12 with their only loss being to the #1 team in the AL by 1 run...insanity.
  17. if you are on a budget, get a cradle, if you can afford the ridiculous pricing of a net then get a net. Nets are 100% better, but if you dont have hundreds to spend on one a 40 dollar lucky strike big game cradle works just fine. Ive even been using the cradel bass fishing. Its obviously impossible to use by yourself, but landing big fish in the cradle with 2 people isnt so bad, my only concern mainly is dropping the cradle in the lake while trying to unhook big fish, aside from that its not bad at all.
  18. way to go, i spent a whole weekend on pigeon and buckhorn chasing skis and came up with nothing, you got one in 15 minutes so congrats!
  19. these guys catch skies...enough said great pics, fave fish is still that big old pike.
  20. the flashlight thing nearly gave me a heart attack this year...did the whole scenario, and the guy asks for the flashlight and tells me to turn it on and my heart literally stops...I havent changed the batteries in it in years...oh god. Flick....it works...wow.
  21. 3 straight days of hardcore fishing? dont mind if I do!

  22. the yankees are picking off bottom feeders they are 7-3 in their last 10 and split a series with the rangers. Whats more important is that the jays are pretty much in the toughest stretch of their season and are handling business. After this stretch with the twins and yankees you get to face Oakland and Philadelphia. Even more importantly is that the teams chasing the wild card have finally caught up in terms of games played, and have all lost while the jays have continued to win. they are now 2 games in up in the wildcard. These two upcoming yankees series will be as close to a deciding factor in their season as anything. If you can come away from those series at .500 or better you are in really really good shape.
  23. zara spook jr...best topwater lure ive ever used. Catches anything it even comes near. ive caught slab crappie, loads and loads of pike, tonnes of smallmouth and largemouth bass and even perch on it.
  24. the chopped weeds problem is ridiculous on the kawarthas, I literally could not throw top water lures at all simply due to the amount of crap floating absolutely everywhere. I think the only real solution is to cut back on boat traffic, which is never going to happen.
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