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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. lmao Dyson's butthurt level just went off the charts http://www2.tsn.ca/bardown/Story.aspx?The%2bRangers%2bwere%2bpretty%2benraged%2bby%2bBautista%27s%2bbat%2bflip&id=563207 its ok for him to slap tulo on the butt after he pops out tho right? see you in the minors dyson!
  2. my main fishing partner has an HT...never mind the seams and crappy tabs, the entire walls seem to just randomly degrade so that more and more pin holes and runs just randomly appear everywhere. Yes it will do the trick in a pinch...sort of? but expect your hut to be cold. Pops and I have fished in our clam many times and the thing is usually toasty without a heater...they are very nice and airtight and great at keeping your body heat in once it gets going..the HT in general isn't that pleasant to fish in once it gets below -15
  3. Wouldnt it be nice if we all were just nice little civilized robots...use common sense, you have 50,000 people drinking and emotionally charged...I know for a fact that if that game ended 3-2 on that fixed call people were going to lose their cool. I play hockey in mens league twice a week. Every hockey team of 15 guys has a hot head that loses their cool and lets their emotions get the best of them. THIS IS IN MENS LEAGUE! USE SOME COMMON SENSE LADY! the baby wouldnt be able to tell the difference from a mid June weeknight game and a Game 5 elimination game. Regarding the fix....let me point out that the umpire clearly called for timeout and a dead ball as soon as the play happened. The Jays players did not react due to the umpire calling time...at this point no run was scored...the player then reached home plate while the umpires hands were in the air clearly indicating time out. The fact that they put him back on the bag, and then let him score, is quite literally no different than a player stealing second...being called safe...asking for timeout...the umpire calling timeout...The player stepping off the bag to undo their gaurd etc...and then the player subsequently being tagged, and the umpire calling the player out. its literally the exact same situation. If they would have called a double play on that pompey slide, all hell would have broken lose. I heard an interview with the Tim Langton, the jays PA announcer...if play continued to be interrupted, the next message they had prepped for the board was a forfeit warning that would have stated that if the play continued to be interrupted the jays would be forced to forfeit...unreal. Also the tulo butt slap...in a regular season game dyson was getting knocked out...no ifs and or buts about it.
  4. you guys want to argue hockey go to the hockey thread... I am never going to agree with people throwing crap from the stands, but you have 50,000 people all fueled on emotion and alcohol there will always be a few bad apples that lose their cool, especially when you have no idea what is going on except for the fact that you just gave the lead to the opposition. (dont get me started on officiating influence in professional sports) Second of all, WHAT THE LITERAL HECK ARE YOU DOING BRING A NEW BORN TO THAT ENVIRONMENT????!!! if the jays would have lost last night because of that bogus call, things would have gotten much much uglier, i guarantee it. 3rd....LETS GO BLUE JAYS! ULTIMATE BAT FLIP!
  5. gotta love watching boston pay a 15 goal scorer 7.25 mill till the year 40252
  6. my personal PB came on October 26th last year on the deadsticked sucker with a black jig! Ohio youd remember the reef in the river, just off of that.
  7. Eyes in the morning and at night...deadsticked suckers in a river...simple Once the morning is over, if the sun comes out...(if it doesnt we will probably just sit on the eyes all day) Plan of attack thus far is to start the day on a completely left field pattern that worked a few weeks back, just to try it out because it worked very very well then. (big big big smallies eating gobies shallow on sand and rocks) Then move to traditional patterns of schooling smallies on bait suspended...so finding bait will be the challenge. From there if neither of those work, we switch to deep weeds and tossing slow retrieved blades over deep green grass to see if we can stir up any big female gators. calling for low twenties to start out the day saturday...gonna have to forget the rain suit and go full on ice fishing gear!
  8. its fun watching good teams fall from grace. Everyone has their time under the sun, the cap was designed to do exactly what it is doing to the bruins. Detroit on the other hand? I dont know how they do it.
  9. please everyone, make sure you go out and vote...the only bigger idiot than any of these politicians, is the person who doesn't go out and vote. If you cant bring yourself to vote for anyone, then go in and write that on your ballet. Just make sure you utilize your one real rite, because the rest can be taken away from you by those that we vote in.
  10. exactly! I ride trails out in loring all the time and they are 2 lanes wide and like a highway.
  11. how can you not fish during the second best time of the year! aside from the beginning of June, late october early november is the second best time to be fishing!
  12. forecast for this weekend is not looking so promising. That might be the big event. gusty winds, highs in the low 40's and overnight lows into the 20's im thinking deep weeds might be the saving grace! Should be
  13. spent over 18 hours on upper buckhorn this year without a follow either. Went to pigeon and got skis. Nice tiger, i need to get one in my life time. Kind of a bucket list fish.
  14. Chasing Eyes in the morning and at night, and bass and probably pike on GB in the afternoons.
  15. Hey Guys, planning doing some serious fishing this weekend, but not sure of tactics till I know what the heck is going on out on the water yet. Anyone have an insight into the turnover situation on the lakes around here? Im seeing some pretty darn cold weather for the upcoming weekend, but am still not sure if I should be looking for my fish shallower or deeper yet.
  16. enjoy the game netminder! the atmosphere is electric to say the least. If you dont come home completely horse you arent cheering hard enough. The whole price move also has to do with ensuring Price isnt sitting for 11 days again. 4 days rest...he throws...then 4 more days and we are in round 2!
  17. big bad bruins looking like the old in pain bruins...i dont mind it one bit. Marchand is still a little bish... oh well he got his bell rung, got what he had coming to him.
  18. its actually a pretty darn good value if you take advantage of the what the trails have to offer. I.e. not use the trail to ride 2k and then go fishing. My father and I spend countless hours riding the trails all over the province. The grooming and maintenance of the system is expensive, but riding highway like trails through the middle of the bush across ontario for 200 bucks is really a good value. We also donate every year to our local clubs fundraiser as well.
  19. lacking hitting depth? lolllllll the best offense in the entire league by a mile, and literally one of the greatest offenses of all time (actual fact) is lacking hitting depth ahahahhaa GO JAYS! by the way I was at the game friday, after the game i literally felt half dead, i had a splitting headache any my nerves were shot. 6 hours of that much stress is painful but worth it.
  20. Jitters...my best friend was at the game and he said the crowd's energy was less "go jays" and more, "Lets just wait for something bad to happen" Thats the nature of this city and being disappointed repeatedly. Cant wait to hear that crowd today...im less nervous about the game today that im attending than the game that i listened to on the radio yesterday. I hope the jays feel the same way. Did anyone notice that even the dugout was the same as it normally is. Usually its all smiles, people joking around staying loose, taking care of business. yesterday it was all serious and focused. Losen up a bit and get back to what made you unbeatable.
  21. that sled is cleaner than my 05 MXZ. No joke. Used to have a couple bravos myself back in the day. cant beat the light weight. my dad has a story about about my brothers going through a thin ice layer on top of 3 feet of slush back in manitoba. He was able to haul the sled out by himself.
  22. big thing I noticed last night was as serious and intense as Babcock is, there was a play where two shots were blocked in a row and then the zone got cleared, and a whistle blue for offside, the camera zoomed in on both guys coming off gingerly and as they sat down, you saw babcock run all the way down the bench and congratulate both guys for doing the right thing. He didnt leave it to the players to congratulate them or their respective defensive/offensive coach. As a hockey player myself, those moments are the type that get you motivated, be it your captain or your coach come down and taking notice of you making the right play. Good stuff.
  23. jeez GB skis are probably the prettiest of them all, so bloody clean looking. Great catch!
  24. jesus, if thats slow ill take it! nice fish man, ill be up in pointe au baril next weekend, hopefully the bass and walters come out to play as well!
  25. the scalper market crashed because of the game times, im going to game 2!
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