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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. i didnt even think the wildcard was attainable but somehow the jays are right back in the race. Seems like the AL east is peaking and the rest are falling off.
  2. one up all of you, have a picture of you cooking a fish over the fire made out of the sign!
  3. 1 down two to go! The yankees lost last night as well, oh boy this should be interesting.
  4. lol at ironmaker calling the guy a "hip hoppster" cause he likes to "write graffiti" and smash stuff ahhahaha The CO was saying that it would be a shame if lightning hit it because he wants you to save him the time of having to take a sign down. Go take it down and keep on fishing. Let the CO's do the license checking they need to be doing and not taking irrelevant signs down.
  5. this series although only 3 games, will have a huge impact on their season. You basically have to win it if you hope to have any chance.
  6. bill, i wish i could have pulled it through the gill plate that way, but of course to make matters worse, the hook was so deep that it was in behind the gills. Even to get at the hook was brutal and did more damage. Of course theres always the option to cut the line, but this was a big crank bait that filled the entire mouth cavity, if you could imagine, it was a 6 inch crank and the entire lure was inside the fish. I agree at the end of the day, these are just fish and it comes with the nature of the game. Oh well, come saturday that fish would end up on my table and i dont even really like eating fish, but i would have made sure that it found a home in my belly lol.
  7. Hey guys, So this weekend while out pike fishing 50 meters from my dock i had the unfortunate scenario of a large personal best out of season smallmouth bass hammering my crank bait (I know how unfortunate)and hook itself ridiculously deep and in the gills. Needless to say the fish was a mess and the best I could do was cut the treble hook, but for the most part the damage was done, i am pretty certain the fish wasnt going to make it. The fish swam away after some reviving but it was definitely in rough shape and losing a fair bit of blood. What is your take on this? I really wanted to take the fish home and eat it as for it to not go to waste, however the fish was out of season so I reluctantly put back what was sure to be a dying fish. I can only hope that other fish or a turtle found it for a solid meal? What would you do in this scenario?
  8. Finally back on the water tomorrow after a month off, why must GB smallie season be a week later *single tear*

  9. Been fishing the area for 10 years, pike and walleye are realllll slow in august but the smallies and largies are out to play. You can have your fill of hammer handles though, theres loads of them everywhere. I wouldnt even be bothering with musky. My understanding is that by mid summer they are west of lookout island in the shoals which are literally impassable by boat. If you are looking for big pike at that time of year, i know a few spots to troll big gear, but once again even the big pike bite can be tough. Lucky for you the Shawanaga river is a fun place to fish and is reallllly close by.
  10. soon as you get north of lake joe it seems everyone thinks Bass are just a nuisance species...bunch of dead stickin walleye dinks! good news for me bad for them! (i fish pickerel dont get me wrong, but you are missing out if you are chasing smallies)
  11. love the addition to this thread of what baits we are gonna be using, First cast is gonna be the Zara spook Jr to see if the bronzes will cooperate on top. Might switch to the Pop R if im getting misses, moving on to Psycho dads, wacky rigs a tubes all in bubble gum and white.
  12. well gents, the time that many of us have waited many long months for is finally upon us. For some this weekend, and for others next weekend commences the long awaited bass season. Where and what are you fishing? I had a chance to fish Buckhorn this weekend but it fell through, so I am heading up to PAB to finish my casting deck in my tinner and get everything dialed in and ready for next weekend where I will be in my smallie honey hole at first light. Ive had the 27th booked in my calendary since January, With a big 100 dollar order of baits in the mail, a new casting deck and trolling motor on the tinner. im all geared up and set to go. A little pike fishing is going to have to tide me over this weekend
  13. great report! im already saving my pennies for a trip out with Pete, and this just proves he puts people on fish. Great job!
  14. just one more weekend and I will be back fishing...i think i can make it 7 days and counting

  15. tie the rod to your kid, thats what my dad did with us and now his grandkids. Small gauge rope, kids can toss all of the 30 dollar combos they want into the lake and you will never lose one.
  16. lots of talk here about sharpening hooks, anyone have any tips for a rookie on their preferred method?
  17. Ive actually got a GL2 but i specifically have never used it for walking or popping for that reason. I love the GL2 for finessing tubes and even the odd small crank, but prefer something stiffer when im the one putting the action on the lure.
  18. ive seen a tonne of carp at gannon narrows between pigeon and buckhorn. Plenty of spots to fish from shore.
  19. Anyone around here ever use the St Croix Mojo MBC68MXF Looks like a bit of a quiver killer. I am a huge fan of 2 techniques when bass fishing, 1 being walking the dog and 2 being long casting and popping weightless tubes. Bass cant resist the slow circling swim down of a tube. Aparently this rod does all of these things.
  20. great tips indeed, curious what you are using as a rod then, I personally like stiffness when walking the dog, I dont like the tip moving much at all with each twitch. I find the difference between low end rods and higher end stuff is that the action displayed on the rod reads true. on cheap rods the rod doesnt provide that action either until something actually yanks on the rod. All of the cheapies i use seem to just fold up, the power although rated M/H or M is more like M/H once the rod is fully tourqued but still weak, while at the same time the tip is flimsy and is more like L/UL
  21. Hey guys, Im newish on the smallie chase and have been slowly building my arsenal for targetting GB smallies. I know we have some serious bass fishermen around here, I was just wondering what set ups people are using for walking and popping top water smallies. I know a lot of people say they like a shorter rod, some with more flex some with less, perhaps some have even tried the whole swath of rods and have found one that they feel gives the perfect walk. Currently im using a low grade bob izumi pro series medium heavy (was my all around fish catcher until i got serious into fishing) Let me know what your preferences are for Rods and maybe even reels, sizes, power etc! I know the pros have the good details!
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