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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. coyote decoys work somewhat, they arent fool proof but they have helped at our cottage.
  2. Honestly the biggest difference I have noticed from the new management and coaching squad is that instead of just being on the defensive all of the time, they literally call out the reporters in a positive light. Recently Shanahan got asked a ridiculous question about some "insider info" and he outright said, who told you that? and then he outright told the guy to be better at his job and get some new sources ahahha.
  3. how about this Ryan Orielly crap...my buddy made one of the best points, Ryan O'rielly will get less flack about driving drunk into a building than Phil Kessel ever did because he didnt "look" like people wanted him to physically appear. Brutal.
  4. honestly blame the United States, Ontario has basically banned the use of most fertilizers specifically for this reason. Until we learn that a green lawn 400 days of the year is not of pure necessity this will keep happening.
  5. trade a left handed AHLer for a Right handed NHLer...solid trade any day also no talk about the Sharp trade? what the hell is dallas doing lol, they need defence something fierce, so the obvious move is to go out and pick up a forward who IMO is not as good as made out to be because he plays on the best team in hockey. lol dallas will miss the playoffs again this year.
  6. nothing better then putting the kids on fish. Looks like a great time.
  7. just throwing in my 2 cents even though you bought a rod, for others that are interested, i bought a bass pro UL glass for 24 bucks and actually love it. I paired it with a Shimano sienna FD that I got on sale from crappy can and it literally fishes as well as one of my 150 dollar combos. rods a little whippy but nothing wrong with it when fishing UL, the fighting power is there. caught a few 3 lb smallies on it and it wasnt an issue.
  8. This report simply reminds me why we fish...its about the experiences even when you dont catch anything.
  9. from the site it sounds like the prototype uses a regular engine but they are in development of an electric version thats silent to give the feeling of riding a snowboard where the only sound is the water underneath you. Very very cool, being a hardcore snowboarder and wakeboarding during the summer id at least rent one of them for sure. Cant afford it new $20,000
  10. one of my biggest pet peeves of trolling charters is the guides hook setting for you...hauling in a fish while trolling is like pulling up a clump of weeds, you dont even get to feel that initial kick. Same goes for salmon charters etc...this is why when i troll on my own boat we run moochers.
  11. https://twitter.com/MapleLeafs/status/618865146522431488 this is good
  12. nice fish! dang, cant wait to get back on the lakers.
  13. to the people saying, why werent more teams interested or the leafs didnt get a good return you have 8 teams, and one has to be totally ok with getting rid of a first a second and two prospects plus have 6.75 million in cap space...you do what you can.
  14. this guy had 37 goals and 43 assists playing beside bozak...jesus
  15. Dead on Ohio! I literally call the may fly hatch the end of the pickerel season. Every spring weve been able to catch pickerel until the mayflies hatch. After that? you wont get a bite until Halloween. That being said, the mayflies hatched recently the bass and pike fishing is still on.
  16. banging off rocks is just an every day occurance in Georgian bay glad to hear you didnt knock the leg off
  17. I myself have had a couple of friends who are addicts themselves. One has been sober for over 2 years now, and the other still uses. This doesnt make them bad people. i know for a fact that both of them had horrible childhoods and this is most likely the reason they abuse substances. I dont try to provide excuses for them to do what they do, but this doesnt make them horrible people that dont deserve to be cared about. I cant pretend to know what it feels like to be them, all i can do is continue to be a good influence and show them that i appreciate them and love them as friends, their journey is theres to take, you simply must not enable them and reject any form of use in your presence.
  18. I wanted to give this report the time it deserved and i did and i dont regret it for a second. Being a wannabe pike angler this thread has me salivating. Unreal photos as well. Bill we need more pics from your boat!
  19. hope you like walks, cause hes gonna want them a lot. He is also gonna be too smart for his own good while hes a pup.
  20. anyone watching this? Get this guy some friggin run support holy crap!
  21. gotta love that on a lake where its highly public that the pickerel population is suffering, there are still idiots out there catching and keeping slot fish. I guess morons will be morons, but to me the fines are way too low. I would hope a lifetime ban from fishing would also be included. 0 tolerance for these idiots. "we didnt catch anything" but somehow we have 15 filets. This is why possession limits dont make much sense. There needs to be some kind of rule about the fish being frozen, dont tell me these morons didnt catch all of those fish that day as well.
  22. 9 days in a row on the water starts Friday...boy oh boy those nickel smallies better lookout!

  23. 9 days in a row on the water starts Friday...boy oh boy those nickel smallies better lookout!

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