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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. Would totally be dependent on the specifics of the job/do you also need materials included and to what extent you want to go with your installation. Even I havent gone to the "full extent" simply because of budget reasons in my own boat. I have no certifications just a decent amount of experience doing DC wiring since I was 17 years old? (I am 34 now) Started with stereo equipment in cars and then moved specifically into wiring boat electronics which is a very Niche thing that if you hired an electrician/mechanic to do the job, they probably will get it to work but not optimize the application. If this is something you are going to need an invoice for I am definitely not your guy you will want a pro (not sure there are any in Ontario at the moment? There are definitely a few shops in the southern states.). I'm not so certain there are any actual electricians working in this field at all at the moment? Seeking Proof of concept, I can show you my boat which I also just rewired. If you are looking engine work/controls, I am not your guy for sure. Feel free to send me a DM or reply here with what you are considering doing/need done and I would be more than happy to talk through everything with you at no cost, I love to talk about this stuff anyways. Ill tell you everything that should be done for free and you can tell someone certified exactly what you want done if it gives you peace of mind. I love to help fellow members out in the same manner that they have helped me!
  2. Will pay for itself in no time with dem bugs
  3. You can, however it does not have the same “bonding” qualities or the water resistance of proper reel or gun oil. Those specific oils contain additives to make them “stickier” and are designed to combat water and corrosion. It will do in a pinch but there are better options! A quick google will tell you guys use it but they find that it washes away after a good fish in the rain.
  4. You can’t see the prop, you’ll be blown away by how fast they spin once in the water, it’s almost ultra sonic, even the sound of them, you can hear them when they get near the boat. The bait actually looks exactly like a shiner but the shiner is sending off high pitched TINNNGGG sound.
  5. absolutely Dan, this is not me attempting to start a full time business doing this either, moreso a helping hand to a fellow board member that is maybe intimidated by the prospect of upgrading their electronics or as I have already been reached out to about, one guy having issues with his trolling motor and not feeling the confidence to attempt to tackle it himself. in no ways am I putting myself out to the “public” but If a long time board member needs their boat cleaned or a trolling motor rewired and obviously cannot afford to take it to a shop and spend thousands I can probably help them out. primarily though I see a lot of companies now selling these plug and play harnesses out of the states and the pricing is absolutely astronomical, surely I can at minimum assemble a harness for someone for less than half of that cost. I looked up yesterday a harness for my boat for example these American companies are charging $700+ which to me is no different than a lot of things in the marine industry, overpriced just for the sake of it. i really appreciate your heads up, I believe you can appreciate what I am getting at. This is in no way a full time gig, I’ve got a good job, I just could use a bit of money to pay for my pets surgery last week and maybe someone around here needed a hand.
  6. Be patient…it’s a really boring way to fish, at least imo but when the presentation is correct they will outfish a heck of a lot of stuff. Also just a ridiculously versatile bait. our last NGTA meeting we actually got to listen to a live seminar with the owner of DUO Japan. I learned more than I could have ever imagined about spy baiting lol. coming directly from the owner, don’t throw it on anything heavier than 8lb test. And make sure the line you are using is of a high quality, he has his reasoning and you gotta believe the guy, he basically is single handedly responsible for making these baits hit the main stream again. i watched chonger throwing a spy bait up in 4 feet of water last year and it was just something I had never even considered, go figure they’d eat the spy bait but wouldn’t eat a ned rig.
  7. Back when the boys all had to use the same boats 😂
  8. You clearly haven’t seen the crowds at the classic 😲 literally in the hundreds of thousands
  9. Different formats but MLF is struggling to catch up with BASS. Of course not livewelling fish is better for them, but at the same time there is something to be said for "weigh ins" especially at the highest level. The entire buzz around a weigh in is lost with the MLF Format. Even more lame was when they made the format about overall weight rather than best 5. Theyve adjusted a lot of tournaments back from that format because seriously catching 60 dinks is nowhere near as impressive as bringing in a 20lb best 5. The BASS events in texas are an interesting hybrid of these two formats due to the share lunker regulations in texas. You are able to bring one large fish to weigh in, but anything in that "slot" has to be released after weighing. I dont personally see too many tournaments moving to this format too quick simply due to the scrutineer requirement places a heck of a lot of burden for additional resources on hosting a bass tournament. No one wants to go for a boat ride with me to watch me catch bass lol. I know tournaments catch flak from a lot of non-tournament anglers, but in truth tournament anglers are keeping smaller numbers of fish in their livewell and releasing them then your standard meat fisherman. furthermore with dead fish penalties we are incentivized to do everything in our power to take care of the fish in our livewells. Its kind of comical to place blame on guys that release all of their fish while live welling a lower than limit total number of fish vs the guys that eat everything they catch. Even funnier is the aura around bass...if its a 4lb smallie you better release it immediately, but if its a 4lb whitey that pickle is hitting the frying pan immediately lol.
  10. i literally googled to make sure I wasnt crazy lmaoooo Snidley if i was in town I was 100% going to go to the tackle swap, alas, i am up north making a last ditch attempt to catch 1 last lake trout through the ice.
  11. Bump to add that I’m also offering mobile or drop off boat detailing. See original post for details!
  12. Jesus where are you even getting norries gear from. That’s hard to come by
  13. funny bill, im spilling my beans here a bit, but to be fair I havent spent enough time in the near area yet, nor have I bothered to explore the outer reaches into the bay yet as you can imagine I had more than enough water to cover closer to home last year. I still have areas that I havent really picked apart yet, a new bigger boat though will give me some more confidence to go through those big water sections and explore. My experience fishing the bay now for a decade though has taught me one thing is that there is a sweet spot, not too far out, but not too far in is where the biggest fish are. Not that there are not big fish to be caught thats for sure. But if im out trying to catch 5 4lbers, at least in my experience there is a sweet spot. This speaks larger volumes to the concept of finding "transitional areas". its really been something ive narrowed down while tournament fishing too, not surprisingly big fish like options, and the way G bay is naturally structured is that its two different lakes, one inside and one outside...to me the fish think why not have both.
  14. Unfortunately as some shops become too popular, the ol cash deal vanished unfortunately.
  15. Watched it this afternoon, the old lady was chopping onions though so I missed some parts cause my eyes were burning
  16. my mind is literally blown. The first bait in my hands every single year at 5am on opener is a walking bait, it immediately tells me how far along into the spawning cycle the fish are. Those first few days they are always seemingly somewhere between 0-10 FOW. Interestingly one year i spent the first half an hour skunked and I was in a panic wonder what the heck was going on, and it was simply that I wasnt casting shallow enough. I literally had to bank my lures off of the rocks aiming at any nook that had reeds protruding up, sure enough everything was still up protecting beds. I take the entire week off every year and fish every day and its the same pattern, by the end of opener week the fish transition out off of the edge and start slipping more and more into their summer pattern. Hence why the evening/morning is always my favourite time to fish. The smallies come right back up as the sun goes down. Find a sunken island and throw a topwater right on top of it and the action is seemingly non stop. I recall one evening having 6 fish on 6 consecutive casts to the exact same marker on top of a shoal. UGGGGHHHH just thinking about this is giving me crazy anxiety and a pit in my stomach...were close, but still so far hahaha. Opener morning on G bay is perhaps one of the most special moments in any fishing season. Unlike the kawarthas/tri lakes opener (that i also fish the week prior every single year) the morning is still dead quiet up there. Usually you dont even see a boat for the first couple of hours of fishing. I cant believe its been 4 years since this photo was taken, but heres a photo at 7am opener morning.
  17. can we all agree, the topwater smallie bite on opener every year is the most fun way to catch these fish. Some of my most epic sessions of all time are on opener week are those warm calm evenings throwing a walking bait...my heart skips a beat just thinking about it.
  18. i watch every game, id call them jekyll and hyde
  19. You guys are wild, especially you bill you’re a mad man lol this is tough because for me it depends on the body of water I’m fishing an absolute ton. You can’t approach the kawarthas necessarily like you can g bay, and even then honey harbour is totally different than pointe au baril. i won some money throwing a jackhammer in October but I wouldn’t necessarily call it a “smallie bait” even if I do catch a lot of big smallmouth throwing one. Because honestly I never throw a jackhammer on shield lakes, I’d always rather be cranking or throwing a jerkbait if I’m not contending with grass. 1. 3 inch hazedong drop shotted 2. Ned rig with a z man trd tickler 3. nishine erie 115 4. Evergreen cr-8 5. MB giant dog X - My favourite way to catch em but not something I do a lot of tournament fishing
  20. Stradics are notorious for blowing bail springs. Any baitcaster can need a new set of bearings, it happens. i bought a jdm stradic mg off of a guy two years ago for 60 bucks. Put a new bail spring stripped the thing down and cleaned the heck out of it, re grease and oil and the thing is so smooth that the handle annoyingly spins reels on its own it’s so smooth lol.
  21. You can bet the geo location has been manually removed from my “annual reports” it’s a total PITA but such is life when making those reports. To be honest that’s why I didn’t do one in the fall, it’s a heck of a lot of effort to go through the photos and crop them, blur then and remove the geolocations from them. to be honest it’s not even the guys around here that post that worry me, I’d take any of the guys from here fishing if they wanted to go, it’s the lurkers that I don’t like. Or my favourite, the guy that never posted a single post ever and had the nerve to DM me and ask specifically where I was catching a particularly more difficult fish to catch. if you need to know how to safely navigate somewhere I will tell you everything I know, but if you want to know where to fish, be an active member here and feel free to invite me fishing with you. I’ll probably say yes.
  22. Oh god trust me handling these things is a total pita I’d be completely lying if I said that it’s not a 100% regular occurance for me to open up a reel and then have a hell of a time putting it back together. Heck I’ve got a tatula downstairs right now that I put back together but now I can’t get the bail to re-close and I’m still not sure why lol. Things misalign and suddenly your reel no longer works. a pain in the but too because you basically have to totally re-assemble them for them to work and then you realize you’ve screwed something up along the way and have to break it all of the way down again. i flung a yoke spring the other day by accidently releasing the bail on that same tatula, a bit of crawling around and I found it again but yikes!
  23. For me, the reels may be operating just fine but when you break them down you realize the grease has dried out and although you thought they felt smooth, a clean, oil of the bearings and roller clutch and grease of the gearing and bail make the reel feel as smooth as new. i recently bought a used JDM chronarch and cleaned/oiled that baby up, I swear it’s even better than new now. typically you will see factory grease where it’s supposed to be, the rest just attracts dirt.
  24. You will have a heck of a time reading that 5 inch screen when you are out in the boat. Especially for navigating. the 7 will allow you to navigate no problem, I was using a 7 up until last year at my console purely for the gps and had no issues running around the lake at 50mph and reading it.
  25. Congrats, you are going to love the alumacraft. They are really solid built boats. They feel like a tank on the water. if I wasn’t in a glass boat, I’d own an alumacraft myself. I still use my old man’s trophy 185 regularly and love it, just not as much as my glasser
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