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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. time to buy a sled 😁 Im headed out Friday for the first time this year! cant wait! By Sunday ill be cursing ice fishing and be ready to fish from the boat again
  2. money is tight right now bud, but if you somehow dont manage to move these by spring we will have a chat!
  3. park on the ice, its free! and then you can come back at the end of the day to find your car underwater like all of the other bozos that do this every single year I saw an instagram story from OMGitsDangs last week, a guy had parked his van on 4 inches of ice and went through lmao Cliff Im glad to see you are getting a chance to head out fishing! take pics!
  4. These laws have been in place all over the united states and canada for years...its actually somewhat shocking its taken this long to be implemented in Ontario.
  5. best online store is peterborough pro tackle But they are high end only, so if you are looking for canadian tire quality, head elsewhere.
  6. No matter what if you decide to go used, complete a compression test on the motor before buying! very easy to do, relatively cheap and a perfect way to verify the condition of your motor.
  7. severely underpowered with a 115, you wouldnt get that thing on plane no matter how much propping and crap you did. Stay away. Tracker got the nick name "cracker" for a reason. They are cheaper for a reason. There's a chance that Johnny Mo and the bass pro folks have figured out how to make a boat not leak...I mean ive seen some pretty decent stuff recently with the Nitro Bass boats, but man oh man were there a pile of issues with them as recently as 6 years ago and prior to that. Literally there is a reason that when you go to a bass tournament there's plenty of 20+ year old tritons, champions, rangers and stratos' kicking around, but hardly any nitros. (just my observation) Word of advice, heavily consider taking a trip over the border to look at boats, dollar goes much much further and the process of importing is fairly straight forward if you make sure that your documentation is all printed and in order before you leave. I imported a boat in November so let me know if you need any additional advice.
  8. Some of those kawartha launches are going to be hilarious for weed removal. I’m just glad the trailer on my new boat is a bit higher to crawl under lol
  9. Mnr I’d very hush hush about them because they don’t want a bunch of rednecks to go out in search of new floor rug. need more of these large predators to keep the vermin and deer populations in check. o saw a coyote stalking a flock of geese in the fields at the credit river in Mississauga on the 401 in the middle of the afternoon 4 days ago. Lots of people hate coyotes for no reason at all aside from them killing their outside cats…which in 2021 there should be no such thing anyways.
  10. I think far more likely prior to outright banning two stroke oil would be the simple consideration for the utilization of recycled oil. the entirety of nascar runs their cars on recycled oil re-refined by safety Kleen under the brand “performance plus” there are very few companies still making two stroke products anymore and even fewer outboard companies (I believe no one anymore?) the idea of outright banning two strokes seems impossible to police and implement if people purchased the motor years before. Especially in the case of people such as myself with high powered two stroke motors. Snowmobilers also come to mind. What are you going to tell people with $20,000 motors that their engine is now banned out of the blue? That’s a bit of a reach. as referenced above, thousands of people may drag small 4 stroke motors into the bush, but literal millions recreationally boat around every year and primary usage would guess exceed 95% of trips entailing travelling a distance of less than 100km per trip. As such electric motors make all of the sense in the entire world. Hell most guys running fishing boats are carrying 3 or myself 4 friggin batteries to begin with. Heck I’d even be running 4 lithium ion batteries if I could afford it. the tech is basically already developed, the people like myself that carry 140 litres of gas plus 4 group 31 batteries are almost/probably pretty damn close to having no weight issues by carrying one very large lithium based battery to power everything. Heck, You know what the first thing most of us fisherman do when we get back to the docks at night? We plug the boat in 🤣 The price is too high and the demand is too low at the moment. But with premium marine gas going for well over $2 a litre probably closer to $3 this summer. We are on the absolute tip of the iceberg here. who the hell is going to complain about unlimited power band and 100% tourque delivery out of their outboard anyways. Just think of the hole shot!
  11. If you ever have the pleasure of fishing a nishine lure works bait, he uses ichikawa hooks, they are by far the best hooks I have ever used and it’s not particularly close.
  12. We take the entire pleasure boating industries usage…I think it’s safe to say the specific application of dragging a two horse into the bush where there is no electricity is not representative of the majority lol
  13. +1 for amsoil. We have a membership, and I use their oil in my boats as well and I’ve got nothing but good things to say about them. Their pricing is actually lower if you purchase direct from the dealer.
  14. Eh, I wouldn’t worry too much about the carbs on a 2014. Run ethanol free premium only if you can. Consider running a load of seafoam through it. Run good quality synthetic two stroke oil only. tension and alignment on the track are really important to keep an eye on. Good luck with the Arctic cat 😉
  15. is it any different than hauling 100 litres of gasoline?
  16. did you guys hear about the waves on lake superior. 8-10's oh...and by the way thats meters 😯
  17. i wish this held up for the new ones...got a buddy witt one that has gone through 3! yes 3 warranty engines
  18. both tbh...canadian fishing $h!+ for sale is a good group. But hashtagging the heck out of some quality photos of your stuff on instagram will help too. Also follow as many fishing related profiles as you can. There's somewhat of a community on instagram. Most of us bass guys all know of each other at this point. We all end up competing against eachother at the various opens that occur through the summer.
  19. Depends if it’s a 2 or 4 stroke. A 4 stroke will go 20,000+ km do a compression test on the motor if you go and look at it. You can get a meter on Amazon. It’s a very simple process and will tell you if the motor is in operating shape or not. Basically if the compression is solid you don’t have a ton to worry about. everything else will be related to the track and suspension itself. there’s some pretty good YouTube videos on “what to check when buying a used snowmobile” they go pretty in depth, but for the most part the stuff they tell you to check is pretty straight forward
  20. Unless you want a broken snowmobile, don’t buy Arctic cat
  21. So many old yamadoos running they just don’t die. Stay the hell away from Polaris and don’t even bother looking at Arctic crap
  22. Give it 20 years and all recreational boats will be electric
  23. It’s actually not that sophisticated, it’s a simple ponze scheme with lipstick on
  24. Honest question about your application and usage...is there any specific reason for wanting two batteries for that much capacity? Are you a heavy troller using specifically the trolling motor? The boys and I have put some extremely long hours on the boats and never once has anyone ever ran out of juice for their TM. To the point that our main batteries were low from running the graphs all day. Do you specifically fish places for multiple days without access to a charger in open water? The idea of using two batteries simply for capacity seems like a lot of weight for not much benefit, especially if you only have a 2 bank charger. personally? save yourself a hell of a lot of money, weight and hassle, buy yourself 1 really high quality large AGM battery and call it a day.
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