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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. With high quality brass or even better gearing in most high end stuff…this is what makes spending the extra money sooo much more worth it. You take an old stradic or curado apart even after you’ve fished the thing into the ground, throw in a new bearing, replace a bail spring, clean it, oil it and grease it and the thing performs like new. once you start servicing your own gear you see exactly what you are paying the extra money for.
  2. im going to be keeping a very close eye on the secondary market. Already a pile of them popped up with people offering a 25% discount cause they got them 50% off. They arent moving either so theres some opportunity there to snipe one if the timing is right.
  3. I’m so ticked…Garmin was 50% off at bps in the states and I’ve been looking at getting a 10 or 9 for the bow to have one unit run livescope exclusively… no discount at all here in canada
  4. gf just bought me the battery for Christmas lol
  5. Shopped more local and spent my money at Peterborough Pro Tackle. 20% off megabass and jackall, any time you get that kind of discount on Japanese stuff you gotta pull the trigger 40% of diawa. Ended up getting a few of the fancy diawa crankbait boxes for basically the same price as Plano. Next years plastics are all now stocked up and ready to go!
  6. Caught a 4.75 largemouth 2 minutes into a tournament this fall…thought we were toast…sure enough a 30 minute lul ensued…then we caught 3 3lb smallies on three casts, back in business!
  7. I too sometimes wish I could go off grid to my own solar system 😅 sorry for spamming lol
  8. Salt i couldn’t even escape it this past weekend and the overnight lows were 8 degrees. Figured it was going to be a solid weekend for a fish, drag the boat up and sure enough a squall came through in parry sound and dumped snow on 559, boat got absolutely coated in salt. brought it home and washed the hell out of the boat but I can only think of the mess it made of my trailer and components. carpet needs a full cleaning now too smh
  9. you think a stratos would do ok in the Lagos lagoon?
  10. Anyone else get a notice that their have been multiple failed log in attempts on their account? Someone is clearly attempting to hack my account to obtain my password. Anyone else?
  11. it aint just one person or "movie critics" review, its rating system is based on a poll of what the population thinks. Go check the rating of aforementioned film, it could have saved someone a lot of time lol. It will give you the most honest result because no one is coming in with an agenda. If they do, their vote is a statistical anomaly anyways. If the votes are borderline, or in the middle you can chance it, when the movie is basically beat to death you can assure yourself its a horrible movie. Even movies that are ironically bad will get higher ratings because people can appreciate just how good a bad movie can be. When the movie is outright bad, the votes will tell you as such.
  12. im soaking up these sunny warm november days...couldnt believe i was taking the boat out of the water for the last time yesterday...felt so shameful.
  13. $2000+ a year in savings by going electric…me thinks my next truck might just be. hoping that the opec Saudi Russian cartel is going to do anything to help us out is a joke.
  14. I would check the side of your unit to see if there is a chip in there? If not, check your map source. I can assure you if everything appears to be charted you have navionics on the unit. Garmin units come with navionics uploaded to them, no chip needed.
  15. Cliff the next time you want to watch a movie, google the name of the movie and "rotten tomatos" and it will tell you whether its worth watching or not.
  16. 10000% this ties right back in with what was talked about earlier "hiring a technician" to actually really really do it right, you are better off doing it yourself. The guys that really do this stuff are few and far between because truthfully you almost need to be "into" marine electronics to even understand why and what you need to do. I was skeptical, but my father and I are running nearly the exact same electronics set up, lets just say he took the easy way out and I took the hard moderately costly way. He still is in denial as to the reason why my livescope and 2d, Down and Side look so much better than his. He thinks its settings related. Its 1000% interference related. You can imagine the more detailed our electronics get, the more sensitive they become. This is honestly something I had considered doing as a side hustle for a bit but honestly would be too risky I would think due to the liabilities of someone's boat catching on fire. if you can recall back in the late 90's and early 2000's there were lots of car audio shops. Those guys knew how to wire DC systems. I took it up for a time as a hobby and funny enough many of the same concepts and logic are applied in boat wiring. To me, its "you get what you put into it" There are also ways to "cheat" and make things far more simple without the need to do a heck of a lot of crimping, soldering and heat shrinking, i.e. look up "seaclear" harnesses...its the real deal but you are paying $260USD per unit to run their wire set up! I personally run 3 plotters and livescope with a networked system, so its oldschool soldering and heat shrinking for me lol. I dont think MSP is too much of an electronics guy, but we can definitely chat about that when we talk about wiring up your TM.
  17. Ron have you considered giving your insurance broker a call? I believe that your vehicles insurance might help you recoupe a bit of what you lost? Can obviously tell this is some very very high end gear, some of it technically irreplaceable. might be worth a shot?
  18. Ron what area of Ontario do you live in?
  19. Yup always fill up my boat and all of my jerry cans with the ethanol free marine gas pump
  20. Here’s what they looked like as I took them out…As you can see I heat shrunk over the bolts attaching the ring terminals. I then took it apart and re-installing was as simple as putting a ring terminal on the power end of my wires, heat shrinking that, bolting the two terminals together and heat shrinking over that connection. if you need some ring terminals I have a frigging ton of high end ones that a board member provided me last year. I’ve also got some terminal block connectors that I can give you. I can’t remember where you live but let me know if you are interested. I have no problem paying it forward.
  21. I’m due for a semi annual report, pics then! I also want to give it a full detail. It’s clean but not to my taste.
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