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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. I fill my tank in my 2012 Kia Sorento, I get between 600-700 per tank costs about 70ish to fill.... Much like the Hyundai. You just need to decide which one you prefer. I like my Kia's 10 year warranty. I think Hyundai has the same? Look at both and drive both.... They are pretty much the same imho... I do prefer Kias finishes over the Hyundai... But that's personal preference G
  2. I'm liking this thread for a local river I fish that is loaded with Walters.... We wade it
  3. Mmmmmm bacon cake icing! Million dollar idea!
  4. Vote for the current Crime Minister.... Vote for the fantastical Justin (using my last name) Trudeu... Or vote it the NDP or God forbid the Green Party or an independent.... You do have other options and if everyone voted other.... Things could be different. G
  5. That we'll NEVER be happen. They will only legalize if they can tax it. And private companies are already growing under license from the government as are publicly traded companies. Also to add everything is covered under laws.... Why would pot be different?
  6. In all seriousness, legalize it. Political parties aside, left or right. I will admit I smoked my fair share in high school and university, and will partake from time to time now....(been a long time) only when I know I have zero responsibilities. ( which is rare) I can't remember the last time I bought it to be honest and the last time I blazed was years ago... It is already legal if you hold a license. You can even grow it for personal consumption with said license or purchase it from a government approved grower. I say legalize it, use as little legislation as possible to make it happen. The problem I see here is Harper would not let this happen... Given the amount of money his government has invested in setting up grow-ops and licensing others to be able to grow for the medical licenses... His cabinet will have to admit they wasted a boat load of your $$$$. As for young Mr. Justin...... I pray he never gets to sit in the big boy chair. Not that I am anti liberal... I just don't want a showboater leading this nation. legalize it.... And let the punk kid wanna be gangstas move on to the drugs that should be illegal... Meth, heroin and other chemicals cooked up in sheds and basements. There's my nickle, G
  7. I'm looking at 9 of them as I type this..... Mmmmmmmm Make that 12...... G
  8. Trying your ribs tonight..... Slow cooker was not big Enough for the two slabs I had...... So... Used a electric Turkey cooker we got for our wedding.... (I knew we'd use it!) The house smells amazing right now..... About an hour to dinner! G
  9. I for one am thankful we have the system we do. While it's not free healthcare its a burden that is shared amongst the population. And when you need it, it's there. No need to go bankrupt, no need to mortgage the house... Socialism works here in my opinion. Rich or poor... You get care. I know that would not be able to afford to pay out of pocket for the care my family has required in the past. Including ICU. Or 900.00 in premiums monthly if I lived south of the boarder Those in the US will never understand this.. (No offense Art) I will gladly pay 90.00 to have my eyes checked if I know that when I need it.... Our system is still there and I won't have to mortgage the house for something that would save a life for those I care about. Look at the big picture. G
  10. For me it is Robins, seeing the deer come out from the bush trying to forage.... Had 14 this afternoon... And the sound of the ice/snow running down the downspout from the eves..... Love that sound. G
  11. Before I moved here to Brighton, I grew up purchasing beef from a farmer in Mount Hope. He was paid 2.00 per pound in cash. Hanging weight. The beef was better then any ethylene packaged beef you will find in stores, because of how he "finished" his cattle. It was wicked beef, and benefitted us both. If I remember correctly I paid .40 cents per pound to Dearsley meats in Ancaster to process the animal. The kill fee was 60.00 or .10 per pound. For a 600lb animal I paid 2.50 or 1500.00. Many time I split this animal with another family, due to freezer space and not wanting the meat to freezer burn. 300lbs of beef would last us 9-12 months. Steaks, roasts, ribs, ground, organs and soup bones were all included Try buying medium ground beef for 2.50 a pound... The farmer is where its at for farm to table and for cost savings. G
  12. Time to make friends with a local farmer
  13. Listening to the CBC the other day and Ontario is considering allowing wine and small craft brewers to operate their own stores... And cross sell. Craft brews at wine stores and wine at craft beer stores... It's not much.... But it's a start Good news for ontario for once G
  14. A digital version of this idea would be easy enough to accomplish. Available as a .pdf and easily printable at home or the office.... Yearly revisions and additions could be made expanding the recipes over time... A yearly subscription of say 5-10 bucks get you access to the Ebook. A simple online form to submit reciepes would take 10 minutes to create... I would like to see the funds raised from this go to keeping this site up and running (trust me they aren't making any money here) with the balance remaining going to charity.... Any registered one will do to keep things accountable. This is a pretty cool idea and if I can help to make it happen... Let me know. G
  15. Uhoh..... The mayor is all butthurt.... http://www.intelligencer.ca/2015/03/12/mayor-blindsided-by-sale Too little and way to late.... G
  16. It is..... And given hamiltons history of supporting minor hockey.... The Bulls are doomed im afraid.. No wonder Hamilton will never see an NHL team. This is bad.... And dirty how it happened. G
  17. Dave, not sure if their name is changing in the move... But here they are the Belleville Bulls. G
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