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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. My wife has it also....... Just sayin' Never played tennis in her life But seriously she does have it and uses a frozen bag of peas every once in awhile... Best u can do is let it heal.
  2. EVOO=extra virgin olive oil:) No problem with the questions, happy to answer them:) I think this dish is well worth the effort and anticipation.... We make several batches of the cod at a time to freeze and pull out when we want it... Usually 2-3 times a months. We love it:)
  3. Mike, you buy the cod already salted/dried. It has a different texture and flavour then fresh cod and was used as a means to preserve the fish before refrigeration.. a method that has been used for hundreds of years... It was something peasants ate for the most part. But it's delicious!!!!! You can find it at most grocery stores or Portuguese shops if you have one around. I typically buy it already deboned if I can. It also hold up to boiling really well. This fish itself is firm and flakey but holds together well and has a slight salty taste, but it's different then just throwing table salt on something, that's the only way I can describe it. I would typically use 1/4 cup of EVO and 1/4 of the paste (more of a sauce really) but you can adjust this to taste. We would typically boil up rough cut potatoes or have a rice pilaf with this dish... But we had some left over mashed potatoes so I fried them up to use em up. Give it a try, I think you might be surprised. Be sure to change the water at least once a day twice if possible.. And in the 5th day every 6 or so hours to cut out as much of the salt as possible Let me know how you made out, I bet you won't be disappointed! G
  4. I'd like to hear more about this! Pictures?
  5. I'm looking forward to the pics you guys post from this years harvest
  6. I agree in setting permissions, do you think this wireless n dual band router could be the issue? I get net gear is not the best of quality (no offense) but it should have more then enough bandwidth to deal with the traffic I would imagine
  7. I would guess you are overloading your bandwidth, as I don't think tecsavvy throttles thier speed ( could be wrong though) Let say you have 10mb down, your downloading a show and the neighbours are watching YouTube vids, and your wife is looking at recipes on the tablet....you will most likely see lag resulting in the show your watching stutter. G
  8. Lol thanks for the morning chuckle
  9. That why the cod is perfect for this... Thick and coarse. Let me know how u make out
  10. I have lived in the area for years.. Almost 20 of them...just down the highway, and almost right on top of DCE.. It is well known in the area that most of these thefts are found on this reserve, including many from hamilton. It is what it is, nothing I can do about it. Nor is this about race it is about a geographic area. Hope this answers your question. G
  11. I was on river Rd... And the kids went to notre dame.... When DCE first happened I was trying to get home and couldn't.... In the months that passed it got worse and worse.... It really is an area of lawlessness... As even law enforcement is afraid due to the political fallout... A sad state of affairs in this area... Government has failed everyone involved.... On both sides. Don't see it getting any better anytime soon either. G
  12. As mentioned in a previous post one of my favorites is a family recipe and includes salt cod...I have made it sort of my own, as have those before me.... Most included homemade wine in the dish... While I dont have my own wine cellar, this dish is on par with the various versions other family members make... Take your bacalhau or salt cod cut into large pieces and soak for 5 days changing out the water often... Every 6-12 hours. make sure the cod is completely covered in water... I find a large measure cup is handy for this... Portion and freeze until ready to use.... Do not soak them to thaw... Keep in the freezer bag and thaw the fish in it. Next pour olive oil in a pan and add chopped onions... Cook till translucent... Here is the soaked fish ready for the pan... And the garlic.... Lots of it. And not the cheap Chinese crap. Get Canadian garlic if you can.... US garlic is not bad either... Some green onions too... Getting happy...... Together This is a must have in any European mans pantry... Not too spicy, and not too much salt. Perfect for cooking with. Getting even happier!..... Smells so good! And here is the end result... Served with mashed potatoes and corn. With a fresh baguette for the sauce..... Along with a nice Cab. Sauv. Always served family style. Hope you enjoy... And share yours! Always willing to try new things G
  13. That i did not know! As when I see these parks most of the trailers look run down..... Makes sense to have an year limit G
  14. I lived in Caledonia... Not far from the unrest, I was literally down the street...i was there when roads were blocked, tires were burned in the streets and local elementary schools were on lockdown due to gun fire. Contractors having their heads bashed in, for working... And an entire community afraid and under siege... It is well known where items that are stolen usually wind up in that area... And as a previous member noted... Usually found burned out after being stripped. I Have spent most of my life in this area... Growing up on hwy6 in mount hope... Unfortunately I know all to well where things "disappear" too. G Or it could be on its way to Quebec...
  15. Binbrook, six nations..... Just saying... I would bet it's parted out and already sold. Hope your buddy had it insured for its actual value, without depreciation. G
  16. Tons of trailer parks here in Quinte. I would start Googling and making calls. A lot of resorts also have permanent/semi permanent trailer sections... Perfectvu immediately comes to mind. I know there are several here in the Brighton area around Barcovan... Names escape me however.... As I don't visit them.... But they are there, well within your 2 hours of Whitby and some great fishing to be had. G
  17. Your welcome, glad you guys enjoyed it G
  18. 1/4 cup.... Looks like I made an omission lol
  19. Nice! We soak ours for 5 days, we do a bunch at a time and freeze till we are ready to use.. From there it is garlic (not the crap Chinese stuff) green onions and olive oil. We then add hot pimento sauce and let it get all happy together. Rice pilaf, or rough cut potatoes are usually served, along with a nice fresh baguette for dipping up the sauce from the fish. One of my all time favorites! G
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