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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Actually I have two..... But whose counting lol bring a friend... G
  2. Lol guys,.... Errrrrr or is it folks? The pay rate is only one of the many perks for thier employees... once hired it is a career for most.... Not just another job. G
  3. That's awesome Mike, I'll have to give it a try sometime G
  4. The problem here in belleville was the arena itself. It was not large enough to ever host a memorial cup..and is aging. The writing was on the wall for some time so it appears. http://www.intelligencer.ca/2015/03/12/editorial-bulls-are-gone---and-it-stinks http://www.intelligencer.ca/2015/03/12/devastating-loss-for-city-of-belleville http://www.intelligencer.ca/2015/03/12/bulls-sale-official-statements G
  5. Sent you a email cliff, thanks for the offer! G
  6. Ohhh dang! Looks like a good cook! I knew I liked you.... Pepsi drinkers unite! Hate Coke... Can't stand the stuff. Show us the finished product I spend too much time on the food network channel G
  7. Get a Beam, not knowing where u are moving I would suggest Amazon.ca or a local shop.. You can quiet the unit with a "muffler" or vent the exhaust outside. Dual voltage? Or low? G
  8. Thought I would post this here.... If your looking to work for a good company, I suggest you apply http://ca.indeed.com/m/viewjob?jk=d4b8fe8e845250e3&from=serp G.
  9. Rental from Home Depot might be 60 bucks for a a whole day
  10. pretty sure upgrading to 3/4 to the bathroom is a moot point... i agree with 3/4" to the meter however. If I remember correctly ,upgrading to 3/4" will increase the volume. But it wont increase pressure. G
  11. If you even attempt this..... Bring extra clothes (dry) and make sure you have said your prayers... G
  12. Very nice! I, like you grew up with this. It is a staple around here. We would normally serve with boiled potatoes as well. But I had some mashed left over from the previous night, so I used them instead ( I hate to dispose of food I see $$$ signs) if we don't eat it I will give it to our dog versus throwing it out. Sometimes he eats better then we do! Thanks for ideas, every euro family has their version of this dish as you well know G
  13. Bruce, saved. I will let you know how I make out!
  14. Off topic... But welcome to rogers... Nothing they do makes sense... I know. I pay to receive my bill.... I have to pay them so I can pay them..... Asinine. G
  15. Paul is a lucky man J.... I would kill for a meal like that. I have had the pleasure of eating some of your vittles over the years.. At Different G2G's etc. for those that don't know..... J, is one hell of a cook, photographer and all around human. I'm patiently waiting for you pm with recipes lol..... No seriously... I am.. G
  16. Thai inspired dish? Love Thai food! Damn I miss living close to a large city and the endless "ethnic" shops/ restaurants I used to visit I have to try this one! Thanks! What curry mix do you use? There are so many
  17. It's very versatile.... I would try that as well! Sorry for the multiple posts to this thread.... But I Am unable to use the multiple quote feature on my iPhone with the mobile skin. Some wicked ideas posted here... No wonder I'm a stout fella G
  18. No wonder why I like you minus you not liking salt cod lol.
  19. Fish head soup? Share it, I'll make it! Hopefully without actual pike fish heads... Lol don't think SWMBO would appreciate it, but she loves fish!! G
  20. Could you share the recipe/method? By PM if need be... Very interested
  21. Possible fuel leak from where the hose plugs into the motor? Fuel Soaking into the cover could cause that if there was some spider cracks in the finish... Just an idea... G
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