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Everything posted by Tdel

  1. Looks like you accomplished what you wanted to do Paul. Nice bunch of fish. Tom
  2. If you are using Firefox, all you have to do is shut down Firefox and then restart it and all will be back to normal. If you hold down ctrl+shift together your problem will come back because this is what probably what caused it in the first place. When you have this problem (é) just open note pad and try to type the question mark and this what you get a ? You will see you can type as usual in notepad but not when typing in your browser Tom.
  3. I think if you banned roe, the people who are taking the roe now and leaving the fish on the shore would not change. They would do the same thing over and over again. Only people it would affect would be the ones who use roe and follow the laws/regulations. When does a regulation stop poachers from doing what they do? Laws and regulations only affect honest people. So yeah, lets put another regulation on the backs of honest people and let the "do-gooders" stick out their chests and brag about what they accomplished by banning roe. Probably the same people that want the gun registry back.
  4. Here is one I use to have as a signature and still have on my profile page: I started out with nothing... I still have most of it.
  5. Creating memories for both of you and I guarantee he will remember them when he is old and grey and pass it on to his grand-kids. Good post Skipper!!! Tom.
  6. For those of you who knew Brian and visited his tackle shop or used his guiding service and haven't heard, Brian Berriault passed away on June 12 2012. There were a few posts on here in the past asking about Brian and the closing of Backwater Tackle. Tom.
  7. More work going south. Sea Doos & Mexico Tom.
  8. If you run Firefox you should be able to remove regular cookies using ctrl+shift+P or go to "Tools" click on clear history. Just make sure you have a checkmark beside "Cookies". If they are super cookies (LSO's) then you can get an add-on for Firefox to remove them. The add-on is called "Better Privacy". When removing super cookies make sure you look at them,then pick the ones you want to remove. You can remove them all (remove all LSO's) or one by one by highlighting the LSO then click on "remove LSO". The main thing is know what you want to remove and what you want to keep. Some games use LSO's for settings or data. Tom
  9. Look, if you have the info that the OP asked for and want to tell him, then do so. If you don't have the info, or if you do have the info but don't want to share it then move on. Stop being so unfriendly to others which seems to be the latest trend against new or old members. This kind of post will eventually hurt this forum and more people won't post because of stuff like this, so it is time to grow up and stop this nonsense. I don't know why this thread hasn't been locked down by now. It has strayed too far from the topic. Tom.
  10. The Orillia Packet & Times Local News Anglers off the hook By BOB BRUTON, QMI Agency Barrie won’t be billing anglers rescued from a Lake Simcoe ice floe last month, because it can’t. Although it cost the city about $4,600 for use of the fire department’s ice-rescue boat and firefighters’ time, the mutual-aid agreement between the City of Barrie and the Township of Oro-Medonte currently does not allow for a city bill. “We were called by Oro-Medonte (Township) and supported them,” said Jim Sales, Barrie’s general manager of community operations. “We have no mechanism (to charge the anglers).” Last week, Oro-Medonte council said it would attempt to recover its costs of almost $5,000 for rescuing 26 anglers March 9, when the ice floe on which they were fishing broke away and then began to break up. But Barrie Fire Chief John Lynn said the city could only directly recover its costs for an ice rescue in Kempenfelt Bay. “We can’t enforce fees bylaws outside the City of Barrie,” he said. “We have no mechanism for the City of Barrie to recoup the costs from those anglers. The only way for the fees to be recouped would be for Oro-Medonte to do it.” Township officials did ask Barrie what its costs were for the ice rescue. The Simcoe County mutual-aid plan is triggered by a request from one municipality to another, or others. “But there’s no charging back and forth,” Lynn said. Following the December 2007 Five Points fire, for example, there were no bills when firefighters from other municipalities helped in Barrie. Lynn said Barrie’s costs from the March 9 rescue were for staff and equipment. “Because we sent firefighters out to Oro-Medonte, we had to call in overtime staff to protect the City of Barrie,” he said. There was also the cost of operating the ice-rescue boat and equipment lost during the rescue. “We put life-jackets on some of the stranded fishermen,” Lynn said. “We never got them back. They were special rescue vests and quite pricey, but they saved lives.” Sales said there will be future discussions with Barrie’s mutual-aid partners and a different billing mechanism could be included in those talks. The Lake Simcoe rescue lasted more than three hours and cost Oro-Medonte $4,225 for 13 township firefighters at $100 per hour and $650 for the use of the municipality’s new airboat. There were warnings by OPP in the media about dangerous ice conditions, and the anglers didn’t “exercise reasonable care” by going onto Lake Simcoe that day, said Oro-Medonte Deputy Fire Chief Hugh Murray. Police were also exasperated by the anglers, wondering how much more plain the warnings could be to stay off the ice. Ramara Township and Innisfil firefighters were also involved in the rescue, as were Simcoe County paramedics and York Regional police. — With files from Robin MacLennan
  11. Snowed here again last night. As long as we don't get a major storm I am happy with what is hitting the ground every now and then. Of course all of this white stuff outside, could just be an April Fools joke. Tom
  12. Price here is now 135.9/liter. Went up approximately 4 cents per liter. Tom
  13. I think you and Misfish are missing my point. Anytime during the season when the ice is unsafe or questionable there are always people who access the ice because they have done it for years and know how to judge safe ice. This happens everywhere people ice fish. There are always experts who disregard the warnings because they are smarter, more experienced and have done it for years. They don't listen to anyone telling them the ice is unsafe. They are the experts who disregard warnings from police and fellow fishermen and go out anyway. They are usually regarded as experts until they break through the ice or need to be rescued. That is when all of a sudden they are called jerks and idiots by people who don't even know them. I am sure many who were rescued today probably thought that they were experts, if they didn't, why were they out there disregarding warnings and taking a chance with their lives? How many times in this thread have they been called idiots and jerks by people who don't know them? So an expert is only step away from being a jerk. Don't worry your record of not flaming people on OFC continues, no heat was felt. Tom.
  14. So now you know three!!! Calico Bass. Tom.
  15. It seems to be that if you go out on the ice and fall through, you are an idiot, jerk, dumb, stupid or Darwin's candidate, etc. If you don't go through the ice you are an expert, knowledgeable ice fisherman, experienced, careful, safety minded, or I have been doing this for 20 years and never fell through. etc. Sometimes the former are the same people as the latter. The only difference is whether you break through the ice or not. Tom.
  16. I am pretty sure they showed up in Midland Bay in the 60's, but it could have been very early 70's. We called them Calico Bass when they first showed up. Couldn't keep them off your hook. Good eating fish. At the time I was more interested in catching bass than Calico Bass/Crappie. Tom. Edit: The Crappie loved white Beetle Spin Jigs and live minnows.
  17. I don't think it is weird mercman, in fact it seems natural to me. I have always been a lefty on spinning reels and a righty on bait-casters for as long as I can remember. Birds nests seem to come to me naturally too but only on bait-casters.
  18. Put swirls on the landscape, fish, person's face, water and everything between. It is all the same to me because I will move on too. I guess you could always PM the pictures to all your friends and that way you won't have to swirl anything. Just like when some asks for information and instead of giving it out they say PM me and I will give you the info. I usually ignore those post's too.
  19. They don't talk to me and I don't talk to them. I am happier that way. I have lived here for 42 years and have never been asked "Am I satisfied with my mail service." By the way the mailman causing all or most of my problems is no longer there. Probably retired or could have been fired ........ who knows. I don't really care.
  20. Several years ago I went out to check the mail on a really cold day in February and couldn't open the lock on our community mail box. I thought the lock was frozen so I bought some lock de-icer and then tried to heated up the key and free the frozen lock. No luck what so ever. So I waited until the weather was a a little above 0C which was about a week later and still no luck. I waited for the "mailman" to arrive at the mailbox and asked him for my mail. He asked me if I was having a problem so I explained to him that I couldn't open my mail box and he said it must be frozen. He tried to open it and couldn't. He had to use his master key to get the mail out of my box. I asked him to change my lock and he said he couldn't. He said I would have to go to the Post Office and let them know why I wanted my lock changed. I did that and the postmaster told me to just go to the mailbox and wait for the mailman to show each day and ask him to give me my mail until the weather heated up. I told the postmaster that was just nuts. I worked shift work and couldn't always be there waiting for the mailman to show up. The postmaster then told me that I had to contact the mailman and ask him to change the lock. So the next day I spoke to the mailman and explained what the postmaster said. He said he couldn't do it until the postmaster told him to do it. I asked him what kind of flunkies work down there. Now I am really getting upset when the mailman told me this little nugget. He said I don't know why there is so many problems here with these mailboxes. He said a woman down the street was complaining too about her mailbox because she just moved in and wanted the locks changed on her mailbox. She said the keys weren't returned by the person who use to live at that address. He said I changed her lock and gave her the new key to it. She asked him when was the lock on her mailbox going to be changed because the key he gave her did not open the box. He told me he had already changed her lock and didn't know why she was complaining. When I heard this I told him you must have changed my lock and not hers. He swore up and down he didn't make a mistake. I had to go back to the postmaster and demand that my lock be changed. It was like talking to people that are housed up on the hill. Almost two or three weeks later my lock was changed after many trips to the post office, talking to the postmaster, being told that it would be changed and wasn't, etc. etc.etc. After all that, the postman still told me he did not make a mistake. One of the times I was talking to the mailman about my lock he dropped some mail in the slush and picked them up and just threw them on the floor of his van. He didn't even put them in the box. A couple of months later the mailman knocked on my door to ask me if I could give these multiple packages to my neighbour because he was not home at the time. I did it as a favour for my neigbour. My neigbours are getting my mail and I am getting theirs. Thank God that is only two or three times a year. My mailbox is only used now to receive mail and what I receive is only minimal. I no longer mail anything. Their last strike was the straw that did it for me. Oh one other thing .........quite a while back my income tax cheque was stolen. The officer I spoke to said they were investigating the Post Office because there were several Government cheques that did not make it to the proper addressee in town. Didn't mean to hijack this thread with this lengthy post but this is also a rant I have. I just thought I would share.
  21. For some reason when suicide is mentioned on this board most don't have any compassion for their fellow man at all. I really don't understand how people can be so kind and loving when a pet dies, even a pet they have never seen or known but has no feeling for a person who obviously has serious problems that overwhelm them.
  22. Absolutely right Mercman.
  23. Running Firefox 9.0.1 With Windows 7 Home Premium with no problems.
  24. Here is a link with the info you are looking for. Education Savings For A Child Tom
  25. Your welcome NightFisher.
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