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Everything posted by Tdel

  1. Tdel

    RIP Sly.

    I never met Sly but I frequently go to the Simcoe message board and have been doing so for years. I first learned about the man there. I could tell from all the posts that he was great guy and a truly Good Samaritan. He was always there when people needed help no matter what and for the last few years he was the glue that held the Simcoe board together. I am sure Shane never knew how many hearts he really touched. My deepest sympathies and condolences to Donna and family. Tom
  2. And who exactly made the amendment to the law to allow toxic tailing dumping. The liberal government of 2002. Enough said. Tom.
  3. Greenland sharks have been found in the St Lawrence River, near Baie-Comeau,Quebec. There was a documentary I believe on the Discovery Channel about Greenland sharks in the St. Lawrence. Research was done by Chris Harvey-Clark in 2003. Apparently they tagged some sharks and found that some males would travel up towards Quebec City and the females would stay in deeper water. In the Saguenay fjord in 2006 a woman caught a Greenland shark while ice fishing. Tom.
  4. To get high numbers like that in voting they are probably voting, then leaving the site, deleting cookies, then going back to the site to vote again. Definitely more than two votes per day. Tom
  5. Mackenzie is over 400 votes behind. New front runner has some voting weight behind him now. Time to give Mackenzie that same support. Tom.
  6. Mackenzie's only down 52 votes. 1398 to 1450 Tom
  7. Could it be "Chuck Norris" causing the problem. Tom.
  8. When I troll for pike with spoons I usually find the weed beds and troll along the edges. Test the action of the spoon to make sure you have the right trolling speed on the motor set before letting the line out completely. If the speed is too fast your spoon will not stay down and start surfing. It will also twist your line. If the action of the spoon is too slow pike might not show interest in it at all. After setting the speed to get the action out of the spoon that you like, every now and then steer a zig zag pattern. Your spoon will speed up on one of the turns and slow down on the other turn. This will give your spoon a different look to the fish. Williams Whitefish is a spoon I like to use when trolling for pike. A large Red and white Daredevil is another one. Tom.
  9. Why do I find the statement above so hard to believe??? Looks like businesses are happy and will save money. I just can't see any savings for the consumer. Tom.
  10. Lots of rain and gusting winds here in Penetang. 3 or 4 hydro trucks sitting on the back road between Penetang and Midland waiting to see what happens I guess. Lots of water on the roads. Storm blew through the area just as fast as it came in. I was driving from Midland to Penetang and at times the rain was coming down with gusting winds so heavy I couldn't see the road. Tom
  11. Just wondering, if they declared war on Toronto a long time ago and said they would be there to destroy the fence and harm all police why doesn't the police know who is involved with this group. On the news they said that CSIS had vehicles driving around while the "protesting" was being done. Surely CSIS has a file on these guys too. So how many were arrested? I guess we will have to wait until tomorrow when they show up again. The "protesters" that were jabbing police with flag staffs in the head and face were not dressed in black. I guess these are the peaceful ones you are talking about. The only peaceful ones I saw were on the sidelines watching the terrorists do their job and doing it well. I have a lot of respect for the police and wouldn't want their job but lately in Canada if you want to break the law just get a large group of people together and you will get away with it. Tom.
  12. Sad day for Toronto, for Ontario, for Canada. These people are not protesters they are terrorists and should be treated as such. You can't tell me everyone didn't know this was going to happen. Tom
  13. My power in Penetang came on at approximately 3:00pm today. Approximately 21 hours without hydro. Lots of damage in south end of Midland and Hwy 12. Damage on hwy 93 too. From what I have heard, the most severe injuries were broken bones. Unbelievable day. Tom
  14. Wow!!!! Rocking and Rolling here in Penetang. I have felt quakes here before but they were very minor. This one was almost violent. Lasted for about 15 or 20 seconds. Tom
  15. Lew, seems to be more and more people posting replies like this on this board. What is wrong with these people anyway? ColdH2Oguy, thanks for the heads up on the sale. I live in the general area and just might have to drop in and see what they have available. I might even buy something or two. Tom.
  16. That is what I heard too Oggie. Only thing that no one has mentioned on this thread is that all the "bear experts" have made similar comments after most of these incidents. "Very unusual, not normal etc. Azuluspookd - Thanks for taking my post seriously. I've noticed that it is the usual group of guys that make these stupid comments. I thought the Toronto Zoo had returned from the grave with some of the statements being made here. Tom
  17. Yeah, I guess you guys are right. City bears are a different breed than town bears. More aggressive and news worthy. I guess the guy with the atv should have waited to find out if it was a town bear or a city bear and then we could have decided if it was an actual attack or not. I posted this because I was trying to inform people who live or are traveling to the area to be aware. A bear near the Midland hospital parking lot isn't that important, after all, the emergency entrance is just a hop, skip, and a jump away. What a waste of time. Tom
  18. On Tuesday night my son heard nurses from Georgian Bay General Hospital discussing the fact that there was a bear near the Heliport and parking lot. This was confirmed Wednesday night by the A channel news and the Midland free press which stated that the bear was seen near Monsignor Castex school. This school is just a stones throw away from the hospital. The A channel also mentioned another bear attack, north of Coldwater. The person was able to get away on his atv without injury. More traps were set to try and trap the bear. They also said a bear was spotted in Gravenhurst. Seems to be getting quite common to see all this wildlife coming into town. Tom.
  19. I took the exam and found it fairly easy too. People should be careful about what they wish for because you never will get exactly what you want. The government has a track history of going from one extreme to another. How many people from here will start squealing like a stuffed pig if they have to spend $500 or more for the training and then do a test which 85% of the public fails all because it was too easy before. Tom
  20. Now might be the time to read this if you think gasoline prices aren't going to be affected. Tax Change With HST Tom.
  21. I was wondering if anyone could tell me what crow tastes like. I know there are a few here who have tasted it. Tom.
  22. Marina's are the only place that I have seen perch being caught during the two days that I have been there. When people say "dinks" they really mean it. If the perch are out in the lake, even with a lot of boats, there is enough room for all. When they are only found near or in the marina's it sort of reminds me of opening day for trout on the Sydenham River. Tom
  23. I saw one at Trombley's when I was there yesterday. Tom.
  24. What a great way to start. Nice fish Tom.
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