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Everything posted by Tdel

  1. Tdel


    I guess that is one way of getting a person to use Internet Explorer. I am not a big user of facebook and seldom even log in. I use firefox and have never had a problem of accessing anything on facebook until now. Must be one of those IE fixes. Tom
  2. Tdel


    You can't do this anymore. Facebook has blocked the drop down box with "NO ONE" on it. They explain that the rumour is wrong and the only thing you can click on is "help" or an explanation why the rumour is wrong. The other thing you can click is close. Tom
  3. Where did those bananas come from?
  4. Pickerel and Partridge were the terms used here for most of my life. Never knew what a walleye was until I was in my twenties. I think your line is a little too far north. Tom
  5. When looking for bass use a Moss Boss. Found it great in the weeds. Drag it across lily pads slowly and let it drop off. You can put a lot of erratic action into it to by twitching the rod. Tom.
  6. I am amazed that people don't know that a red and white daredevil can catch fish. Used it all my life and caught just about everything. It attracts more than one variety of fish and that is a fact. If pike, musky and walleye are in the same area and you use a red and white daredevil you just might catch all three including a bass or two. Tom
  7. Definitely a ground hog. See them everyday eating grass and clover at the Midland coal dock. Tom.
  8. I'm having the same problems. Sometimes I get here and then can't get to any other page on this site. I usually leave and come back later. Tom.
  9. Waubaushene area can produce pike and walleye. Troll the weeds in Severn sound and you will find pike. Penetanguishene area also produces pike and walleye. Keep an eye out for rocks. It is early in the season. Pike and walleye still closed in the rivers. Tom.
  10. From what I understand there are two different laws. The .08 reading is under the Criminal Code of Canada which is federal and the .05 is under the Highway traffic act of Ontario. Very seldom do I drink alcohol and when I do have one drink I never drive. Bigugli, I guess you haven't been in our area and pulled over for a roadside safety check. It doesn't happen very often but it does happen. Tom.
  11. My error problems seem to be fixed now. Thanks Rick. TomD.
  12. Looks like all the errors are gone for me. TomD.
  13. As long as they say R2 technology then they are the ones. I use a regular charger and have had no problem so far and still think these batteries are great. I am not sure about the quick charge so I can't help you there. I guess you can't go wrong if you buy the R2 batteries and charger package. These batteries sure fulfilled my needs. Tom
  14. Thanks for the info Wayne. Going through the ice or hitting that piled up mess out there, both can be just as deadly. If it was the broken ice that he hit, I am amazed he would even think about it driving over it. It was a bright enough day to see the broken ice from shore. There were a several people with snow machines buzzing the bay yesterday. Tom
  15. When I was down the coal dock there was a plane flying around the bay. Looked like he was looking for something. He would climb up and then circle, then fly right along the ice. We were wondering what he was doing. We left to go downtown and the fire trucks were leaving with their sirens and lights going. We were told they were going to Currie Rd. We thought it was a fire. Five or ten minutes later I went back to the coal dock and the plane was on the ice and a group of people had gathered out there. It was out across from Midland point in the path that the ice breaker and grain boat made. The Plane took off and the snow machines left the ice. Some people walked of the ice heading to Midland Point. Tom
  16. I don't know many details but Midland Fire & Rescue were called out. I was talking to the son of a fireman at the coal dock and asked him what was going on. He said that someone has gone through the ice right in the path that the ice breaker and grain boat had made. Tom
  17. There was a lot of open water in Midland Bay this afternoon. Tom
  18. I feel the same way Misfish, please don't shoot the messenger. I thought the wind warning was all over last night and was surprised to see another one on Environment Canada website. I noticed the weather channel only mentioned Grey-Bruce so I double checked their website and it is the same as Environment Canada. Looks like more wind coming for a visit. Nice to see the sun once in a while. We have had our share of snow, although after the rain it doesn't look quite so bad. Tom.
  19. Looks like more wind coming later this afternoon and evening for our area. All great lakes have gale warnings. Environment Canada Affects Huron-Perth, Grey-Bruce, Waterloo-Wellington, Dufferin-Innisfil, Barrie, Orillia, Midland, Sault Ste. Marie-Superior East. Tom
  20. Amen to that. For some reason each year there always seems to be a nut out there who wants to run Penetang Bay at first ice. Tom
  21. I have the same problem. Sometimes the pages just hang there. I then try other sites and have no problem accessing them. I usually wait a bit and retry OFC. Sometimes it will load pages and sometimes it won't. Only seems to happen to me in the early hours of the morning. Tom
  22. Tinbanger, I probably won't be out in the boat anymore this season, my fishing partner decided to put it up for the winter. If you happen to go by the coal dock you might just see me with a line in the water and sipping on a Timmies. Tom
  23. We launched at Petersen Park on Tuesday, November 4th. Didn't see a sign but did see the barge parked by the old launch. We were wondering why the water was so dirty and now we know. Had no problem getting in or out. My fishing partner wanted to go out again yesterday but I had other things I had to get done. I guess we would have been stuck there too if not for other commitments. I am going to have to start reading that newspaper too. I worked for Bayport about 9 years ago and they didn't have a ramp for small boats, only the boat lift which they used on the bigger boats. Parking space was available back then too. I haven't been there since then so this all could have changed by now. Thanks for the info Wayne. Tom
  24. These are the limits for wind warnings by Environment Canada. Marine Warnings Criteria Small Craft Warning A warning of winds from 20 to 33 knots. Gale Force Winds A warning of winds from 34 to 47 knots. Storm Force Winds A warning of winds from 48 to 63 knots. Hurricane Force Winds A warning of winds of 64 knots or greater not necessarily associated with a storm of tropical origin. Tom
  25. I also had those dreams that Daplumma is talking about. Ten years after I had quit I had the dreams of cheating on myself and taking a cigarette. Ended up with all the guilt in the morning and the relief of knowing it was only a dream. As long as you have in the back of your mind that one smoke will start you again you should be able to kick it completely because it sounds like you really have had enough and want to quit. <<<I think this is one of the most important steps of quitting. Just don't let up and get over confident. One smoke will send you back to buying a pack or a carton. I am over 24 years free from smoking and I know that I can't take just one smoke at a party or anywhere and everything will be ok. Been there and made that mistake before. Stay on guard and don't give in ................ you can do it!!!!!! Tom.
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