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Now that you have your computer clean you might want to install SpywareBlaster. It won't clean an infection but it will help to prevent spyware from happening. Updating the program is very important as with all security, anti-virus, anti-malware programs. If you don't update you might as well not have them installed because sooner or later you will get infected because of it. From the Java Cool Software website: "SpywareBlaster is passive protection. It plugs the holes that spyware and other potentially unwanted software use to get in to your system. As such, there is no running process - and no CPU and memory usage either. All you have to do is remember to update SpywareBlaster once a week, and enable the latest protection." I have been using it for years. It is a free program. Just remember to update it and enable the latest protection which is the most important part. You won't even know it is there. Click on the download & information link below. SpywareBlaster Tom.
So what I get from this thread is: 1. It is not illegal to throw them back in the lake, after all they are here to stay. 2. You are suppose to kill them but it doesn't really matter because you can't make a dent in their population. 3. You still can't use them as Bait. Great to see all these fishing minded people making up their own rules. With a mentality like that I am sure you are going to ignore #3 too. I am amazed that you can interpret the regulations and come up with this stuff. Tom.
I am using Firefox 3.6.2 and everything is working fine. I even disabled my Adblock Plus add-on just for OFC as requested to help out. With the adds removed from the threads I don't see what the problem is. In fact I disable Adblock before they removed the adds from the threads and never saw anything inappropriate. I guess I don't visit as long as other members. Only time an ad bothered me was on the "Classified" section. When a member changed his handle to the same one the ads have. That was kind of childish I think, especially when people were kind of up in arms about the ads to begin with. Other than not knowing what the ad is about, I can't understand why the advertisers would put up an ad that gives no hint of what they are selling. I never click on ads like that. Maybe curiosity kills the cat but hardly ever this one. Tom
F_ast, I guess you could try deleting your cookies and see if that helps.
F_ast, You have to go to your Forum name in the top right and click on it. This give you a drop down list. Click on My Settings, then you will see the page "Your Options". Click on the tab "Forums" and scroll to the bottom of the page until you see "Topic Display Mode". Click on the word "Outline" and select "Standard". Tom.
Thanks for clearing that up Rick. I guess my last statement was true. Tom
Fisherman, When you can see your problem on your monitor click "Print Scrn" button on your keyboard. Then open a program such as Paint. If you have Windows XP it is found in "Start" "All Programs" "Accessories" "Paint". Once paint opens go to the top left of the Paint menu and click on "Edit" then select "Paste". This will give you a picture of your problem. You can save it to your computer and send it to Rick or post it in a thread. Tom
I use the arrow beside the forward button to quickly go back to general discussion. Just click the arrow and select OFC Community Home>General Discussion from the list. I also use the multiple page numbers at the top left and bottom left to quickly go back to the General discussion area. Like Spiel I also click on the general discussion header at the top. Or you can just step back to the general discussion page one page at a time by clicking the back button. Although from previous threads about this phenomena I don't think most are talking about what we are giving the answers to. Tom.
Lew, I have been using Firefox for a long time and just love the add-ons and themes you can get for it. The "ad block Plus" add-on is great. There is even an add-on to remove "Super Cookies". You are right about the version 3.6, it is the latest. When getting add-ons just make sure you pick the ones that are compatible with the version of Firefox you have installed. I keep IE to use when I Update Windows manually because the Microsoft site wants you to use IE for all updates to windows. So having both won't cause you any problems. You can switch back and forth as you like and if sometime you want to uninstall Firefox that won't be a problem either. For the life of me though I don't know why you would want to uninstall Firefox. If you want to try a different browser you can still download and install them too with no problems from Firefox, whether it is still installed or not. I tried Chrome when it first came out and didn't like it. The latest version of Chrome might be better now, I really don't know. I also have tried Opera a long time ago and liked it a lot. I also have Safari from Apple Software installed on my computer and tried it but hardly ever use it now. I always seem to come back to Firefox. If you have multiple browsers on your computer just make sure you select the one you like as your default browser and use the others as needed. Tom.
I guess it is true. Seems to be a lot of people in agreement. Tom.
Google is your friend>>>> WikiAnswers >>> "Mark Keller wrote a song called "Fish On" for his cousin Jeff Norman after Jeff caught a large salmon in Alaska. The salmon is now hanging over the fireplace in Jeff's house. " Tom.
Not bothered here Dara and I can't argue with your logic either. Tom
That's not the first time I've been told that on this site and probably won't be the last either. Tom.
Obviously I wasted my time making a suggestion. I will think about it twice next time. Tom.
I use Quick Tax Standard software to do my returns. Right now it is on sale for $29.99 at Staples and $34.98 at Future Shop. It has an Easy Step that you can follow and it will walk you through the process of filling out your return. You can do a total of 8 returns when the income is over $24000(approx) and all the ones under that amount don't count against those 8 returns. Depending on how complicated your deductions and income might be you may be able to get away with just using Quick Tax Basic. I was paying twice the amount that I pay for the Quick Tax Software (and sometimes more) to H&R Block or an Accountant to do the same thing the software did for me. Tom.
This business of changing hands seems to be a great problem for some people and they even lose fish because of it. Wow. So how many seconds does it take to change hands after casting???. (1 or 2 seconds) That is some major lost time. Relax. Enjoy yourself fishing. Don't make it an obsession or a job. Leave that for the charter captains. The whole issue should be what feels right to you. Is it comfortable and is this what you want and can use, enjoy and have fun. No matter what you decide in some peoples eyes you will be wrong. Enjoy life and don't make it more complicated than it needs to be. golf right bat right hockey left guns right throw right spinning left casting right Tom
CTV News: http://tinyurl.com/yew9dpc "Former Saskatchewan RCMP officer Kevin Gregson is reportedly being held by police in connection with the death of an Ottawa police officer outside a local hospital. Gregson's lawyer confirmed to CTV News that his client was being held by Ottawa police. The officer was stabbed to death early Tuesday morning outside the Civic Campus of the Ottawa Hospital while sitting in his cruiser around 4:30 a.m. ET. The officer was writing in his police notebook when he was ambushed by a single man and stabbed to death, police say. The suspect was apprehended with the help of bystanders, including two paramedics. The paramedics tried to revive the officer, but were unable to. He was pronounced dead at about 5:30 a.m. No charges have yet been laid. Footage of the scene showed a flashlight, gun, notebook, a single glove, two knives and a large stain of blood on the gravel. The officer's name, age and rank will not be released until relatives are notified. Police will offer a further briefing later Tuesday morning when further information becomes available. Gregson, 43, used to work for the RCMP at their Regina headquarters. In 2006, he was arrested for pulling a knife on a Mormon church official in Regina. He received a conditional discharge after explaining to the court that he had recently undergone brain surgery for cysts on his brain. A visibly shaken Ottawa Police Chief Vern White told a morning news conference that Tuesday's incident is "an overwhelming tragedy." "Police forces are like family," White told CTV News Channel later in the morning. "We often fight and argue but always, there is this bond and connection like families have." He said this incident will be most difficult on the officers from the same platoon as the deceased officer. "It'll be a tough time, particularly over the next few days as they try to work through their own emotions and get through the morning," he said. Flags outside the Ottawa Police headquarters on Elgin St. are flying at half-mast. This is the first time an Ottawa police officer has been killed in the line of duty since 1983." Tom
A friend of mine said he saw a person walking from the town dock towards Hindson Marina earlier in the morning on Saturday. We went down to the dock around 1pm or so, to have a coffee and see if there were any other people on the ice. Believe it or not there were 3 people who looked like they might be ice fishing out by Hinson Marine with two sleds parked on the ice. There was another sled running the length of the ice heading north even though there was some open water by Magazine Island. Not too many brain cells being used out there today. Tom.
The number of replies to this thread doesn't lessen the hitting power of this video and song. It is a very touching and heart felt tribute to our fallen soldiers. I just had to pass this along to all my email friends and family. Thanks for posting it Cliff. I am sure it tugged on the heart strings of everyone who watched the video whether they are for or against the political agenda. In my opinion it is not about the cause, it is about our brave soldiers doing the job and giving the ultimate sacrifice. Tom.
Should be lots of Aqua vu camera's still out there but, I believe Nature Vision and Aqua Vu are no more, with the acquisition of Marcum and Nature Vision by Versa Electronics according to this release Sept/09: To our MarCum Technologies and ShowDown Digital Fish Finder partners and friends: Minneapolis, MN – Electronic Technologies, LLC, d/b/a Versa Electronics, a Minnesota limited liability company, is pleased to announce, effective immediately, the acquisition of the assets of MarCum Technologies and ShowDown brands, including inventory, tooling, intellectual property and designs formerly owned by Nature Vision, Inc. In business for over 50 years, Versa Electronics has been involved with MarCum products for the past three years, manufacturing all the MarCum sonar products during that time. Combined with our experience in the manufacture of the MarCum brand, our continuing commitment to quality and delivery makes this a perfect fit. We will bring this commitment and attention to detail to the underwater camera side of the business, as well. In addition, and based on our experience in sonar, we recognize the value of the ShowDown product and are equally committed to continued development and growth of this brand. In order to ensure timely deliveries of products currently under development and maintain the consistent quality that you are accustomed to receiving from the brands, we plan to introduce features both into existing and new products and release those designs and products only after they have been thoroughly tested and are deemed ready for the marketplace. MarCum Underwater Viewing Systems VS380, VS820, and VS825C, the LXi Handheld Sonar, and ShowDown sonar products will ship on schedule. Other MarCum sonar products, including the VX-1P, LX-3tc, and LX-5, will continue to be manufactured here in the U.S. at Versa Electronics to ensure continuing quality and performance of the brand. These MarCum sonar products will deliver on or before November 13, 2009. We anticipate a seamless transition from Nature Vision, Inc. to Versa Electronics. All pricing, UPC numbers, product descriptions, programs, terms, etc. will be assumed and honored by Versa Electronics. In addition, all consumer warranty claims and repairs, returns, credit requests, and all other functions for servicing both the consumer and our trade partners become functions of Versa Electronics, effective immediately. For any customer service related issues, we invite you to contact us at 888-778-1208 or email us at [email protected]. All of us here at Versa value your business and understand the urgency and importance of ensuring that you receive on-time delivery of the products reflected on your existing open purchase orders. In our efforts to satisfy your requirements and exceed your expectations, we will work to meet deadlines and deliver the high quality products you have come to know and expect of the brands. We very much look forward to supporting you and working together to grow the MarCum and ShowDown product families. Regards, Kevin Johnsrud CEO 3943 Quebec Ave. N Minneapolis, MN 55427 763-512-3988 Steve Hanson Sales Manager Mark Slater Slater Sales Tom
Nice walleye ........ and nice way to get back into the sport. Tom.
Welcome Mike to OFC. I wish I could help you but I am not familiar with the fishing area that you are looking for but I am sure someone will see your post and help out. I mainly fish southern Georgian Bay and your catch and release habits are very similar to mine. Tom.
If you are looking for answers to your questions, I would definitely not read something off a facebook web page and believe it. Go to the "Public Health Agency Of Canada" website. Please read and be informed. http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/alert-alerte/h1...1n1-eng.php#vac These are answers to two of the comments made previously. Why is my arm sore and Mercury in the flu vaccine. Should children and adults expect the same type of side effects, if any? The most commonly reported reactions after H1N1 immunization with the adjuvanted vaccine were minor and included pain, swelling and redness at the injection site. This is to be expected because the adjuvant helps the body develop a stronger immune response by increasing the inflammatory response. Is it true that there is mercury in the vaccine? How much mercury? Both vaccines contain a small amount of thimerosal. Thimerosal is a form of mercury used in the H1N1 flu vaccine to stabilize it and maintain its quality during storage. Thimerosal is a different form of mercury than the mercury known to cause health problems. The amount in the H1N1 adjuvanted flu vaccine is much less than the daily limit recommended for environmental exposure to mercury. For example, there is significantly less mercury in the vaccine than you would find in a can of tuna fish. Tom
Nice Bass!! Memories for Jacob to recall when he has kids of his own. "I remember when my Dad and I went fishing and I caught .........." Sooner or later we all have to accept being out fished by our children and spouse. It is easier to accept than fight it. Tom
Irishfield is the one you should be asking here. He use to have one attached to his motor home and had nothing but good things to say about it from what I recall. Tom