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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Excellent report and pics y'all!!! Quality time spent with family and friends!!! Those are some nice sized Redear Sunfish Sydney was catchin'! The Pickeral that bly is holding looks like it should be lit on one end (cigar). Congrats to Sydney for catching her first Crappie and Pickeral!!!
  2. It's 3 guys holding an 8' or so snake lookin' Pike... shouldn't Cliff and Ad. be writing reports with pics in them, rather than browsing?
  3. Dunno if I'd consider that Angling...
  4. I don't think so!
  5. Wimmins drivers... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oSoYXrAWdw...feature=related
  6. Not gettin' the whole fish in the pic... I can forgive. Open gill... I can forgive. Maple Leafs "Hoodie"... I dunno...
  7. Great report and pics!!! Thanx for the Pike porn!!!
  8. They might be a Walleyed Pickerel!
  9. I've always had good shopping experiences at BPS, and I have shopped the Vaughn store while in Canada. I rarely go in looking for a particular item. I'm like a kid in a candy store there (their fudge is excellent bytheway!) I was looking for a few particular items when I shopped the Vaughn store though, Pike/Musky stuff. They had a bigger selection of toothy critter baits there than in the Southern U.S. You've gotta love the atmosphere in a BPS! Lotsa nice stuff to look at!!!
  10. I wodner if it's any better than the black original? I found the original to be a lot less durable than Spiderwire or Power Pro. I also found the original to be messy/dirty as the black coating would rub off on my equipment, me... the boat...
  11. I'm glad someone can find humor in adultry
  12. It doesn't really matter where... just go!!! Have fun and take lotsa pics!!! Be keerful and Good Luck to ya!!!
  13. Dammit Man!!! Those things are absolutely disgusting!!! The only way I'd handle one is with a garden hose to spray it off the bottom of my boot! Prolly make a fine Catfish bait though! Enjoy your new pet Bubba!
  14. As your doctors mentioned OG, it is the best form of exercise. It works every muscle in your body and is low impact.
  15. I think that Carp do that too, because every time I've been ice fishin' I see yellow patches on the ice...
  16. Invest in a pair of "swim fins" for your feet this summer and practice in shallow water, the fins will make it easier to learn how to kick your feet and stroking with your arms will come second.
  17. I was thinkin' a jig and Gulp grub if live bait isn't an option.
  18. Can ya hear it? *holding one finger salute horizontally*... lemme turn it up for ya! *salute is now vertical* What can I say?... I'm partial to symmetry!
  19. A humane way to kill a head of Lettuce??? What in the hell are these people going to eat?
  20. I aint slow and I aint fast... I'm halfast!
  21. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=17567
  22. Sounds pretty ignorant to me.
  23. I've caught some on the West Arm that looked a little depressed...
  24. The 2 main screw holes on the mounting bracket should be slotted so you can adjust the depth of the transducer, there will be one screw you'll have to remove to let the bracket slide up or down. Fill the 3rd screw hole with a good marine grade silicone caulk or epoxy. The 2 screws in the slots will hold it until you get it tweaked out up or down, then when you're happy with it redrill for the 3rd screw. Tilting the transducer will give you a false depth reading because it won't be shooting down directly under the boat, it'll be shooting at an angle in front of or behind the boat (out towards Aunt Nancy's house somewhere).
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