I don't think so.
... but maybe the faithful members of this board could get an honest answer from admin? i.e Shut down without notice for modifications, Shut down without notice for abuse, Shut down without notice indefinately...
The world record White Crappie was caught by this gal using a Zebco 33 she got for Mothers Day!
Welcome!!! Great pics and report!!!
A Brit with a good sense of humor (per your "handle")
You picked a beautiful spot live in... COLD!!!... but beautiful!!!
I'm familiar with the exceptions... but not with all the areas. I'll be fishin' the West Bay and West Arm and abiding by the regs. Dunno if Callander Bay is included in the exceptions or not. (where Johnny was fishin')
That's right!... and it sounds like there may be a little too much line on the spool as well. Hold a small straight edge up to your spool when putting line on to check your clearance when you start getting it close to full, you should have about an 1/8th of an inch clearance from the top to the bottom of the spool from the straight edge to the line.
Great report and some excellent pics Bern!!!
Y'all should know better than to give children alcohol!!!... Look what you've done to him!!!... Poor little Billy!
I think a large part of the abundance of eaters will come from the MNR raising the bottom of the slot from 40 cm. 15.7" to 43 cm. 16.9" which will turn a lot of previuosly "untouchable" fish over to the table!