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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Are you jealous or what? As long as the fish is legally caught and in season where they were caught, there isn't a problem. You may or may not have seen my recently caught Bass: We have no closed season on any freshwater fish here in Alabama, that fish is as legal as the day is long. I believe 9 out of 10 Bass that are shown on the board this time of year are released anyway, I release all my Bass.
  2. Great report pics and fish!!! Looks like Brian is warmin' up for a good year!
  3. That bug zapper and a 2-4 is like a night at the movies for a Redneck!!!
  4. Here's one of the Terminator inline spinners with a 5" twin tail salty shad on it instead of the curly tail grub that comes with it. I plan to use it for Pike during the day and Wall-ice in the early morning and evenings. Should slip through the weeds nicely.
  5. This article looks pretty interesting as well: http://www.richz.com/fishing/articles/dropshot.html
  6. I know Shane personally and he's a great guy! You can count on my support, please keep us informed on his condition and where we can contribute! Hoping for a speedy recovery for him. Glen
  7. You can buy drop shot kits at most tackle shops tht include the hooks, weights, and prolly an assortment of plastic bodies. The stand out hook is very popular with drop shotting, but drop shotting is typically used for deep water fishin' (20' or more). There is however a technique called Bubba (I kid you not) shotting, where a shorter dropped from the hook to the weight is used (usually 12" or less). This rig is cast out and retrieved as opposed to fishin' straight down and drifting in deeper water. the stand out hook: http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...k&noImage=0 drop shot kit: http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...t=SearchResults
  8. What #/kind of line are you going to put on it? A Bass/Wall-ice/Pike rod?
  9. White Bass, 7 egg layden females, one scrawny male and a Wall-ice for dessert!
  10. The joys of live bait fishing!!! Noice fish and pics!!!
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  12. Speaking of spinners in weedy lakes, I'm going to be trying these on the West Arm next month: http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...s&noImage=0
  13. Did the first rig involve pepper spray?
  14. It's fun to fool the fish with artificials, but it can be a hard thing to do on lakes with fishing pressure... especially for fish of substancial size. I'm a firm believer that live bait will catch more and bigger fish most of the time on lakes with fishing pressure. I personally like minnows because they're a "cleaner" bait than worms to handle. Live Leeches are another clean bait and very effective for Wall-ice!
  15. It is an excellent display of craftsmanship!
  16. Did you do that?
  17. So who caught the fish? This is just another in a long line of sensationalized/one sided bleeding heart liberal pinko commie human interest stories of which I am quite frankly getting tired of. Aggressive panhandlers disgust me and we have laws against it here!
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  20. That rod would be best suited for casting for Bass and Wall-ice, but could be used for panfish as well. It's a little light for Pike in my opinion, but you may get a few with it. As for the reel, I'd go with something like this in the SY2500FI model: http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...0001000_100-1-2 Not to terribly expensive and should last a few seasons. I'd spool it up with some 8 lb. mono.
  21. Lew and Aplumma Avery douG and Rick Roy and Spiel Daplumma Aplumma Muskiestudd and T.J GCD and douG
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