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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Great report and pics Vic!!! You can't beat quality time like that with family!
  2. Great report and pics!!! Nice clean fish too!!! (as clean as a Carp can be
  3. my off!!! Get your head out of your butt and your finger out of your nose 2 toneZ71!!! Last year the called it "Nipper Tipping" but said it wasn't racially motivated... Imagine that? With a name like that you'd think... What is Bull, is that someone should be afraid to go fishin' because of the way they look or their ethnic origin!!! ... and if you couldn't tell what this thread was about by the title...
  4. I'd pay BIG money for a video of you operating that trolling motor for the first time!!! ... don't forget to wear your 5 point safety harness when you fire that sucker up for the first time!
  5. I think he got a new 60 H.P. 4 stroke for Mothers Day...
  6. Get yer azz out there and get some fish!!!!... and don't make me have to tell you twice!
  7. Happy Birthday gal!!! You don't look a day over 18 to me!!!
  8. ... but could you imagine the whizzin' and moanin' that would go on on this board if the did that???... We had enough people cryin' in their Gerbers aboot the boating license, screaming aboot cash grabs and wanting the Government to give them boating LESSONS!!! You could bring all the Great Lakes up to full pool with the tears this would cause!!!
  9. Great report and pics!!! Noice fish too!!!
  10. Dem Coonasses!!! Dey do anyting for a laff!!!
  11. The north end of the lake will have the warmest water, and th west side will warm the fastest during th day. The fish may be more active on those spots at this time of year... just a heads up.
  12. Nice fish and great pics!!!
  13. The best way to keep the Back Flies out of your face is to tear a hole in the seat of your pants!
  14. Use them for Gator bait if they don't behave Connie!!!
  15. Great report and pics Steve!!! Ya gotta love a woman that sends you out fishin' on Mothers Day!!!
  16. Best Fishes to Art!!! Hope you have a great one Bubba!!!
  17. Raping, pillaging, rum, and song.... just another day on my boat!!! Yarrrrr!!!
  18. Most of the stupid things I post are quotes from Idjit Galoots... like you!!! ... shouldn't you be studying the regs so you don't embarrass yourself again?
  19. I learned a looooong time ago (back in my youth... musta been 5 or 6 yrs. ago) that it's far better to keep your mouth shut and let people assume you're stupid... than to open it and confirm their suspicions!
  20. OMG!!! NWB is CC in disguise!!! No offense to the real CC please!
  21. Great report and pics!!! ... but I'm left wondering where the goliaths are??? Did you forget to post some pics?
  22. Hunting is sooo overrated, stick with fishing 12 mo. a year and you'll be much better off!!! ... then you won't have to worry aboot you or somebody else accidently blowing your off.
  23. Anyone takin' bets on how long this Scungilli will last around here?
  24. Ignorance of the law is no excuse!!!
  25. I name him Cletus!
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