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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. You may wanna hold off on any Southern trips 'til 'round November ya Ol' Stinker, it's gettin' hotter'n a blistered bugs butt on a burnin' boulder down here!... I'd hate to have to pick you up with the shop vac and ship you back up yonder in 5 gallon white buckets! When you do decide to strike out down South, howza bout puttin' on a pair of corduroy britches before ya leave... so's I can have aboot a 6 hr. notice to round up and agitate the guard 'Possums!!!
  2. Got Milt?
  3. It does add a cleaner look and keeps the pages shorter.
  4. That's a good article, and it does look like it needs to move to the right. I like this statement from the article:
  5. I figured with a liberal limit of 12 compared to the 2/day limit on Simcoe that there should be a fair amount of them.
  6. Just because a phone rings, a Dirrect Connect beeps, or an email pops up doesn't mean you have to answer it! Some people think that just because they want to talk to me, i automatically want to talk to them... of all the nerve!!!
  7. ...
  8. ...
  9. I don't know the specifics on catching them, but I believe the creel limit is 12/day.... so there must be a fair amount of them in there!
  10. I just sent an email to the Vaughn store with a link to this thread so they could have a heads up to some customer service issues.
  11. That does suck! Maybe you should shoot them an email about your latest shopping experience...
  12. If you do snag'em.... snag'em in the dang eye!!!
  13. If you're getting a roostertail off of your transducer it's installed too deep, raise it a little.
  14. Actually the law states through the mouth, it does not specify through the inside out or through the outside in.
  15. Maxine tells it like it is aboot Oldphart!
  16. Oldpharts computer issues!
  17. Someone that foul hooks a fish will more than likely release it, a snagger will keep all he can get.
  18. In my opinion there's a difference between foul hooked and snagged fish. Snagged is intentional, foul hooked is not.
  19. Pay attention to what you're doing, set the cruise control at the speed limit... save money on fuel, speeding fines, and higher insurance rates!
  20. Ontario does have a strict description of a legally hooked fish. Page 8 of the General Fishing Regulations under General Prohibitions item #5 It Is Illeagal to: Catch a fish by impalling or snagging it with a hook through any part of the body other than the mouth - any fish hooked in this way must be released immediately. Alabama Law has a more liberal description of a legally hooked fish which is any fish hooked in the head while using a baited hook or artificial lure. I will say that most fish that are caught on the outside of the mouth are hooked that way because they have "T-boned" the bait or lure. When I fish in Canada, I will obey their laws and use their definition of a legally hooked fish.
  21. Fill your bilge or the inside of the boat with water, it's the easiest way to find a leak. It may not be a rivet, might be a small hole or crack. If there's a way out, water will find it... and it won't take long! Once you've found the leak, then you can decide how you want to fix it. Loctite has a marine epoxy that works well and sets fairly quickly, you can find it at Wal-Mart.
  22. Nice healthy looking fish!!!
  23. They're a fairly delicate fish in the summer and shouldn't be removed from the water in summer unless they're going to be harvested. Very heat sensitive!
  24. I think live leeches work best when the fish are at their most finicky, a Mayfly hatch would be a good example. It is just real hard for a Wall-ice to pass up a live undulating leech!!!
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