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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. I like to fish the West Arm and West Bay area of Nippissing, it's challenging to say the least... but I have seen some nice fish come out of there ... one or 2 of them were even on my line!
  2. I like the part where the writer states his temper flares when someone cuts in front of him while he's untarping his boat! ... that would make HIM a Boat Launch Bozo!
  3. Take 2 and don't call me in the morning! Great report and pics Jen!!!
  4. ... unless it's the West Arm, Whopper doesn't do too good there. The fish ignore him AND his jig there!!!
  5. ...
  6. If you're gonna claim the Atlantic Norm, I've got dibs on the Gulf of Mexico!!!
  7. If I was going to use it for Pike I'd get the Perch pattern, but the orange one is a consideration too.
  8. ...
  9. ...
  10. ...
  11. Dem Frogs will do anythin for a laff eh!
  12. uhhh, there's prolly a reason they don't put automotive seating on boats. Weight, moisture retention, ferrous metals... I personally would go with a marine grade seat with a bench seat base/adapter. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...t21336&rid=
  13. ... the one that caught the biggest fish?
  14. The best reason not to do this is baitcasting rods are meant to bend with the eyes on top of the rod, spinning with the eyes on the bottom. You'll be bending the rod the wrong way which will cause failure, not to mention it probably won't cast worth a crap. Buy yourself a cheap spincast reel to put on that rod, Zebco 33 should do it.
  15. You won't need any duct tape Bill... but you may wanna bring 2 Gym bags...
  16. Fresh meat!!! ... for the skeeters!!!
  17. I dunno...... ... fish all day: ... and party all night: ... i just don't know if I'm up for all of that? I may drop by for a minute or two....
  18. Great pics Clive!!! I've got to get over there and see that!!!... I'll take some bait!
  19. Great report and really nice pics too!!! I hate it when the fish start arsin' around with the lures or hooks!!!
  20. Great report and pic!!! Walleye see the color orange the best of all colors... try solid orange some time and see what happens.
  21. I don't know about the GTA, but there's plenty online here: http://search.express.ebay.com/__Fishing-L...2dranchQQ_tosZ1 ... if you trust Ebay...
  22. Glad you got 'er off there forrest! There's only a few things that sux worse than boat problems/repairs! Hope you get 'er back on the water in short order!
  23. Believe it or not, the boxes those lures came in can be worth more than the lures!!!
  24. Great report and pics ya Ol' Stinker!!! ... but I'm a thunkin' Slug was the one that caught the big Cat...
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