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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. You might want to try Borden and see where they get theirs from. We have them scattered around for storage.
  2. See if you have an ATV club local to you, they will help you out and get used to riding everything from novice to difficult. Look twice before you leap, speed is definitely not a requirement. Always try to go with someone else, stuff happens to the best and an co rider can help you out of the rhubarb. I've got about 12 thou km behind me with only one little incident, couple of scrapes, nothing a couple of band aids couldn't fix. Wear some sort of eye protection. If stuff really goes bad, jump, don't ride it out. Let someone know where you are going and when you should be back.
  3. Might be a bit of a drive but Windmill truck caps was the most reasonable price.
  4. Frugality is one of my points, looks costs money and doesn't keep you any drier or less dusty. A shiny cap isn't going to make the fish bite any faster or have deer jump in the back of your truck.
  5. Well I think it's a hit and miss like mb2 said, there's no one single point insertion, spray everywhere to cover the masses.
  6. Been there, done that and still alive.
  7. There is something to be said for a 3/4 ton, more stable and capable when loaded, you don't have to think twice(within reason). For the number of times (twice a year) I tow the travel trailer to and from the campground, a couple of trips with the ATV/enclosed cargo trailer and boat, the 1/2 ton does fine. If I were younger and more adventurous, I'd probably still drive the mighty Cummins.
  8. Just hope that life and limb are spared, you can always rebuild..somewhere else.
  9. Just because she has a PHD doesn't make anyone smart or intelligent.
  10. Thought about that too but so far none have ever tried to evict the Wren.
  11. Pretty sure it says 150 miles/250km per charge, most likely unloaded under ideal conditions. Add a boat or ATV/trailer, a bunch of equipment and you might get to the end of the driveway before before you run out of zoom.
  12. I think if I go outside and look up, I'll get poked in the eyes by raindrops. Looks like it won't even get that far south.
  13. I'm waiting to see the one that puts a brick chimney in the back of the truck.
  14. Ah sorry, that's not a pick up truck, an abomination of spare ugly parts.
  15. Looks like you got a little too close to Ben Hurs chariot and the whirling hubcap blades got ya.
  16. Gnarly thunderstorms in GB area, Barrie, etc. Looks like the BBQ is going to wait for a bit until this blows over.
  17. Like everything, some will push the envelope to the max and become annoying.
  18. Have you checked with the local Amish/Mennonites in that area? I've heard they do a fine job at really reasonable rates.
  19. Days like today make me glad I'm still driving a diesel, still at .97 a litre, 675km, $51.00 and that's towing my boat for half the distance.
  20. Housing, housing of what? Could be a split in the fuel line, needle valve has crud around it, isn't sealing properly. Bro's lawnmower recently had gas slowly dripping out of the air intake, dropped the float bowl, took out the needle, the tiny tiny piece of crud on tip of the needle kept it from closing. Reassembled and all is fine again.
  21. Feel sorry for the locals but as I understand it, isn't it pretty much built on/in a swamp?
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