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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. It would take a pretty big piece of chain and someone strong like Paul Bunyan pulling the other way. Imagine, they make me ride this thing, or a snowmobile in winter and a truck whenever I don't feel like either of the others.
  2. I would tend to believe that when you turn the choke off and the motor dies, it's not getting enough fuel. Most likely a gummy carb that needs a scrupulous cleaning.
  3. Seat belt material or 2" wide nylon strap with the hook is available at Princess Auto, there's a store in Whitby if you know someone going that way.
  4. Well here's a "good luck" wish for ya, hope all goes in your favour.
  5. Ya that's quite possible. I remember, oh, I might have been around 6 or 7, we would visit Dads friend on the north side of the lake. Freddys fear was hitting the old pilings, some would float free every year after ice out. There's quite a few people that don't believe that there was a railroad track right across Rice Lake.
  6. That's sad, makes it across the big pond to get swept up by a little puddle.
  7. Quite often I wonder how people managed to get from A to B, no TomTom, no cell phone for help, must have been worse than the Irish potato famine.
  8. If it's electric start, it's got to have a starter, round thing a little bigger than a pop can, with a fairly thick wire going to a nut on the bottom, and another thinner one to activate it.
  9. Plugs have nothing to do with the motor cranking over. There's a gremlin in the starting circuit somewhere. I'm going to ask a question, not to insult you, but funnier things have happened. Are the right cables hooked up to the correct battery terminals? Check tightness of the cables on the starter motor (both) positive and ground. Check the ignition wire to the solenoid, round thing on the side of the starter. Is the kill switch hooked up? Is the motor in gear, some have interlocks.
  10. I'm not 100% sure, possible that it's the reed valves behind the carb that are not sealing and allowing back pressure to spit it out.
  11. Just looked at my friends Ranger, max cargo capacity is 1230lbs including passengers, subtract just the driver and a coffee and I wouldn't go past 1000lbs.
  12. I like the one on the back of Daryls packages.
  13. Is there any place to buy that locally? Looks nice on the bottom of his boat,
  14. Well I figured give it one more crack seeing as how the weather is cooperating for a change. Up at 4, breaky, coffee, hook up the boat and off I go. Hit the launch at 550, people are coming fast and furious, some should have slept a little longer(the ones that can't back up and unload a boat). Had to watch some poor sod try and start a Yama 50 2 stroke, he must have had 5 batteries in the boat, I don't think he relented on the starter for at least 10 minutes straight. Big smell of gas, probably flooded it. One crack on the starter(Honda) and it's purring, shoulda bought one of these. Ever get an evil eye, I think I got a few right then. Fish finder on, off I go, here, there, hither and yon. Nada, zip, zilch. Shallow, deep, no difference, talked with others, same story. Back up to the Narrows into a marina, millions of dinks, must have caught over 100, managed to keep 4 that might have been 8 inches. Okay, enough of this, go back home, clean 4 fish, one is sooooo infested with white grubs, it's still wiggling and it's been dead for 2 hours. Yech! The other 3, females, already spawned out or immature, tiny little roe sacs. I give up, I'm going to Johnys fish store instead, much cheaper. Some of the others I spoke with fished much of last week with the same results.
  15. Why is a foreigner allowed to tell us what to do with crown land.
  16. You think that's bad, I've got the original pamphlet, blower manual and engine manual from my Dads old '68 Ariens snowblower.
  17. Just take the plate and registration to the licence office along with your bill of sale for the trailer, pay the man for the transfer, $10 and whatever the tax is. If the boat remains powered under 10HP you don't need to register it, however, keep a copy of the bill of sale with you in a dry box. It's your proof of ownership for the boat. Just like a safe boater course, I'm beginning to believe we need a How to Buy and Sell things course.
  18. I used to be like that too, then I found Immodium.
  19. There's some awful amazing people out there that care a lot.
  20. Naw, go to princess Auto, they have reading glasses for $2.99
  21. If you weren't a saltydawg and rather a freshwaterdawg, then you wouldn't be so rusty on the rules. Outboard size, over 9.9HP requires the vessel to be registered, doesn't matter if it's a 6' or 12' boat. So, nno it doesn't need to be registered, but, if stopped, you still need proof of ownership, ie, a bill of sale from a dealer or private person.
  22. Rinse, and if you have a steamer that works well, shake of excess water, plop of butter and a tiny shake of nutmeg. Or a covered glass bowl with fitted lid, 1/4 cup of water, on high for 3 mins, drain, plop of butter and a tiny shake of nutmeg.
  23. Is the trailer registered? If it is, then no, don't include the trailer, that tax was already paid when you plated it (although there are a lot of people that just shuffle the same plate from trailer to trailer without the paperwork). You get caught, it's your explanation to the fuzz. Ah shinola, Jer beat me to it.
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