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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. Quick..scoop em up, ship them somewhere and we'll get them back in rectangular zip to cans.
  2. For a second I thought someone had raffled off their 50 MIL, then I realized I didn't see "year old" in the sentence.
  3. I would bet that it will be reasonably drained by Monday with the surface frozen, However, punky white ice never refreezes to the point of becoming really hard and safe again, it sort of hangs in limbo. The next warm days, rain or sun just degrade it more and more.
  4. Just came back from a quick run to Barrie, man oh man was it pouring, I have visions of the water levels coming up in a great burst overnight. Looked on the weather radar and looked like Lew-ville over towards Peterborough was really getting hosed. Keep the kiddies away from the water, don't need any accidents.
  5. Wayne and your family, I really hope things take a real turn for the better, this is something no one should have to endure. I wish her the best.
  6. It's more than just the price of gas in Europe that affects what people drive. Engine size per ccm, HP, amount of pollution, size of vehicle, etc. It all adds up for your licence.
  7. And you wonder why people don't have a pot to whizz in or a window to throw it out of. As part of my taxes, I pay a $1.18 for a cubic metre of city tap water, for those that can't figure it out, 1 cubic metre equals 1000 one litre bottles and at the rate above would sell for about $2000. But, it wouldn't be cool to run your water through a Brita filter and fill up your own container now would it. I understand some have low quality water, but, most of the world I see wandering around with a water bottle in hand need a healthy smack upside the noggin, not to mention the waste of plastic.
  8. Okay, so feed the Easter Bunny some Ex-lax to advance the egg laying or Immodium to plug him up and he can lay the eggs the week after. Personally, I would go for the Immodium so the eggs won't be runny.
  9. Okay, I know I'm slightly wacked by some pills this morning, but yes, after every friday comes a saturday, been doing that for a loooooong time and don't see any change soon. So what the heck is the difference between the 4th and 5th saturday, other the other 6 days between them. I'm sure the trout don't know, just sneak up on them and fish. Jeez, you should be so lucky it's early this year.
  10. Just looked out the window, there's a raging snow storm right now, probably got 5cm in the last hour.
  11. Rushing cold rivers and children don't ever mix, a sad moment for the family to bear.
  12. Well that is going on my list for tomorrow if I can get to the store, escargots in garlic herb butter, makes for some good after supper toots
  13. Shouldn't be a problem, -8 tonight will firm things up. I would recommend cleats.
  14. Made supper(sheppards pie) earlier this morning, then been trying all sorts of positions to gain some comfort, blasted lumbar disc took a slip on Thursday. Now I know why they make shooz with velcro closers. Can't even get into the car or truck to go spend money.
  15. Real wood always seems to have some warmth and life in it, nice job Lew.
  16. I think one of the most important rules that you can live buy was mentioned above, the WANT vs. NEED rule. I'm not talking about basic life items, but the more frivalous things that you believe you can't live without, 3 TV's, the complete line up of cable or satellite service, dining out far too often, go to the movies, and oh ya, that "special" rod and reel that is supposed to catch more fish. A mega sized house complete with the mega electric and gas bill, the 3 cell phones and all the different iPods/iPads. Do ya really need the $XXXX sized fish finder or will the $xxx one work. Another thing that a lot of people don't do anymore is live with a hard and fast budget. My wife puts away the money to run our daily bills, house taxes, ins, hydro, heat, cable/phone/internet, groceries, etc in one account. There's NO DIPPING allowed. Leftovers at the end of the month are placed in another rainy day account for bigger ticket items like washer/dryer/fridge. If the money isn't there, it sure doesn't get spent ahead of of time. One of the biggest things that should scare a lot of people is their personal debt load, last study shows it's about 150%, for those who don't know what that means, people are spending $150 dollars for every $100 they earn. DUH. Anyway, just an opinion.
  17. Well I see that all of us around Barrie must know how to fish..right smack dab in the middle and no coverage.
  18. 1. Like it mentioned above there are only a handful of companies that physically make the battery, they are just sold with different stickers on them. 2. Optima batteries are way overated, check the actual capacity vs. size. vs price and you will see. 3. Go to a place like Total Battery that sells a lot of batteries otherwise you end up with old stock. Batteries that sit around for more than 3 months without a maintenance charge even if brand new start to sulfate. Do a google search on it. CTEK chargers are very good for off season maintenace charging, however, the smaller ones can't recharge a big battery very effectively.
  19. Excellent pics, had a fun time, now for the long wait until next year. I don't think the weather could have been much better either.
  20. The only thing I can add is that pretty much all radios have to pass a minimum standard, some add a we bit more to keep the innards dry, some have a few more features such as multiple channel scanning etc. But, the most important item when trying to "go the distance" with a transmitter is the antenna, you go cheap, you may as well prop up a limp noodle. If at all possible, go wit the 8'. I've got a 16' Princecraft, I use an 8' that has the lay down mount on the rear corner, when traveling, it lays down along side the gunnel with a small bungey to keep it secure.
  21. A friend sent it to me. http://www.dogwork.com/ddsff4/
  22. My FIL has seen a few of those caught in the Saguenay River, St Rose du Nord, QC over the years. One was pulled up from 600 feet and dragged onto the ice by a tow truck. There's a few articles on google.
  23. Buy scratchers.. Got a couple of leaf rakes standing around idle, cut off the handles and red/green tape them to the inboard side of the skis, if we can't find you handsome, at least we can find ya handy. Or something like that..
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