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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. What's your address? I'm sending over the Jehovah crew...
  2. And a drop of Javex was used on the ink because white out hadn't been invented yet..
  3. Anyone remember what a mimeograph is? How about a pencil. She's sad, there's enjoyment toys out there.
  4. Not telling anyone how to wire a trailer, everyone has their tried and true means. Run dedicated white grounds to each fixture, one from the front tof the trailer to each light mount or ground stud. That will solve your lousy ground problems forever. The double brown, one runs to each side for the park lamps. The green is right turn signal/brake looking from the rear of the trailer. Yellow is left trailer brake/signal. http://www.etrailer.com/faq-wiring.aspx
  5. Look in the manual or on line, it will tell you the minimum required size battery to efficiently crank over the engine. They actually pay people to figure this out so the rest of us don't need to "think about it"
  6. Quick google check will give you this:http://boatinfo.no/lib/mercury/manuals/40-50-55-60.html#/8 check the top right corner of the page.
  7. Not hackin on you Dave, just discussing, I wonder why you wouldn't want to drain it, too difficult or? Take the feeder line from the tank, hook it to a cheap 12 volt fuel pump and drain it into jerry cans for your vehicle. Then add a good dose of Seafoam to the tank before closing it. All my gas engines are stored dry, my oldest is a 47 year old snowblower, not quite the same as in inboard, but the principles the same. I think it would be easier, JMHO.
  8. I think the real answer is not to have any gas in the tank for the off season, that way there's no reson for the gas to go sour. It may be a royal pain to drain a fixed tank, but it's easier to refill with new gas in the spring that have to go through what he did. As for stabilizer, it may help, but it's not fool proof and I'll take that with a grain of salt. I've seen open containers of stabil, red or blue that looked more like Ouzo than anything that should go in an engine. Stabilizer in no way guarantees that fuel will not separate.
  9. I'd rather rig with a "100 foot rubber band" that use braided tractor cable any day. No finesse involved there at all.
  10. Nice bird, where's the taters and gravy..
  11. So you are saying that you guard that phone with your life... . Are we to understand your being held hostage in the Jolly Green Giants overalls, or, you make a lousy guard. Sorry coudn't resist. Was the window smashed in or...
  12. That's just some large fish, nice work.
  13. And a big hairy ___ gel seat cover. Something shaped like a big triangle. Those banana style racing seats are notoriously bad for the nerve center in the crotch area for guys. I put on a higher handlebar, keeps the back straighter.
  14. Well that's a different topic. Personally, when your times up, your times up. Your biological design or gene make up along with how you treat your body has some influence outcome. Some people die early, some late. Some have horrible diseases and make it through, some die from the comon flu. I just look at all the different species on the planet and by far we have to be the most screwed up there could possibly be. Destroy nature, modify food that should never be, it's endless. Yesterday I heard about "powdered" alcohol, but we can't cure some other ailments.
  15. Angus eh? Only thing around here might be a couple of errant bear pharts. The way some the Timmies Trolls look, they'd probably scare the poor bugger to death.
  16. Hahaha, drumstick bone in a beer can tried to another beer can, man do they get pissed trying to get it out.
  17. Ah, I thought it might be related to some wacky tab....y to make yu see things.
  18. Hahaha, too lazy to change the date on the camera, a little ruff out there this morning but that's going to taste good.
  19. http://i728.photobucket.com/albums/ww288/Fisherman1243/DSCF0027.jpg
  20. Hole patterns can definitely be different. As long as the cavitation plate is about even with the bottom of the hull, all shoud be be well.
  21. I would go with the tri fold ones, the long skinny ones that fold in half would make me nervous too.
  22. What is "Starburst"? Definitely will try 18, 33, well we'll have to try that one too, now what about the racoons that wil come for the grits.
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