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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. Something that rarely gets got on tape
  2. Wow, I absolutely loved this report. What a different experience. I'm thinking now maybe Antigua would be a nice place to visit.
  3. Well I know in the fall I found out Batchewana Trainstation Camp was for sale for a measly 30 grand I was very tempted.
  4. You really need to make a how to video for youtube on how to set up the camera. Lots of hits for this I bet.
  5. RAMP? We on don't need no stinking ramp.
  6. THATS WHAT SHE SAID!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Came for the fish porn. Not disappointed
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMxH7JLVdhc&feature=youtu.be
  9. Dyslexia is a horrible afflixtion. Your right 12 inches
  10. Well I got something to watch when I get off work.
  11. New Brook trout limits in the Temagami area 5 fish only one over 11 inches. This affects you Chad.
  12. Any of the on ice bungalows on Temagami would give you the action but I think you would have to rent them for 24hrs
  13. How did you fish them Chris just hook and sinker or tiping a lure?
  14. Any one had any success using worms through the ice for specks. I've always used live minnows looking at changing things up.
  15. I found a green frog suick while Musky fishing I already had the exact same one so I gave that one to my fishing buddy. Lost mine about two weeks later. I think he's caught at least 15 musky on that thing and it's still his go to bait. Another friend snagged a dead guy on Pittock something I always dread finding.
  16. First she's putfishin all the boys next thing you know she'll be out scoring them all.
  17. Very cool and now your part of everyone vacation story.
  18. Not just trout Chris but Ouananiche. Labrador . I've been 4 times and its awesome. Those landlocks on a five weight are awesome.Stay on Smallwood reservoir and boat to river mouths.
  19. Girly men https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=89dDpHpMhYQ#t=416
  20. Made me smile
  21. I keep coming back here to admire Chris the Younger's fish, Very Impressive.
  22. Wow some great fish there Chrises. I'm starting to get a Chris complex.
  23. Two favourites of which I don't get anymore cuz the people who made them have passed. #2 - Grandma's Shortbread cookies and a glass of milk. #1- Cold Dog's Nose ,A tradition German treat with a lot of rum in it. And if anyone knows a bakery where you can buy it please let me know
  24. I have a habit of catching good sized musky in front of a crowd. My buddy and I were fishing in our first boat- a 12ft jon up on Lake Restoule. The boat had a tiller style electric motor with a four foot handle extension. We are off a little patch of weed in front of a cotttage with a family gathering when BOOM my Grim Reaper gets attacked by a 46" ski. First fish in this boat and I'm in the bow. Fish gets close to the boat and I realize that he might get all tangled in the trolling motor. I yelling at my friend to pull it up but its a really small boat and he can't reach around me. So with a mighty heave I give the trolling motor rope a pull. The four foot handle swings across the front of the boat and knocks me ass over tea kettle into the water. Managed to land the fish but dang it that was embarrasing and hilariosly funny. I only wish there would have been go pro back in those days. Americas funniest home videos here I come.
  25. This is mostly true but there are lots of exceptions. I think the more important factor is an abundance of alternative spawing structure( ie more rubble/rock in deeper water as opposed to an abundance of shallow weeds). Excellent post. And yes, for every species the gene pool that allowed those fish to survive in that lake/river/pond/stream is uniquely designed thru trial and error to produce the best fish for that particular water body.
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