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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. The trailers I see up in Algoma haven't been moved in years but I'm way off the beaten path.
  2. Meaning I looked all over in Southern Ontario didn't find any. Lots of crown land to squat one on up north like everybody else does though.
  3. We kept two brand new sponsored Rangers in our yard behind a locked fence and gate with an alarm.They were in and out with both boats in under five minutes. Was called by the police two days later as they found both boats and trailers burned to a crisp in an abandoned gravel pit. 6 months later police pull over suspicious pick up and trailer on the 400 north with a lot of rec equipment on it, Everything on it was stolen including both of the 225 mercs from the boats, Guy didn't get charged with anything other than possesion of stolen goods over 5k. Now it just so happens that he was wanted on a murder warrent so no one needs to worry for a bit as he's locked away for a while.
  4. http://s3.amazonaws.com/assets.prod.vetstreet.com/34/be/910d72fb426693fc15c424cec17e/DSC_0032.JPG
  5. They will just burn the boat probably been done already. The boat is to easy to identify. Motor on the otherhand will be a quick cash sale. You don't want to know how I know this but it involves two 20 ft Rangers with 225's.
  6. Nice second photo but it needs a banana for scale.
  7. Head up Mile 35 RD to Batchewana station Batch up that way holds some nice specks.
  8. My experience on Temagami was back in the day when Temagami Lodge use to run huts. Our hut would be in deep water @80 feet but we would drill holes outside up to about 25 ft of water. Temagami was good and our biggest fish came from there but the action was always better on Cross or Kokoko
  9. WOAH! WOAH! WOAH! that is way to much effort !!!!
  10. same message
  11. Joe is a great lake for scenery. Only place I've ever seen wolves in person as I watched them chase a deer right by me.
  12. Huronia Bait and Tackle in Fesserton right off the 400 is always open they will open up for you if they are not. Thats where we get bait on the way up
  13. Yup I catch way more fish on Joe wth my mooching reel dead stick set up than on lures. I jig just to keep busy and to rest from all the walking either through powder or slush. We go in at the CNIB and it a bit of a haul. Parry Sound is more like Simcoe.
  14. Yep I was going to say Thompson's or off Oxyden.
  15. Mike is 100 % correct on this, Algonquin for car camping would not be a good expererience for the park. I would go to Restole to car camp over Algonquin any day. Now backcountry is a whole different ball game.
  16. Mine would be a dream package No where would be safe.
  17. Damn SImon that look's like a great time!!!
  18. He was pretty good about it,considering they are irreplacable. The lure had already produced two 50" sows outta Mcgregor Bay and like he said why have em if your not going to use them.
  19. I was on the boat when a friend lost not one but two Wishmaster big baits out near Thompson Island. Think about that, thats $1200 worth of snag.
  20. Nice report.
  21. BIsco is anything but small although boat traffic won't be a lot.
  22. Temagami man can't think of a place I'd rather houseboat
  23. What the science paper I sent you isn't keeping you interested?
  24. The little lake in the park(Arrowhead)k gets stocked with brook trout yu could give that a try.
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