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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. It's not that natural muskie didn't work Its that tiger muskie can be raised a lot cheaper because they will feed on pellets where as musky have to be feed on live fish.
  2. Great now I got another fish on my bucket list.
  3. Wasn't that Rich who also had that great tradition of BBQing while he was fishing till he went on a diet.
  4. Edit for the same reason your wife likes to shop and you like to fish.
  5. The answer here is genetic selection. Pike hatch 2-3 weeks earlier than musky and prey on musky fingerling when they first hatch. Musky that don't grow quickly end up as pike buffet. Over the coarse of evolution only the fastest growing largest musky where able to survive in waters which held pike. The work of Bernard Lebeau is great if your into the science. He postulates that there are two different and distinct musky species. Lacustrine(which evolved without interaction with pike) and Riverine(with pike) As far as the Kawarthas go we are talking evolution so musky co-existing with pike there will take 100's of generations before any gentic drift will happen so it might never happen.
  6. I'm soo glad this isn't only me.
  7. Sweet Rescue!!
  8. Great report as always. I very much want to see that documentary.
  9. Man I really got to get to your place! Yes deepest pools below runs should produce
  10. Does Temagami Lodge still run ice fishing operations? Back when Paul and Julia ran the place its the only operators I use to use.
  11. Man that is a dream trip. Whenever I get jealous of your life I just try to remember how much I hate winter.
  12. looks like a brook stickleback to me but no way to identify for sure without counting the spines
  14. Pics and report or it didn't happen. I fish right until ice up and the colder it gets we seem to do well on suicks.
  15. You cannot kiln dry burl. It should only be air dried. You need to seal your cuts on the end right away before it starts to check. I know I worked here www.forloversofwood.com for 10yrs. And I dealt with burls from all over the world on a daily basis. What I see is a nice hand chiseled wash basin.
  16. It's there fella's I owe him an apology and now I have a place to fish after Sept 30. Some nice specks there man.
  17. I'm not saying anything
  18. It is illegal to fish within 25 meters of any dam. It is possible that they have posted a sign to remind people of this.
  19. This at your camp? Nice report !
  20. Another great report Mike. I too will join in the laughter at the short shorts. This easily ate up an hour of work time this morning. You my friend are the Bard of OFC entertaining us with these tales.
  21. Chores nothing he's involved in a child labour ring at the local mine. LOL Can't wait for the vids of him sledding.
  22. ARRRGHGGG ,THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. If I'm driving somewhere and can't just look out the window all the big lakes have live wave bouys in several location to let you know current wave height. Example http://www.surf-forecast.com/buoys/lake-st-clair-buoy/hourly
  24. While I appreciate your enthusiasm you absolutely cannot compare resident fisheries in NY and Mi with On. The supplemental stocking done by both states is astronomical and not all naturally produced like here in Ontario. I have no problem with steelhead sharing water with browns as both are non native species. My concern are the brook trout tribs put impassable barriers on them and you got yourself a deal.Edit : Some of my favourite Nith river BT tribs have been overrun with rainbow YOY and smolts since they started getting all the way up to New Hamburg from Erie.
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