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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. The info I gave was specific cuz that's the way I roll.
  2. That was some very unfish like behaviour
  3. Nice big smallie I feel like they are starting to put on the feed bag already with all these cooler temps
  4. We have a custom/tradition on here of an introductory post. I won't help someone who comes here out of the blue making request, thats how places get ruined. I have never failed to point members in a direction that will help them out and then did so in this case as well and pointed OP in a direction but then my PM box was flooded with the info that this was his first ever post and that that was not the way we handed out info around here. I agreed as I did not see that it was his first post and removed the info I had supplied. So no info. If he wants to start with an intro post and show he wants to become part of our community then I'm sure others and myself would be more than willing to help him. This isn't trying to discriminate against newcummers to the site but to lurkers who are only interested in a one way flow of info. All those little post by the way they show your interest in this community and the fact you come here on a regular basis so they are important. Imagine if floater came here with his first post to ask where in the GTA to go brook trout fishing? Everyone would be all over him that we don't give info to lurkers. Well some members feel that the Bisco area is their backyard and they don't want that info given to just anyone.
  5. Man I feel lucky I hated my 20 minute door to door commute from Washington to Kitchener. Now I'm under 5 minutes from work but they keep talking about moving 1/2 an hour away to be closer to the 401. Good thing they are so slow at these things.
  6. Hey would love to see some video on that little cutty lake.
  7. I guy I work with just had his tricked out Ram stolen right out of his driveway and he's petty sure it went to the chop shop on the reserve.l He would have chased after them but his mom was worried about violence but he knows who the driver of the second car was he just can't prove itt.
  8. only a couple of posts so no info.
  9. I regularly drive to fish Algonquin for the day.
  10. To clarify here's a steelhead taken on a 8" rouser(jerkbait) while musky fishing
  11. Holy that was awesome. Can't wait for September
  12. Excellent report and great that you could reconnect with your daughter and rekindke a shared passion
  13. Wow excellent pike, I'vew forwarded the pic to a local bio he'll be interested
  14. Mike I just can't imagine how fun that was for those kids. Not only a fly in trip with great fishing but being with peers while doing it. There is not many kids that age that get to experience a trip like that with adults but to have two other friends there your age would make a trip like that unforgetable. You and the Joes deserve some high parenting grades as I'm sure a trip like this will have an impact on all three of these boys life in a positive way.I'm sure you guys had a great time as well and their enthusiasm had to have been infectious.
  15. Looks like a great family trip. Thanks for the report.
  16. I just always turn around and kick to where I need to go. I can't see moving forward in a tube being done efficiently.
  17. Nice report Nothing quite says summer vacation like bass fishing.
  18. The St John Fishery began because Quebec didn't think when they stocked a small lake in the Headwaters in 1970 with 1000 musky that perhaps those musky would spread through the system in highwater. They are a very controversial fish out east and are considered invasive. They are only in the St John drainage.
  19. The Keith O'brien fish was retroactively disqualified on a technicality by people with a vested interest And the current record Louis Spray's 69 pound fish is just as made up as Art Lawton's but supported by those with the same vested interest.
  20. I ve been thinking brooky fishing is going to be great in September.
  21. LOL there will never be a new world record musky because the old world record is a fable that will never be overturned and disallowed. That being said the next fish to be disqualified as a world record will come from South Bay of Lake Nippising
  22. Well the one that makes the most sense is to take identification out of the picture. All musky fall under musky regs The same way that brook,brown and rainbow fall under the same regs Enforcement is easier. People who as a rule, most are good, there is still a suprising number of bad apples that will break the law(see Rainbow fishing on Bronte Creek or Bass fishing out of season) if you leave them a way to do it.
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