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Everything posted by joonmoon

  1. Do you get many Crappie with that chunk tipping or are they more willing to hit a whole live minnow?
  2. Beauty fish, gotta luv the colors on em.
  3. Its awesome to see a young group of guys pull together in the crunch to pull out a win they had no business winning. Too bad for the Russian kids, they IMO battled harder and prolly should have won that game in regulation but lets hope our boys learned from that fiasco and get their carp together for the GOLD. After all thats what they came to get, thats the only thing they will be happy with. Better light a fire under their a$$ Quinn. Its theirs for the takin.
  4. How do you figure you'll get ripped for bait @ Tall Tales???????? Like Sonny said, go spend the time and effort yourself and see what ya come up with. Bait shops have to survive on sales and with ice conditions being sketchy across most of southern Ontario, they haven't had much in sales as of yet. Anyway don't knock what you haven't got a clue about. Tall Tales has reasonable rates for bait, just got between 30-45 minnows for $6 the other day.
  5. A dip in the hut tub, a BBQ and a movie....I know we are old and boring people. Maybe go for a walk New Years Day.
  6. Enjoy your stay, post lots of pics and have fun. B well.
  7. Anyone lookin at er....what a beauty eh!
  8. As did my bro, we've Jedi-improved our cradles....now as far as ill manored Skis well thats what we use the force for.......once they hit the cradle its mellow time.
  9. South Bay give Scott a call: http://www.chillywillys.ca/ South Shore try: http://www.snowfariadventures.com/
  10. Hey Buddy nice haul on the hut and the fish TV, heck now all you need is some decent ice eh! Family is important this time of year more than ever and to spend the time in a portable hut with wife and child watching Fish TV.....well just can't be beat. You got a keeper there Rich....she spoils you. But you might be jealous just a little of one of the gifts my wife bought me................................................. Have a good holiday and cya soon on the hard stuff.
  11. I have one and it barely keeps the area around the heater warm...I'm lookin for a Mr. Buddy heater it has way more BTU's and is a better bang for your buck.
  12. I get 300-350 holes per set with my 6" hand auger...the trick is to oil them when the day is over. Don't bang the auger on the ice and never lend it to someone else. Change the blades with new ones every other season at the beginning. The cost is minimal, don't bother trying to sharpen them waste of time.
  13. Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year to all.
  14. Guess he should have torpedoed that fish...hahaha.
  15. I like this shot myself
  16. Have patience with your recovery, it might be a while. Keep your chin up and stay positive. Its all good, keep resting and eating those cookies. Be well, thanks are for friends, with us you are family.
  17. Dang now that was wild...thanks for sharing...AWESOME, too bad I'm too old and chicken for that crap.
  18. WTG. some nice craps there fur sur. Gotta luv first ice eh! Thanks fur sharing.
  19. Petrie Island whenever it freezes up good.
  20. Okuma UL 10 for me on all 6, 4lb or 2lb test. They work great and are around 20-25 bucks.
  21. Tisk tisk....I smell an OFC wanna B...lol. I feel sorry for those that can't be mature and just admit it. Tisk tisk. Maybe someday he will grow up and join the real thing...lol.
  22. Would luv to join you guys but my wifes hockey schedule/coaching is very tight and we are planning a Quinte weekend already. Good luck and have a good weekend.
  23. Home Hardware is a small town store gone Canada wide to all the smalltowns. And yes they originated in St. Jacobs'. I try to spend more money there than the big box stores because not only were they here first they are Canadian businesses. They always have what you need or they will get it for you. Their prices are very comparable and well I'm just glad they're here.
  24. Cool vid. Reminded me of when I attended Sir Sandford Fleming back in the 80's. We had been raising Muskies and found that they will eat eachother at 1-2". Call it cannibalism or very territorial whichever you like...brought back memories for me too. Good times. Thanks for the Simcoe Muskie update. Can't wait for that fishery.
  25. Nice pics guys and I have to agree with Canuck2fan. I don't much care for the red line either.
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