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Everything posted by joonmoon

  1. Good stuff bro, leave it to the shipper to catch and land a caught helpless cat....lol. Good on ya fur releasing it unharmed. It sure was a beauty day to be out. Hit the Grand and the Speed after niteshift for the day Monday and picked up a handfull of small bass. They were both high and murkier than normal, tough fishin.
  2. The legend of the music will live on forever in our hearts and minds....... Thank You.
  3. What an awesome weekend with the bros...Since I missed the last two years due to neck and spine injuries I had forgotten how much fun we have. Playin the Bass and learning from the Shipper was a blast. Eatin some quality Pigeon Lake perch and Crappies was great but the weekend was made with the chance to land the Biggun for my little Bro. And seeing how exhausted we both were after her release I can only hope to share the feeling again...only with Jedi on the cradle...lol. Thanks Bros for a beauty weekend, lookin forward to next trip out already.
  4. Good one Bro. NICE. Holy cow nice perch too and some familiar looking spots where that bass was caught. Yas had a good week,looking forward to our Cherryhill gang weekend. Stopped in at Emily one day too but there was no way I could get our boat in without getting swamped, had to let it go for now. Bummer.
  5. Good one Bro. Did ya git em in your new fav weedbed? I like the deepweed line with the rocky shore off the big island. Goog and i tried a new spot for eyes on the Grand but Nadda, still lookin for em.
  6. My buddy Jimmy and I were down and fishin @ Port Maitland by 9:30am today. We trolled crankbaits upstream a few kms and paused to fish with jigs/grubs worm combinations several times but the heat and lack of wind was unbearable so we continued trolling. By early afternoon we had what felt like a few bites but nothing to show for it. Switched to a worm harness and began trolling back to the launch downstream. We were about 1 1/2km from Erie when he had a nibbler and shortly there after...landed his first eye of the season. Good job by the guide finally...lol.
  7. Yo Fishdawg, I caught several dozen Crappies all between 8-12" on 1/8 oz jig and white yum grub combo and power bait combos, while I was bouncing the bottom structure and weeds for walleyes. Funny tho didn't catch any eyes. Even caught some giant Blueys on that set up too. Released all fish...too lazy to clean em but I know they're yummy, have eatin from there in years past.
  8. Yup Bro, we had a blast and Goog and I both agree it was too short...oh yeah thats cause we were only there a few days. We luved it and gotta luv the Pigeon.
  9. At least ya tried Bro, and everyone has a chance at the draw prize. I tried it a few times in years past but never did well....too many boats and I'm sure the fish are hungry since theres no more ice fishing and no fishing til bass opens but glad to see the prizes are getting better every year. No clear bottom yaks this year eh?
  10. Ya Bro visions of Skis dancing in my head...lol. We have a cradle we use to land anything over 30". and a landing net both work well.
  11. Nice job and alot of work for them toothies eh! Well ya did alright...tell your girlfriend she sure knows how to take nice photos. Good for you and thanks for sharing.
  12. It was an excellent week up there as always, anywhere is better than being at work right? The "AUGUSTAWIND" handles some nasty waters with ease until you have to paddle.....squares rotate in circles...lol. Gotta luv the north.
  13. We need photo proof...
  14. Finished nightshift on Sat morn packed up and hit the road by 9:30am arriving early afternoon without as much as a wink of sleep. Partially cause of the excitement and anticipation of the week to come but mostly cause of the multiple Timmies consumed while packing and loading the boat and trailer up. Arrived mid afternoon and enjoyed friends company and played a little Texas Horseshoes...throwing large washers at holes in a board trying to get to 21 first...lol. But during the first few hours I was mentally distracted by the lure of the dock, so eventually I secumbed to the temptation and stood on the dock to cast a bucktail...ah I was at peace...but whoa fish on, now I'm at peace...lol. Within a few moments I was starting the fish count for the week. Pike #1 a hammerhandle but a good start. Several casts later another a little bigger but spit the buck. As the evening went on I was becoming more and more stupid with the lack of sleep... 10:30 pm its time to crash, and down I went. The next morning was promising with the thought of working my fav weedbeds since they haven't reached the surface yet leaving enuff space to burn a bucktail between them and the surface. Out in the boat we went, casting, casting, and more casting...after hours of casting and only one pike my need for more coffee won the fight, so in we went to have a late lunch and recharge the caffine system. Now to shorten things up a little Sunday nite my better half and I decided to troll before sundown at a secret but known area. Caught another pike and as the sun dropped below the treeline on the ridge she says my fav words "FISH ON"...music to my ears. As the rod thumps and bulldawgs deep shes thinking nice bass or pike but I'm thinking hmmmm I've seen this before...... 22" about 4-5 lber right in the slot and a beauty spawner too. Measure and pic and released at the dock as we packed it in due to the skeeters becoming a major issue. Nice thoughts to go to bed with, dancing walleyes in my head. Hoping to have a few for the table but good to see one in the slot too. Tuesday was to be our visit to the west arm. We trolled by LakeAir in the "AUGUSTAWIND" and looked for fellow OFNCers but no one was there, dang got the dates mixed up again, when is the big G2G? Did we miss it again?...dang. Gotta mark it on the calendar...lol. Trolled Warren Bay, worked the weedlines, jigged the drop-offs, casted to visible structure, tried shallow, tried deep and finally I broke down and anchored just off a weedline frustrated and out of ideas for fishing walleyes...nada. I pulled out my fav bucktail and realized we were in the same area that produced a large member of the Esox family for me 2 years previous. With the anticipation of a huge explosion I threw a medium distance cast at the weeds and began to burn it across the surface. Not even three cranks on my reel and I felt what was the equivalent of a wookie trying to rip my arm out of its socket..."FISH ON" and a doozie one to boot. It was a pike and it swam quickly towards the boat and once in sight it began to turn and dawg and headshake and freak out like a typical pike but this monster had lots of weight to her and to keep it from burying itself in the weeds it took every ounce of strength I had. Several short bursts of speed later it was back at boatside and scooped by my better half in the net. Ahh relax time but my heart would have nothing to do do with that. She was 36" and approx 10-12 lbs of pure Esox muscle. What a beauty. A few quik pics measure and back to the drink she went. My day was made. All toll I boated 16 pike from the French, 3 Largemouth, and 2 12" perch and the monster from Nip. Not a bad week, even though I didn't get a bucktail or jerkbait visit from the other member of the Esox family. My wife didn't spend the time on the water that I did but she boated 5 pike and the awesome eye. Now that was a relaxing holiday...lol.
  15. Yup had a blast, the banana ended up being a good luck charm for the Shipper not an evil omen...lol. I disbelieve the stories of bananas being bad luck in a boat cause I eat them while fishing alot for an energy boost. I have yet to get skunked or had anything but awesome fishing. No complaints as far as the yak goes just like Jedi said tho a longer yak would suit me better. Gotta luv the Grand.
  16. Hang in there Smokey it will come just never quik enuff. Luv the north and the scenery, Thats why you enjoy it so much cause ya waited all year to go. Thanks for the retro from the north hope to go again up that way some year soon...
  17. Awesome fish dude, nice work. Hope to get a tiger someday myself. Do they fight like Pike or similar to Skis?
  18. Nice work Bro, glad to see ya dragged Rufus away from his CPU long enuff to get some fishin in. Nice catches, guess the dog is better behaved in the canoe now eh!
  19. Yup we learned them Crappie a thing or two...what a fun day even in the monsoon. Next time out we'll find some Skis and a little bigger eyes would be good too...lol. Thank you for an awesome day Bro, do it again soon.
  20. Nice work Bro, guess all the years of frozen mudding on New Years Day finally pays off. Lets see if we can get some at the Bog Thurs that will match that size.
  21. What a LOOOOOOOSER. Hope he burns bigtime for his STUPIDITY....lol.....hahaha. Good for the organizers to have a second look at that fish.
  22. Seel that canoe and get a 14' Sportspal, you won't regret it.
  23. Use the livewell, or we just go to shore au naturel...you know like the bears....lol.
  24. The Sportspal canoe is super stable in the water we've never had issues with stability even though the seats look high they aren't really. I can wash Musky slime off my hands without bending over at all, we've always fished from a Sportspal...as opposed to another canoe, maybe we are are just used to it, I dunno. Some modifications have been made to seat supports and swivel brackets were added to allow more mobility as well. Just gotta see what works and what doesn't.
  25. Hey Mike those PJ's are and have always been my good luck charm...lol. I wear them over my shorts when it gets too hot and sunny to prevent a nasty sunburn. I had an awesome day Bro thanks for your guiding services, it sure was nice having nothing to do but fish for a change. I think it would have been a lot shorter day had there have been no wind. I can't remember a better opener, boating three Skis and an eye and numerous perch, too bad the Shipper didn't get one...lol.
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