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Everything posted by joonmoon
Bananas are good luck in my boat...as long as they aren't green. The riper the better...
After the way I ate for Thanksgiving weekend, I would have no problem eating that miniscule burger...lol. Prolly do it in less time too.
Thanks guys, we fished long and hard all morning for that one bite... Too bad Gadget didn't get any, but he has had his days to out fish me too. Hey Bro not sure if he's lookin to buy a boat/canoe but I'll ask him, see what he says. Lookin forward to a few more days on the water before packin up the boats and gearing up the huts.
Started out the morning with of course an extra lg @ Timmies and on the pond by 8:30am. The wind was strong and got continually stronger as the morning went on. Fought the wind all the way from the launch to the north end of the lake where we drifted and casted bucktail spinners, looking for any active moving fish. But before too long my buddy Inspector Gadget and I found ourselves blowing at Muskie trolling speeds or better even with the drift sock draggin and catching weeds. The Augustawind was living up to its name, blowing like a sail across the lake. Time to head for some protected waters and glad we did too. As soon as we tucked into a small bay I spotted a mid sized Pike swimming by the boat. And it wasn't about to eat with us near by but it was the first sign of underwater life for the day. I switched to a Riverside Cyclops Sluggo and a 3/0 hook but didn't remove the 12" titanium leader I was using so as not to lose a Pike. We worked the shoreline and the weedline and the deep water with tenacity. Inspector throwing a variety of perch flavoured X-Raps and Rapalas. Finally I toss into semi-submerged brush in 3-4' of water and twitch....twitch...twitch...and my line takes off sideways. I gorkem with lightning reflexs and power. FISH-ON....whoohoo its a beauty. Short fight and my awaiting thumb scoops em up. Its my PB for this year, just over 20" and very close to 5 lbs. And of course Inspector Gadget thought we looked very similar but I think he was just jealous.
Hey Bro, cool lookin yakoe or canak or whatever ya call it. did ya figure out a wheeled cart for this one? Yup I know the spot well, water looked clear and average level too. Gonna have to give it a shot again soon. Was there a few weeks ago and it was high and dirty only picked up one small smallie.
Nice work guys, glad to see yas had a good outing. Some beauty smallies to boot.
Hey beernut, glad to have ya aboard. I like to fish Dunnville area of the Grand R. too, haven't been down there much this year though. Hows it been?
You have aliens inside yur TV. Tell E.T. to go home...lol.
Yeah... In my opinion he got off lucky...should have fined him that much for each fish.
Awesome Z, lets see them pics. Was the water dirty or clear? We need to know...lol.
The snag/fish back up the boat thing is funny. Happens to a lot of us. Nice work with the ski, she really looks like she needs an attitude adjustment with the snarl and all. Awesome. WTG with the successful release.
I luv fishing the hard water but......whoa lots of open water yet....can't think about ice til late Dec.
Gotta luv it when you can dial in on a pattern that no one else seams to figure out when you're out there eh Bro! Good job at least the rain didn't stop ya from goin. Keep yur gear redy and we'll get out again before its too cold. Maybe that skinny pike should eat something other than lures and it will gain some poundage.
Hey bro glad you found yur way on board the #1 fishin board, now lets see if we can get ya some trips in and nail some fishies. We all like posts with lots of pics, so don't be afraid to go trigger happy on the camera...lol. talk at ya at work.
Nature at its best, beauty fall colors and the fish look awesome. Nice.
Scugog is hit and miss, heres the man to talk to as far as huts go, tell him Joonmoon sent ya...Terri 705-328-3085. Depends on species of fish you're after but for lots of action I would go to Simcoe. Perch will feed all day, might have to move around a bit. Nip is farther away obviously but nothing compares to a weekend in an ice bungalow. Good luck and just do what I do....do them all...
Ah c'mon...she'll do 40mph....
Good job Steve, hope to make it your way soon with my new boat. Can't make the fall tourney though gotta work that weekend.... Good luck and hope it goes well for ya.
Care to surf behind us??????????
Thanks all. Mike the Pike I have kept the lucky pajamas and Pikehunter Jr. I'm 6'4" and have no problem in the Rav. Test drive one if you're in the market for a vehicle they are sweet. We luv the boat and find myself sitting in the captains seat while its in the driveway waiting for the next trip....hoping to get out several more trips before freeze up.
Gotta luv the Grand...
Fri morning after working a 12 hr niteshift, I had barely enuff time to gather up the gear and load the Rav so we could get over to see Andy and pick up the new water ride we just purchased from him. Put the new plate on and headed for the Mighty French River for it's maiden voyage with her new name "The Augustawindagin". Now my wife and I had been shopping for some time now for a new boat and finally we found it..our own Andy from OFC had been keeping it safe for us untill we could pick it up...lol. Thanks again Andy for all your help, really appreciate it. As far as the wheels go they are new since late May but we've been so busy fishing and travelling with it and workin in there too that I had neglected to take a decent shot of it til now but it looks better with a new toy behind it anyway. The boat was promptly launched in the afternoon Sat and was taken for a ride to get the feel of her, then put to work towing a beater boat that wouldn't run from the dock to the ramp to be trailered and stored for winter. After which we finally got to wet a line. The first two fish in the boat were lamely small and normally not worthy of a photo but being they were our first...well it just had to be done...lol. We managed to get several in the nursery size both that afternoon and then again on Sunday but the change in weather definitely made things difficult on Sunday with the cold north winds blowing in. The "Agustawindagin" handled the water with ease and looking forward to more time on the water this fall before we store her for the winter. Thanks again Andy for the addition to our family, you're a real class act buddy.
Good job, hope there was a prize for second? If not the fish was a prize in itself. I second the thought of measuring tape photos...no need just go on the measurer's word and the catcher can verify, short of that maybe a polygraph...lol.
Good job guys, the critter that we all are guessing at in my opinion is a fisher. They are small weasel like scavengers known to frequent shorelines for meals. Martens are more northerly and weasels are more southerly, Mink are much the same but my money is on fisher. Seen lots around the Grand areas I fish. Beauty fish and Sugarpacket you should try out for the Fishergirl calendar....One thing Rich....how the hell did you end up with such a hottie girlfriend?...lol. Glad to see yas had a good few days on the water.
Nogies Creek has a free one with a small parkin area. Its just on the northside of the bridge at hwy 36. Good luck and be safe.