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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. Sorry to here that Mike. Our prayers go out to your dad and family.
  2. Your combo is rated for a certain lb test so thats the limit. You can catch muskie on lighter gear but that means extended fighting time which will either end up in a very tired near death fish or a terminal tackle fail with the muskie swimming away with your bait in his mouth. Either way I would not recommend targeting muskie with a spinning outfit unless it was rated at least medium to heavy action /17 to 20 lb
  3. Nope,thats about it....Count your blessings and start pickin away and hope it starts to pull free.
  4. Now that was a little close for comfort. This thing missed our trailer by about 20k.The skies were looking funny today around noon hour so we decided to pack it in and head back to London early.
  5. :wallbash: :wallbash:
  6. Welcome to our board Stinky...Couldn't resist
  7. Brandon, Although salt and sugar make for tasty flavours I'm sure you could lesson those ingredients and still come up with a nice smoke. Heres a place where I go to get some recipes. Remember there are no rules when smoking fish just creation of flavour. http://www.scribd.com/doc/20186789/Luhr-Jensen-Smoked-Salmon-Recipe#
  8. Agreed..This is a great way to catch big chub in a hurry and its quite fun to be honest. We used to go down to the crick in one of the deeper runs and catch up a doz in no time with a small hook and piece of worm...
  9. Welcome aboard !!
  10. Nice pics TJ. Good to see at least Monique is catching the fish up there...Oh and love the pic of buddy towing the pooper,priceless !!
  11. Had this picture up a couple times already but I can't resist since you guys are talkin seagulls... This bird decided he was hungry for a muskie sized snack. It was actually his second shot at the bait so I had the camera ready for him..
  12. Kevin at Lakair Lodge has a hole pile of it on his property if I'm not mistaken. He cut down a bunch of trees a few years ago and sent them to a sawmill and now it sits rough cut piled up on the back of his property. http://www.lakair.com/
  13. One word,breathtaking.... Thanx for the beautiful fishing pictures and taking us for a tour of your restaurant..
  14. It's a groundhog ??? You don't like the little fella I take it
  15. Man that is small...Its going to take about ten years before its a real good size so you may have to go find another spot for now bud....
  16. What kind of carp is that Dan ??? Sure its small but like the mirror carp its one of those types you don't catch a lot of...
  17. The more I look at this pic these two names pop into my head... Reah Sierra
  18. Ditto...
  19. Heck Joey, if you didn't have bad luck you wouldn't have any at all...We are just going to have to put you in a plastic bubble girl.... Now go and change your signature to, Damn you yellow caterpillars !
  20. Well done Paul More fun times to come !!
  21. Thanx,I needed that
  22. There used to be a guy from Toronto that posted a lot of pics of pike that he caught in sight of the CN tower. He was one of the funniest fellas that posted fishing related stuff here.... For the life of me I forget his name ??? Someone chime in here before I loose it....
  23. Yup,practice practice practice.... While your watching tv,taking the dog for a walk,cuttin the grass or just standing around in front of the BBQ havin a beer It'll come.....
  24. Nice Kings !!
  25. I always thought the Blue Walleye was the holy grail of Ontario
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