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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. Now thats a kipe if ive ever seen one
  2. Never mind...I thought you said Carp Experts
  3. I like the gooy ones.Correct me if i'm wrong but I think the ice crystals are breaking the eggs membrane thus creating the heavy milking affect when using at the river. Only thing is the eggs don't last to long but long enough to catch a fish
  4. Great report Walleye Man !!
  5. Laz, My cat takes down rabbits in the back yard and periodically raids nests of them in the spring and thats not including all the doves she's killed and left a the door ..Not sure were she's getting the bunnies from,maybe under the shed ??? I think pets on the loose killing game is like J walking. I never heard of anyone getting charged for it especially if its happening on your own property. Friend of mine used to have a malamute but she's dead and gone now..Anyhow,he lived next to a farmers field which always had corn on it. The corn attracted rats and they took up resisdence in his garage that was within 20 feet of the corn row. To bad for the rats cause Shelby his malamute picked these rats off one by one whenever she had the opportunity. I was there once when she pounced on a rat. Its over in a heartbeat !! Now my buddy uses rat traps since Shelby the terminator is no longer around.
  6. Guys, Shooting wandering pets ??? Intentional property damage ??? Common,this is against the law if proof is available. Lets not let this thread go down that road or it will be locked. laszlo, beautiful dog you got there man. Sounds like she just needs to be trained and your good to go... Cheers !!
  7. Yup,I can see were this is going to end up....We know people don't get along and we also know there are people who get down right territorial about there space when fishing anywhere so at that note I think its pretty much all covered before the fur starts to fly...
  8. They are beautiful birds for sure. Nice pic... Couple of years ago I was up in one of my tree stands early before sun up. When the sun finally came up I felt this feeling that I was being watched . Sure enough in the tree beside me not more than ten feet away sat a huge barn owl glaring at me as if I was intruding on his space,,,and I was suppose....Never been that close to a owl of that size or any at that..We stared at eachother for about ten minutes before he decided he'd had enough. Wish I'd had my camera...
  9. Never met Sonny but my condolences go out to him and his family. He sure seems like he enjoyed life to the fullest by all the pics posted here. So sad.....
  10. Fight the fish of course..Once you get it close enough to the boat and confirm what it is then break it off if its an issue. Be careful though cause a swallowed bait may do as much or more damage if left in the throat of a larger fish.
  11. One tends to drink lots of beer while bottling alot of wine
  12. No family secrets here Snag..... Now thats better.....I'm good for about a month
  13. Wife and I are always sick.....
  14. Voted for ya.... Good Luck !!
  15. Try walkin up to one wearing camo and a shotgun in your hand
  16. Heres one I like...... OntarioTrophyBucks.com
  17. Matt, Thanx for going ahead and posting those pics. Great fish and many stories to tell the grand children while admiring it on the wall Cheers !!
  18. Nice job Glen !! Its a wonder why everyone like these jigs..sweet !! I see your doing the smelting process outside...Is that because of the toxic fumes the lead gives off in this part of the process ?? When I poured lead jigs I did it in a work shed with ventilation fans pushing air to the outdoors kinda like a oven hood would do....Just thought I would throw that in for anyone who was thinking of doing there own after watching this video.... Keep up the fine work Glen and uh.....you got any left over you know where I live Cheers !!
  19. Thats funny !! I was at the Maitland once catching salmon when a dude from the bank said,hey buddy next one you catch would you give it to me instead of letting it go. I said sure pal so the next fish I land I offer up to the gentleman and he comes running through the water towards me and trips over a rock and does a swan dive completely going underwater and comes up in front of me and I'm laughing my ass off...Here ya go bud,enjoy Cheers !!
  20. I may be mistaken but I think I heard somewhere that certain species of Grass Carp get that big Heres one on utube that looks like it was gettin up there
  21. Wife and I broke one rod hauling a salmon into our 14ft Lund. She flopped it from the net right on top of my pole so breaking four on a big muskie I can understand. Looking forward to seeing it as Roy stated.....
  22. Yup,what Roy said. Also,the spooks action works because of its one piece construction. It should have a nice side to side glide when jerked in a steady rhythm . I'm curious what the action will be with the jointed version. You can sand angles on the flat areas at the joint as well so when the action is happening the baits two sections will come together more smoothly and not hit each other on the rounds. Good Luck !!
  23. I wouldn't worry about the nicks and scratches unless they are deep. They give character to a fishing pole. Ive got an old Loomis I use for Walleye and I don't think there is a spot on the pole where there isn't a scratch or a nick. The thing is 20 years old and still my all time fav.....I also never sand down my cork rod handles either. I guess its a personal choice to make when it comes down to it. Cheers !!
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