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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. Its a good start Curtis. Now you just got to feed it some steroids and show us the end results. Have a good look around at this link and it will give you the jist of what your shootin for... http://www.grimreaperlures.com/about.htm
  2. Had a brainstorm !! One more hour to go..Now what else can I conjure up...
  3. Canoes on the truck and fishing gear loaded. Just waiting on my partner to show up around 7.00am. Now what will I do for the next two hours
  4. What a wonderful portrait. Looks like a much younger Marv
  5. Mancard revoked !! Next time well probably see you handling fish with pink gloves on.
  6. I'm one of the ones that count my blessings and go leaderless when targeting pike. Now if I'm targeting muskie well thats a different story all together. I like to use 80lb mono of some sort. Usually Triple fish or Seaguar with good heavy duty snap swivels.
  7. Mike, My post wasn't directed to anyone in particular. People don't realize how quick these things can happen so when I put stuff like this out there its information for all those who visit OFC(mega hits daily) that may not have as much experience as our more regular every day fisherman here on the site. Practicing prevention is half of the battle but sometimes like you said in your situation it couldn't be helped and a good safety kit saved your day.
  8. Happened to a friend of mine in Lake Erie about 15 years ago. Reaching out to set his down rigger and lost his footing. Found him treading water waving his hat on the end of a downrigger pole about 7 hours later.
  9. :wallbash: :wallbash:
  10. Thats the key right there. Cradles are to hard to use by yourself. They are nice to use in a smaller boat with lower gunnels to the water as well providing once again you have a partner. As well, trying to use a cradle in a taller boat is nearly impossible unless your really flexible. Problem is in a small boat even the single handled collapsible muskie nets take up a fair mount of space so your options are kinda limited . I wouldn't recommend this but in my muskie fishing days I learn to tail all my fish at boat side. I fished mostly alone back then and got quite good at it.....
  11. I think Shadowfly should tell us how many lakes he's fished
  12. Thanx fella's
  13. Guys I'm interested in some of that sun blocker wear. Can you post a link or perhaps even some manufactures names ??? Bill,where did you get the Buff headwear ??
  14. First aid kits are great and a must in any boat but perseverance is the first priority when it comes to landing big fish,even little fish for that matter. Make sure to keep the fish in the water at boat side until a net is available. Do not boat green fish especially muskie with baits still in their mouths. Always wait until a thrashing muskie is settled down before trying to take the hooks out of their mouths at boat side. Preferably just cut the hooks away with a good pair of side cutters instead or use a good long pair of needle nose or adjustable's to pull the hooks away keeping your hands clear..And never hold up a fish for a picture unless all hooks have been removed. Even smaller hooks can become deeply drivin into your flesh and very hard to remove without a lot of pain.
  15. Great minds ....I usually put on a life jacket and float around on my back with a nice cold can of ice tea in a cooler....Hat and sun glasses on of course and 60 sun block...The water is the worst of places to get a bad sun burn...
  16. Like Terry said.. I can't take the heat like I used to either and I'm only 50.... I have a tilley hat I soak in water and put in back on my head. The towel trick works as well and who cares what it looks like Terry. Anything is better than sun stroke at our age. Also I've been know to pull over on occasion and go for a quick swim. It can add hours to your day on the water....Note of caution..Be sure to reapply your sun screen if you end up going for a swim.
  17. Holy prize table batman !! :worthy: :worthy:
  18. Nice tank smallie. Bet your proud of that fish
  19. ChrisK


    Nice bass !! I'm just ball parking it....If the fish was a football I'd put it at about 5 lbs but on average I'd say 3 to 4 lbs.
  20. Love it !! The color scheme is bang on......
  21. ChrisK


    Atta boy G-man !! You show your pops how its done Welcome to our board
  22. If there is I wanna do this trip for sure now
  23. Nice eye and pretty respectable sheephead too !!
  24. Your talkin 41 inch pike right ?
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