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Richie Razor

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Everything posted by Richie Razor

  1. I would second bringing the vechicle to the to a Toyota dealer, sure you'll pay more, but at least you'll be leaving with peace of mind that everything is running good again.
  2. How about stock chinooks and coho's in Simcoe?? You'd develop another fishing industry worth millions and be able to catch edible fish, unlike what comes out of Lake O. Yeah, not a big laker fan either...., or how about more whites?
  3. Brutal. Perhaps move?
  4. I was going to say, I was in the supermarket today and noticed they were completely sold out of the larger 'mallows in the white pattern. They still had ample supply of the multi-coloured 'mallow pattern. Basically it's a guessing game to which pattern works best, however don't count out the lowly cigarette butt!!! Works wonders in frog water in the white as well as the tan pattern. Good luck!!!
  5. Awesome report!!! What an insane pickeral factory!!!
  6. Personally with the size of Fillet your are going to get off those perch, I'd go for a dry batter rather than wet.... I like to eat and taste the fish, not the batter. For fish with thicker cuts of meat such as pickeral, pike, perhaps bass ect... a wet batter works best imo. For the perch I would recommend a dry batter like unckle bucks, fish crisp, or a whole slew of homemade dry batter recipies that work well with perch fillets.
  7. Unreal. Are you a Statistician? Quick-pic?
  8. The joke is on them.... just as they are snatching up condo's in Toronto, they are finding out investing in land in some parts of Ontario isn't as lucrative as they originally thought it would be. It's nothing new, but a bit discerning that Canadian land is owned by foreigners. The biggest threat imo are foreign Chinese investors - I mean they already own US debt (in the Trillions...) I wont go into great detail, but they are our biggest threat economically in the long term 10-20 years.... look it up.
  9. One of the reasons why I decline to go out in a canoe on water with larger boat traffic. I would have taken the paddle to the guys face if I was in your situation, you should of at least given these clowns a piece of your mind!!!! Luckliy you are ok, and after placing the phone in a bowl of rice it should work fine. BTW - Why do these lakes have a 0 walleye limit? That would drive me insane.
  10. Looks like Bass heaven there - Plus no cottages on the shoreline!!!
  11. Wow, sweet rig man. The new kicker is shweeeeeeet!!!!
  12. Looks like absolute heaven!!! I wish I could live in a place like that.
  13. The marshmallow companies' commission cheque is in the mail.
  14. In response to your scenario, 110% yes!!! if I buy a TV from Future shop within a certain period of time (30 days or longer with extended warranty) then I can bring that TV back for at least an exchange if it clunks out on me. I think you do not have any idea of how some systems work within retail – the reverse logistics involved when a customer brings back a defective product to the point of purchase, in some instances (like Future shop and Best buy) there are channels to send that TV back to the manufacturer or a 3rd party that will fix the product, resell it or even destroy it, after the customer leaves with a similar or an upgraded product. Retailers are becoming more understanding of how valuable their customers are, and have systems in place to make the customer experience more pleasant when returning products for warranty issues. It’s about time that the larger retailers in the fishing industry adopt some of these policies as customer acquisition and retention becomes more and more varied and challenging to maintain especially in the GTA with so much competition.
  15. Abu rods and breaking, what's new. Good to hear they swapped it out for a new one right there, this taking the rod or reel to the manufacturer within the warranty period on your own dime is bull. You get as so much a scratch on the face of your driver bought from Golf Town and the'll jump through hoops to exchange it or at least send it back to the service depot on their own dime and lend you a replacement at the while there. About time other places, especially in the fishing industry adopt a similar customer service policy for items still under warranty.
  16. Nice shots!!! You guys got the slop perch pattern down pat!!!
  17. Wow, I've caught some nice gar in my time, but nothing of that size!!! Incredible!! That would also be a cool mount to have as well. Well done report.
  18. Nice shot, seems like there's no one living around the lake.
  19. Personally I find the fake frogs they sell work just as good if not better - River2Sea, Booya, LiveTarget, even berkley make lifelike frog imitations that will catch bass and you'll forgoe the catching, keeping them alive on a hot day, and piercing them with a hook......which is the worst part imo - lol
  20. A real nice place to fish, but you really got to know that water well as there are shoals that pop up out of no where up there. Personally I think the smallie fishing up there is great! A ton of good sized fish.
  21. And what can we do about it??? Nothing. It's absolutely ridiculous what we put up with.
  22. Different folks with different strokes I guess!!!
  23. I love poutine. Not familiar with the fancy-dancy poutine with foie-gras or pulled pork, but just like it the simple way - fries, gravy and cheese curds... In no specific order; * Harvey's poutine * Burger King poutine * Costco poutine I like to keep it simple.
  24. Nice pics, doesn't matter what size the boat or the $$ spent on one, as long as it helps you get into fish, that's pretty much all you need.
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