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Richie Razor

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Everything posted by Richie Razor

  1. No more than 5lbs. Nice pike!
  2. Utterly disgusting. Should be an easy find as to who it is, as disgruntled people stick out like a sore thumb. I would put money on the fact that then neighborhood already knows who this person is. Hopefully this "person" is exposed and her picture and name is smeared all over the media. What a low, disgusting thing to do.
  3. Let the flossing begin! Nice color on that one though. It's a wonder how some people keep them when they turn brown or black, I mean do they actually eat them? Nice catch, river mouth Salmon or Steelhead is the only way I go
  4. Just use gulp leeches. Work just ask good IMO and don't get bitten off as easy. Live bait for the most part is a mental thing. Lol
  5. ^^^ what a rebel. I agree it's a total joke. Fight the power!!!
  6. Lol $550k is nothing to develop what seems like a new technology for the armed forces. For $550k they'll get a 550 page report detailing their findings, and how they'll need 30 million to develop a "silent" sled. Nothing will be built with this cash
  7. Just be prepared to spend, spend, spend!!!! All boats new or used are money pits. Unless you are goin to be using your boat for commercial fishing, you will never justify the money put in lol. But hey they're fun and from the advertising it seems like chicks in bikinis are attracted to them like moths to a light. You can't lose!
  8. Wow, simply amazing. Lotw is one lake I intend to fish...... One day!!!! Totally awesome report, thanks!!!!
  9. Lol fist fights over chucking metal or plunking marshmallows for the infamous "boot" Been there done that, not for me anymore. I hope people from here can go and take pics as the action is heating up down there so I hear.... Good luck!!!
  10. Thats just disgusting. I'd love to know who this guy is.
  11. Shimano Trinidad.... Spend more. Don't want to lose a weekly winner if the reel malfunctions..... I've seen it happen more than once....
  12. Most awesome moth ever. Mothman prophecies.
  13. A web site dedicated to this would be a great idea, lots of people trying to scam you these days. Your descripton of the 2 places you mentioned would drive me up the wall - I guess if helps to see recent pictures, and when speaking to the owner, before a dollar is even exchanged, that you re-confirm what the advertisment is offering. There would be nothing worse than driving all that way, especially with a bunch of people, and find out the place is a legit hole.
  14. Thats just freakin awesome!!! I don't think i've ever seen a musky double header with 2 legit monsters before. Get ready to be internet famous.
  15. I was working retail while the rolling blackouts happened over the GTA. In the name of capitalism we stayed open and resorted to the old fashion credit card imprinting - remember those??? Lol
  16. Nice, look pretty good! Whats the difference in cost do you think to make one of those compared to say a X-zone type or Berkley? Also do you plan on adding scent?
  17. Nice Bow!!! Were you in a tinner out that far!?!? lol Nice Catch man.
  18. Nice boat, but where you gonna put the troling motor? Needs to be wired for downscan imaging and a power pole needs to go in stat!
  19. Wow awesome day ! Nice slaughter.
  20. Lol never heard china knot before too. Please explain.
  21. ^^^^^ GREAT IDEA!!!!!! But it's probably too cold for them. Sigh.
  22. Huge fish, caught by Wolverine's old man. Awesome. Did you keep it or let it go? If that was my catch it would be going on the wall 110% What were you using? Thats got to be the largest brookie I've ever seen pictured on this board. Well done.
  23. Just checked a local river where they would be easy to locate if they were indeed in.... NADA. Need more rain, and cooler nights - then the madness begins!!!!
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