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Richie Razor

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Everything posted by Richie Razor

  1. Just start calling them the quebec nordiques cause that where there headed
  2. Typical sens fan, can't spell and utterly classless.
  3. Nice steelie! Looks a little big for a resi, no?
  4. The Sens have real fans??? LOL Now thats a good one!!! Is that why when the Leafs come to Kanata the arena is 3/4 all Leafs fans, with "Senators Fans" even selling there tickets to Toronto Fans?? I believe it got so bad last year that Eugene Melynk threatened Sens season ticket holders to not sell them to Leaf fans??!?!?!? Yeah buddy, some fan support you got there. Sorry, I also had to add in what happened last year when the Leafs came in to destroy the pathetic sens; Did you happen to forget about this?
  5. I'm going to use red and while bobbers this fall for steelies on the geen. Haters gonna hate. Lol
  6. Wow sweet custom floats. Yeah I was referring to using fly line as backing. I think someone on here suggested this a while back - solopaddler perhaps?
  7. No issue with my reel after some good fishing time with it. I believe the Lexa 300 also has 22lbs of drag, plenty for fighting skis. Read many of the reviews online and no one has had an issue with this. It's a solid reel and I was glad I bought this over a more expensive option.
  8. What about using old/used floating fly line?
  9. I've used the Lexa 300 this year a few times, and can say it's a great reel for the price!!! Next year however, Diawa is coming out with a 400 series version, similar in size to the Shimano Tranx but half the price. The Lexa 300 is made in Korea, and I must say the quality is pretty decent....
  10. I have absolutely no problem whatsoever with people using rifles for harvesting food for consumption. Actually I plan on taking my hunting courses in the next several weeks and acquiring hunting rifles as I have many friends that hunt and have own land in which to hunt deer, turkey, pheasant and rabbit. I’m all for guns used for hunting, now that’s me typing this as I live in the GTA and must abide by the laws of my jurisdiction. However, if I was living in say Florida or Texas (for example) where owning a gun could mean life or death – and the laws allow ownership of such weapons for protection, your damn straight I’d be packing heat. Personally I think it’s a lost cause in parts of the USA due to all the illegal weapons, drugs, and the sheer amount of Americans living under the poverty line (40+ million !!!) which have a much higher propensity to be involved in nefarious activities. I guess some places in the States you have no choice but to own weapons for protection, I don’t see how American can be proud of this, but with the amount of Gun sales in the USA last year (30+ Billion – non-military) I can say that it’s come down to an arms race on a civil scale.
  11. You are so far off base it's laughable. Did you forget in your reasearch to cite the recent Sandy Hook school murders, where 20 school children were killed??? http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/15/nyregion/shooting-reported-at-connecticut-elementary-school.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 Since it's from a media source you choose not to believe it? Whats your insightful explanation about this incident? Whatever your defence is it doesn't take awaythe fact that innocent Amercians were killed by the hands of Amercians with guns.
  12. So your facts are different than mine? Where do you get your facts from, personal experience?
  13. Even when you compare population sizes to gun murders, the number is still astronomical when compared to Canadian gun murders. It's the simple fact that our high standard of living combined with strict gun laws have in essence weeded out most of the purveyors of gun crime. We still do have gun crime, but on such a smaller scale, it's almost a non issue for the majority of Canadians. In the United States however the despairity between classes, social and economic factors which drive certain aspects of Amercian culture, combined with easy access to guns (both illegal and leagal) are the 2 largest factors behind the amount of gun crimes that occur south of the 49th. Can it ever be fixed? Now that's a question with an even longer answer.... It just has to end.
  14. So would you consider someone who commits these types of henious acts a sane person, or in the right state of mind as your self??? If that's the case I'd say have a governmint and chill out lol. If you feel that you can snap and murder several people then you shouldn't be allowed in public until further mental analysis has been done, simple as that.
  15. Hey Art, all i'm saying is this stuff happens more often then not down south than up here. Sure there have been incidents in canada, but thankfully it's few and far between (i'm not talking about gang shooting in the big smoke) I'm referring to the mass killing by the hands of deranged people that buy these guns with the proper licencing - You can't deny that this is a major issue, as these peole for the most part are undiagnosed with any mental issue before buying a gun and going on a killing spree.
  16. Sorry, but you are sadly misinformed. Yes, gun crimes happen with stolen guns, this is 100% true, also gun crimes happen with legally bought guns, 100% true as well. I'm not talking about hunting rifles, this is totally different - I'm talking about hand guns and assault rifles that are easily accessible and available in the USA in different states. You don’t have crimes like this happening in Canada due to the types of guns we can access with the proper licensing, however the criminals will always find a way to access whatever they want.
  17. Canada and The United States are more similar than we think, I do somewhat agree with your statement... However, when was the last time something like this happened in Canada? Also - How easy is it to obtain hand guns and automatic assault rifles in Canada? In some parts in the States, it's as easy as showing them a drivers licence. Although we are very similar in some cultural aspects, the differences in gun legislation is the key difference maker imo.
  18. Unreal, but i'm not surprised. With lax gun laws, and a large contigent of mentally unstable people created by Amercian sub-culture, its no wonder that these type of events happen on a yearly basis. You can only imagine what the families of the victims are going through.
  19. Highly recommend for scouting areas, and during ice fishing. Does what it's supposed to do, go for it.
  20. Now that's a serious beast!!!! Looks at the size of it's head!!!! Imagine how big it would get by November!!!! Nice fish man.
  21. Does anyone here catch frogs to eat? I would say then, it's probably been a bumper year!!
  22. Looks like you could put in a nice par 4 golf hole in there. Then my friend you would have the ultimate paradise!!! Sweet property
  23. Does "winter gas" have ethanol in it?
  24. In my experiences with rod breakages (few and far between) the retailer would simply exchange out of stock. This is the kind of service you get when shopping at bps, sail, lebarons and JB's in my experience.
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