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Richie Razor

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Everything posted by Richie Razor

  1. You do know that the steelhead/salmon in credit river come from the big lake right? I was making a clear example of the major sportfish from Lake Ontario, the fish species that are targeted the most by charter operators. And for my own and family's safety and peace of mind, I go by the sensitive population's exceptions. If it's not good for my family to eat, then it's not good enough for me. Simple.
  2. Do you know exactly how strict the MOE guidelines are? If so please explain, because all the information I know on eating sportfish in Ontario comes from that little book you get at the LCBO, and my own personal knowledge of the history on the body of water I’m fishing. I wouldn’t call the sportfish in Lake Ontario “safe to eat” just yet, when the consumption advisories are 0 and when you see the toxins tested for in these fish, and the genesis of them, it should make one use their brain and determine if they should really be consuming these fish. Here is the link for Salmonids from Lake Ontario from the MOE Guide - http://www.downloads.ene.gov.on.ca/files/fishguide/en/advisories/LAKE43357943.html Those little numbers by the fish specie indicate the toxins that the fish was tested for – check them out too. The consumption guidelines are determined by these tests according to this guide… I mean if the MOE if telling us to watch what we consume from Lake Ontario, and other lake in Ontario shouldn’t we at least look at it in more detail to make an informed decision? The “hidden agenda” that I was pointing at was the article has a “promotional feel” to it, it’s no surprise, they want more people to enjoy the lake and by advertising cleaner water, they are hoping to eliminate or loosen people’s connotations on what Lake Ontario was… or still is. Lol I mean, newspapers and journalists are always correct on what they report on…..? Right? I think you are spending too much time with the OFAH bringing up the “Anti’s” debate (an angle the OFAH use to generate donations) or relating me as part of their group – you have no idea who I am. I enjoy fishing, and consuming fish like anyone else on this great board, and cut my teeth on fishing Lake Ontario and it’s tributaries. People have the freedom to catch and eat whatever they want under the regulations, and I really don’t care where they catch and eat their fish from. However if you are going to ask me or cite an article on a message form about a topic with some controversy attached, I’m going to chime in.
  3. I agree with thus statement. However some tilapia is farmed in the USA
  4. The charter guys have been pulling spoons and cut bait for decades in lake o during the bad times and good. They run a business and are allowed to profit regardless of the quality of the fish their fishing for. I got no problem with that, they have the customers and they are willing to pay to fish. All I'm saying is the trout and salmon in lake o still have higher than "normal" toxins in the flesh, it's no secret.... Im sure you have't heard of people dropping dead from eating the fish from lake o, but there are concrete examples of people developing leukoemia and other cancers from consuming fish high in various toxins. Check out the publication the ministry puts out yearly on consuming Ontario game fish. Do you even eat fish?
  5. Take it easy there pro star, it's one measly fish. Every year they document several, even in Lake Ontario, being caught or found dead.... There here but thankfully they are not breeding in our waters....... Just yet.
  6. Lol I'll agree with the water quality improving, but are you really willing to dunk your head underwater at any of the beaches in TO? Not me lol Secondly I still refuse to consume any fish from Lake Ontario due to the fact that is still is a dumping grounds for all the other Great Lakes.... This article has a hidden agenda behind it, and it's lousy to say the least. Real fishermen know the waters where they fish and the quality of their quarry.
  7. Nice ski's man, and nice shore lunch!!!! Great report.
  8. This should read "good news for Lake Erie" sterile fish are no harm and came from a stock of fish meant for ponds and reservoirs in the US. The bigger question would be if it swam up the electric canal in the us?
  9. I second the bay of Quinte. Lots of big ugly sheepshead in there!!! Was jigging for eyes and buddy caught a 15lber. What an ugly fish!!! Eat em all I says!!!
  10. Never used em, but also see them on the clearance bins
  11. I've never done it, but it should be fine as long as the fish is stil cold when dressing it. Commercial fisherman do it and sell the fish to the public, so I believe it'll be just fine
  12. Nice Hawg
  13. LED all the way. Have a sony bravia and never seen sports and colours this vivid before....plus low energy usage.
  14. Great tip.
  15. I was gonna say, I hear they're delicious but I feel bad boinking one that is 50 years old.
  16. Jb's for sure has it, or can order in and have it delivered in a very short time. Great store and Steve is a good dude to deal with
  17. Actually it would be a good frying chicken, cut up in pieces, soak in buttermilk and tobasco overnight, dredge in your own homemade Kentucky batter, and right into some hot peanut oil. Oh man I'm getting hungry
  18. You need to net it, behead and dress it, and into a roasting pot with onions, carrots, and celery.... Nothing better than free range chicken.
  19. I believe the TRCA has there own hatchery/rearing ponds specifically for their own stocking in various TRCA owned an operated areas, glen haffy, heart lake ect....
  20. It's a great little spot, just pay entrance and an angling fee, no extra cost per pound/inch like the other pay to fish places, however there is only a two fish limit. Everything works there, worms, corn, trout dough, spinners, spoons, roe, flies, ect...... It still is a great little place with to catch trout in the middle of summer. Rather people keep trout out of here than from the creeks.
  21. Yeah the guy was fishin' for boots and hooked on to this mammoth on a single egg pattern, with a 4lb lead. Incredible really.
  22. Actually I know for a fact it was caught at the mouth of the credit in 1982
  23. Nice excuse. Lol
  24. Shweeeet ride man. Can't wait for winter!!!
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