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Everything posted by ozaibak1

  1. No, I do not. And it's not due to lack of sympathy for the people losing their jobs. I do not think the stimulation package is sustainable, or will solve any problems even in the near-term. The bailouts only help the inept management at the very top, whether it be in the banking or auto industries. The effects do not 'trickle down'. The US bailout that was done practically at gunpoint, had the CLEAR STATEMENT that banks would use this money to lend to people, which they have not. Same goes with the money to the auto industry. Who gets it? The crappy management that has failed in the first place. This is like giving more money to someone who keeps failing. Unfortunately, it happens very often in our society today, even before this whole mess. A little fishing analogy: this industry is a fishing tournament. And the people who run this tournament keep rewarding the guys who are losing, and you rig the rules to make your 'buddies' who are losing benefit. Interested in your thoughts holdfast.
  2. Possibly the best post I've read here so far! Excellent pictures, and congratulations!
  3. A few things. One is that the majority of North American executives (read: USA executives) have shipped manufacturing jobs overseas at disgusting rates, and this was allowed when the laws were changed deliberately several years ago. So blame the leaders responsible for DIRECTLY shipping jobs overseas first. Second, is that we live in a global economy, and in this country and USA we believe in an ideal called capitalism. Capitalism in theory works by allowing FREE OPEN COMPETITIVENESS. By that I mean the consumer is king, the consumer dictates what rises or fails. If a company is building inferior products, I am not gonna buy it, I buy what is best for me. In theory, that will be what is best for the economy. Let them fail, they are not competitive. Government should not be so involved, let the free market work its magic.
  4. Hmmm are porcupines edible, anyone tried them? Interested to see how they taste.
  5. Hmm this year I switched to the clear plastic boxes, 1 layer. I simply put my tackle into several of these, nice thing is u can see thru them. I've also seen some bass pros in the tourneys using this style, they got like 20 boxes in their boat! They're quite easy to stack and convenient, my 2 cents, altho I'd like to look into bags for next year seems lots of ppl here are using them.
  6. Wow great catch and nice fish, what were you using to catch them?
  7. i say no way, there IS one kind of fish that can do that it is in the amazon its called the Candiru... and its TINY. no way this fish could do that, especially upstream!
  8. must be all that global warming thats gonna wipe out humanity!
  9. I moved from driving, to taking the subway, to walking. I now have a 10 minute walk to work which is great. Even when driving, I was against traffic and it was still brutal. IMO its not worth the added stress to commute on that hellhole. This factor is huge for any future job opportunities for me, as important as money! I find I end up wanting to smash things when I'm stuck in traffic, couldn't imagine doing that daily.
  10. Hey Stoty, I'm in no way a muskie fisherman and have never fished for them before. However I can tell you that I have spotted a total of 3 muskie on my time at Stoney. I saw them during the early spring time, which I am assuming is similar to the present patterns, in very shallow water (5 feet). There were two of them right next to each other, and they were dang HUGE. I don't recall where exactly but it was close to shore and some grass stickin out of the water, and fairly shallow.
  11. holy smokes thats a lotta tough to catch fish!
  12. Its clear the threat had to be removed as quickly as possible. Two options. First is they tranq it and relocate it. Second is they kill it on the spot. I am assuming option #1 was not available, and if so they did the right thing.
  13. Cool, you can tell they have a solid customer service strategy by looking at their website online, they've invested a lot of money into the service and support online which I'm sure is reflected in other channels as well. Bottom line is they are one of the few that got customer service right, and I am sure they are reaping enormous cash benefits out of this. It's a no brainer companies all too often get wrong to 'cut costs', only thing they really are doing is cutting customers and profits and revenues.
  14. Thx for the help the ppl on the Kingston fishing board are also very helpful, this seems like a dangerous lake for shoals! Anyways they offered me a depth chart for the lake, and one might meet me before launch to get me started, I'm lookin forward to this very much, and although I know pike are pesky for many of you, I've never actually caught one (none or very very few in Kawarthas) so I don't mindem!
  15. Looks like a great trip, I especially like your boat lined with brews and the nice walleye, and of course the incinerator.
  16. Just one question, I couldn't find division street on a map. I'll be launching off Loughborough Lake Marina, where is that relative to Division St Ramp? Thx.
  17. Hey Legacey thanks a lot for the information this helps me out a tonne! I'll let you know about how it goes, thx again
  18. wow none under 2 pnds! nice work way to go! i hope to do somethin similar this sat on my first time fishin in october
  19. I read a post before saying the Montreal Cabela's was cancelled, and they have plans to relocate it to Toronto... is this true!?!?
  20. Speed limit is only part of the equation, the other part is the ppl behind the wheel. Sadly in Canada our drivers for the most part suck and don't know how to drive. One only needs to look at Germany, where there are NO SPEED LIMITS, and compare traffic deaths per capita to realize speed itself is only one factor and not the whole deal.
  21. 'Killing yourself' is a 'good thing.' You sound sorta sick bud.
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