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Everything posted by ozaibak1

  1. Someone can get killed by 'Mr. Buck' doing the speed limit down the highway, they don't gotta be speeding. But using your logic at least they only kill themselves anyways and no one else cares right, maybe it happens to you!!! It makes me sick that you think its ok for someone to lose their life for speeding, and actually sorta sound happy about it.
  2. Hi I'm excited to be going to fish a new lake on Saturday, Loughborough Lake located just north of Kingston. From what I've heard its a fisherman's paradise, with the deeper west end producing lake trout and the shallower east side producing bass and pike a plenty. If anyone's fished this lake for bass / pike and can offer tips, they would be appreciated. Also if someone could pm or post a depth chart of the lake, that would be invaluable. This will possibly be the last fishing trip of the year for me although I hope to get out next weekend as well, so lookin forward to a great trip and will hopefully have a nice trip report to go along with it. Thx.
  3. shotgun shells, canned foods, tents, second hand trailers. but really i would invest in gold, and the big big financial banks that will still be around after the recession, theyre gonna have all the power shared by all the banks today but just concentrated into a few banks that will run the whole show
  4. I had a bunch of recurring fishing dreams during winter time, it was interesting as I would be at the same lake each time and fish different parts of it each dream. I believe I had caught muskie and walleye but no bass. I catch bass a lot but never caught a muskie or walleye... go figure.
  5. nice catch, good sized bass there!
  6. Hey thats not such a bad day of fishin, it coulda been a lot worse!
  7. I would assume when u say 6lb average, u mean 6lb average defining a 'monster' bass in Ontario. I know obviously back lakes gonna hold bigger bass, but avg 6pnd I would assume ur referrin to the largest fish of the lake... cuz 6 pnds is most ppls best for a year in ontario... or for a lifetime in canada, but south of the border the biggest is triple that size or more
  8. Hi everyone, been doing lotsa summer-time bass fishing in the last few years (for me that means a few times a summer unfortunately, but its better than none, and I expect it to keep increasing as I get older). Anyways, my question. I was under the impressions that spring and fall patterns for bass are similar, in that the big ones move into the shallower waters than normal as the shallows are not as hot as under the summer. Now I just read a report from Johnny Bass saying the fall patterns means 30 fow on Simcoe for the biggies. My main question is: In the fall, do the bigger bass (3pnds +) spend more time in the shallows? This would help me a lot in my coming escapades. Thanks for any help, hope this can trigger a discussion in how to fish bass in fall VS summertime, what are the differences? Also another question. In southern ontario what % of bass would you say are 4pnds + ? When I hear 4 pnds being referred to as not being monstrous for Ontario, I find that off. I would assume 95% + of bass are under that in Ontario's waters, if not more. Whatcha think. Biggest ones I hear about these days are 6 pnds. I've let this post get a little long, but I'm just looking into how to fish in fall VS summer, as I've never fished bass in the fall time. BTW I'll be hittin Stoney Lake in the kawarthas for the falltime.
  9. Hahaha a 'small one' I'd be so thrilled to catch that, nice job! Patience pays off I guess... it must be worth the skunks.
  10. wow great tips, this has got me enticed to maybe try it out tmrw. once again ive come down with a cold, and i find fishing to be the only cure, so looks like tmrw may be a 'recovery' day!
  11. Don't eat them too often and you'll be fine. Having a Lake O salmon once in a blue moon is not risky at all, or not as risky as you'd think.
  12. Exactly. The price of the gas and oil is not actually dictated by the 'free market.' The reason the prices fluctuate so much is people are manipulating them. The dictators dictate the price. Its quite simple.
  13. It is at the end, but its tricky to get onto the road keep your eyes peeled for the left you gotta take, its about 10 minutes drive from hwy 28.
  14. Hello all, I'd like to get in some salmon fishing this fall, and being a novice would appreciate any help I can get. I'm looking for a quality yet economical rod and reel combo from a place like BPS or LeBaron's. Any recommendations on the size of rod, brand, and also the reel for under $100? I think I'm gonna use spoons off of piers, what are your three favorites? Also, what line (strength and brand) would you recommend. I'm thinking of trying Ashbridges Bay or the Rouge River early in the morning, maybe in a week or two have salmon started appearing there? Thanks a lot for any help, I hope to hook into a nice one this year! Fishin for bass is nice but would like to try another species.
  15. Hmm which part of Stoney Lake you gonna be launching from? It's the only lake been fishing this summer so could provide you with some tips.
  16. For starters... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_scien..._global_warming
  17. Way to go nice report and fish, I'm always impressed by your performances on the water.
  18. Yes there are. Many scientists. As well as many people that get their news from more than one source, a source other than one tied with the people benefiting from this Bull.
  19. Data from the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) has indicated a dramatic increase in sea ice extent in the Arctic regions. The growth over the past year covers an area of 700,000 square kilometers: an amount twice the size the nation of Germany. Folks, forget the photos of ice melting in summer being bandied about by Al Gore and his $300 million dollar advertising budget. The hard data is in. The Arctic ice sheet has GROWN by an area twice the size of Germany since this time last year. No doubt Al and his investors, who already built the exchange where carbon-tax credits will be bought and sold once they can snooker you into agreeing to that tax, will now claim that your carbon dioxide is causing global warming cooling and that you are STILL on the hook! The politicians are trying to take what the Earth does naturally and turn it into a crisis for which they will sell you a bottle of snake-oil to cure. http://www.dailytech.com/Arctic+Sees+Massi...rticle12851.htm
  20. Yeah had the toughest time on the water in the Kawarthas last saturday as well, still managed to get a couple 2 pound bass and some 1.5 pound walleye.
  21. Chances are you'll be working for a nerd... I guess that's true if you are a nerd yourself, I duno many nerdy bosses. Unless they the boss of a tech company.
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