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Everything posted by ozaibak1

  1. Just wanna put in my 2 cents. If someone bumps into you or something that belongs to you, possibly causing damage, and not apologizing, they are being an excellent person. Not saying I've never done it, but thats just how it is. If you wanna dispute that, you must like to argue. Seems like most ppl on this board like arguing about something, why can't we all get along.
  2. Some of my best fishing has occured in downpours, or light rains. For weather forecasts, I've learned to completely ignore them. I use my common sense, knowledge of the clouds, to make my own predictions which are usually at least as accurate as theirs. I always prepare for downpour, and hope for the best, this way the weather doesn't affect me. I look forward to some rain.
  3. Excellent report, makes me that much more excited for the opener this weekend!
  4. An incredible comedian. Never before have I experienced comedy that was so funny and INFORMATIVE at the same time. He seemed to have quite the analytical capabilities, and used these to come to informed conclusions about life and this world. He was able to share these in a hysterical way, he will be missed.
  5. A $200/barrel oil price target was set last year, there are many impacts of increasingly unaffordable oil prices. One of the impacts is that people will be unable to afford travelling long distances, and thus are more easily controllable. Having greater control of the GLOBAL population (each individual) seems to be a common goal of those in positions of power around the world. This is one way to achieve that control. Similar to the staged and controlled use of 'terrorism' by these very same individuals and governments.
  6. Yes, the difficult part is when you make statements that people IMMEDIATELY dismiss. What I explain to them is the reason the statements seem so far out, are that they base their judgements on the information they are getting which in most cases is extremely limited and not from enough sources. In many cases, the media that people base their opinions and beliefs on is heavily skewed for a certain agenda. What people need to do is get their news from as many sources as possible, and as many media as possible. Only then can an informed opinion be formulated, taking all sides of the equation into question. Too often today and historically the flow of information/news is so controlled that people cannot formulate a rounded opinion because there is so much that is left out. The internet is definately changing that, and I believe that the traditional TV media is underreporting the actual impact of it. People are at least starting to wake up, and figure out how the world REALLY works, without having to be in a top position of power. This is powerful and is changing the balance of power worldwide, at least to a limited extent.
  7. Most people don't realize that many of the world's events (man-made) are planned, with intended consequences and outcomes. The way these events are perceived however have traditionally been filtered through government-complicit media, until the internet. The lies of the corrupt unpatriotic US administration has been exposed for all to see thanks to this media tool, and I fear it is the next target on the list for control of information, it is actually quite high on the agenda. Most governments serve themselves, not their people. Unfortunately the American population is not educated, by design, to reach conclusions requiring critical thinking, a major reason that America today and its original constitution are almost on opposite planes.
  8. I got a portable Garmin from Radioworld a few years ago, still use it its quite useful mainly for boat navigation (knowing where the hell you are and how to get back), this has saved me many a time because on many lakes it all looks the same. $200 for a map set is steep, I think I'm just gonna hold onto this one.
  9. Dark / watermelon green with shiny flecks (silver, gold, black, etc...) is DEADLY.
  10. I'm 25, I do marketing sales and business development for a tech startup in Toronto, we do web/online customer experience/service/interaction management. Lookin to get 2 more years of work experience, and do an MBA. Then go to Dubai or another place in the UAE and make a lot of money in a few years. Then I'm going to come back here, buy a boat and cottage on Stoney Lake, and become a professional bass fisherman. Then i'm going to buy a yacht and sail the world!
  11. Excellent, thanks for the info your time is appreciated!
  12. Until changes are made from the VERY TOP of the organization down, the Maple Leafs will remain an embarassment to this city and its citiziens. I don't give a crap about the Leafs even though I'm from Toronto, because the Leafs management don't give a damn about hockey or the citizens, just the cash. Pathetic.
  13. I enjoy the company of others, however my best fishing experience was waking up at 6am at a cottage, takin the boat out cuz the others were lazy sots, and catching more bass more quickly than i ever have.
  14. Funny, reminds me when I was in a coffeeshop in BC, the grass kind of coffeeshop. Some dude asks an old time 'where did you get that.' The oldtime replies: "from the ground."
  15. I like Portugal, Netherlands, Croatia, Germany. The only team I really don't like is Italy, and by dislike I mean close to hate. Their humiliating loss to the Netherlands almost brought tears of joy. Almost.
  16. These days I am usually camping when I go fishing, so I try to bring back fish for the fire. I fish for fun, but I also enjoy good food. Like bringing back perch in the half to one pound range, and bass in the 1-2 pound range. Would also do the same for walleye but I have yet to catch one. Also rockbass, mmm tasty rock bass. And crappie of course.
  17. I can vouch for SouthView as well friendly owners, did not actually spend the night there just boat rental but they were pleasant and friendly.
  18. Well done! Looking forward to head out to Clear and Stoney lakes in a few weeks for bass opener.
  19. I think Stoney must hold a lot of muskie, cuz I've eyed 3 of them in about 7 times on the lake. I remember the first time it was early spring, we were in about 3 fow only and 2 MAMMOTH fish were in the water coulda only been muskie, soon as we got close they darted out quicktime, that was very cool.
  20. Hmm wonder how many ppl in this board fish Stoney, maybe we could try organizing an OFC tourney for next year...
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