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Everything posted by ozaibak1

  1. I'm moving next week to downtown. So this weekend includes me selling off the livestock in my marine fish tank (lionfish, scorpionfish) to a fish store so I can actually transport the dang tank next week in a van its a biggie 72 gallons. I'll also be thinking about fishing bass opener on stoney lake in a few weeks, and checkin out a luminato play called blackwatch.
  2. Hmmm that gives me an interesting idea. We have a viewing hole in the bottom of our pool where you can actually see clearly underwater, maybe I'll setup a video camera and do some captions of underwater movements with the different plastics I got this year...
  3. I have a pool I never use, thats a genius idea of testing presentation in the water gonna try it out! Now I can say I use the pool....
  4. I think its time to get a fishing glove for gripping fish while cleaning them, I sliced my thumb nicely last year and found cleaning to be quite slippery this year. Anyone have recommendations on fishing gloves I can buy from BPS, Canadian Tire, or other fishing stores?
  5. nice one looks very tasty, what you catch it on?
  6. what a beast! i gotta start fishin bigger game fish sometime
  7. I've driven by kawartha park many times, duno why I always keep forgetting to use them as a boat rental! Will definately do that next time as they open at 6am not 9am like the other one i use and is closer to where i camp (lovesick lake). I don't recommend Islandview cuz the owners are asses, here's their strategy. They rent you a boat, if you come back after 6pm they try to charge you an extra $100, no joke, its pretty sick. They don't say that there would be a fee if you come back late... so I recommend not giving business to slimy people like that. Lookin forward to tryin kawartha park next time out...
  8. I think he may of meant in the mouth, through the cavity, and out the tail? That's how I cook fish on an open fire if there is no grill around.
  9. To be honest, I find rockbass to be extremely tasty, maybe even more so than bass. I like that you can get them nice and crispy quicker. As for bones, they actually aren't that bad... unlike sunfish. I throw back sunfish but keep rockbass for the bbq, I recommend you do the same!
  10. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT WAS AWESOME. I've always wanted to make my manager go nuts, and then record it for mass consumption. Oooh ooh I got another good one with sound, not in the office but in a hotel, this one's awesome too! http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/24789/
  11. I got a hummingbird fish finder that I dont use anymore since it requires the boat to be stationary to actually give a proper picture... sucks but was $140 a few years ago I guess you get what you pay for but its pretty useless.
  12. A couple of hot chicks would be nice...
  13. I bought a large supply of tackle from Cabela's this year after hearing about it from someone else on the board, and have to say I was quite satisfied with their prices selection and service, I saved a bundle vs buying from BPS here, I would recommend too.
  14. This report is for the day of Saturday May 24. I've been on vacation for the last 2 weeks, and upon return to Toronto couldnt wait to go fishing the following weekend. Just before I left I got a cough that developed into sickness on my 13 hour nonstop flight back from hell. So Wed Thurs called in sick but by the end of Thurs I was getting better and planning on working Fridaye, but my fishing buddy called to tell me he had taken Friday off. Now I think the best cure for any illness is fishing, so I took another sick day on Friday, and my vacation got turned into a 3 week one that was capped off with some fishin, and left to LoveSick camp sit Friday morning. This was my first fishing outing this year, and I go to my favorite lake, the jewel of the kawarthas aka Stoney Lake. Really wanted to catch walleye, and we set out looking for weed beds but none were visible to the naked eye we had no fish finders. Spent about an hour lookin for walleyes, which I spotted in the shallows. Jigging was unsuccessful using black 1/8oz black jigs on 4" black twister tail, as well as pink. We go to another spot, and are about to leave when my friend spots a walleye dart away in the shallows. This area had a rock shelf and was in between two larger islands, with some weed growth. I've had success for large fish in these areas in the past that break faster water into calmer water so we decided to fish it. Well we decided to fish for perch, so we went to some Yamamotos. These have landed me large numbers of bass in the past, although that is not what we were fishing for. What amazes me about them is that they are just as good at catching perch. And did we ever get into perch. 1pm, sun is at a very high point, its hot, and we're scoring perch all over the place on 3.5 inch twister tailed senkos, we definately got enough for the fire. These perch were very active and pretty big too, wish I took camera on the water but we had about 4 that were in the pound range. Also caught and released two nice largies over a pound. Of about 25 fish caught using these twister tails (we used watermelon green with black flecks, watermelon green with red flecks) and some solid chunks of yamamoto worm, 20 were perch 3 were sunfish and 2 were bass. Once we left that spot, we spent the rest of the day looking for it because finding good weed growth at this time was very hard without a finder, that one and half hours fishing the honey hole more than made up for it though! Looking forward to bassing Stoney or Lower Buckhorn later this June.
  15. Yep was fishin Stoney last Saturday and sighted two walleyes in very shallow water about 4 feet, and had a hell of a time trying to find weed growth.
  16. Fished LoveSick twice last summer, was camping near there this weekend. Did well for bass, although the average size seems to be smaller than the other lakes. For walleyes I heard the dam in the west part of the lake is good at night. Plenty of islands to fish around, good luck!
  17. Thanks for the advice, will let you know how it goes...
  18. Hi I'm going fishing on Stoney Lake this Saturday, probably my favorite lake. I'm looking to catch some walleye there, although I never have caught any. Thanks to Stotty who provided me with a depth chart, I'm targeting the west end of the lake where it meets clear lake, and up to burleigh falls. I was wondering if anyone can tell me what kind of depth I should be targeting, I'm going to be using a 1/16 or 1/8 ounce jig with 3.75" yellow twistertail grub on it is that a good selection? Will look to target dropoffs and weed edges, again is this the appropriate target? And whats the proper way to handle a walleye? Thx in advance, trip report will be posted next week hopefully. Oh yeah I've been waiting over 8 months to go fishing and its gonna be awesome.
  19. Yamamoto Senko, dark green with gold flecks, wacky rigged.
  20. RED STRIPE, Corona, Heineken, Coors Light, Moosehead, Sapporo, Asahi, Sleeman's Honey Brown...
  21. Umm ever heard of the San Jose Sharks? Thats close enough of a relationship for me.
  22. Never been to Nippissing, but Stoney is my favorite Lake, I believe PineVista acquired what used to be StoneyLakeResort which is on a great part of the lake, the far east side which produces good walleye bites around the islands in the evening although I have not personally had success for walleye as I dont get a chance to go nightfishing. I've also seen fisherman with a nice catch of walleye during the day by trolling, again not an option for me as I use crappy rentals. Panfish are plentiful as well as bass, easy to catch by boat or shore. And as stated by another poster Peterborough is nearby with quite a few attractions for the kids, and I've heard PineVista is topnotch. I've also rented from SouthView cottages, the owners seemed nice and the cottages were good too, although I have a personal grudge against Rice Lake from being skunked on my first spring outing there last year. Stoney would probably be less crowded, and more wildlife is around the area not uncommon to see deer, beavers, weasels while fishing which is cool. Only thing I know about Nippissing is my friend went there last year and was dissapointed, although it was a cold front.
  23. LoveSick is an awesome lake, my favorite tied with Stony, enjoy it.
  24. Hi I booked 2 nights at bass lake provincial park where I am hoping to sink into some big ones. I've seen some nice posts on this board relating to the lake. I realize the lake is very very small (about 1km long), does anyone have any hotspots / tips specific to this lake? I will remember to bring charged batteries this trip I hope to finally take report pictures that Ive been promising last few outings.
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