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Everything posted by ozaibak1
Wow those are some monsters! I dont see the point of ppl asking if the fish were kept or not, I think thats besides the point, and is a personal thing as long as it is legal.
Hey tubes are pretty good for bass actually, but if smaller you will catch rockbass and perch and the occasional sunfish. Clear dark green has been a very hot color for me this summer. I recommend putting it on a 1/8oz jig, with the head of the jig's color contrasting that of the tube. You can also use splitshot weights. I find the technique is to start with a quicker retrieve and work your way slower if theres no active fish. In this case let the tube drop and then reel in sorta like fishin with worms or twister tails. Regards
Awesome bass!
Ooo really can you tell me which one? I only been to Stony once this year and paid through the wazoo for a rental. My next trip after Rice Lake this Sat will be either LoveSick or Stony.
Hello all, I am hoping I'll finally catch a walleye this weekend, unfortunately its gonna be at Rice Lake one of my least favorites and I've had little luck there. From what I've heard, fishing 15-20ft of water off the south shores of the lake should produce some, I will be starting out at Bewdley on a cheap rental boat with no trolling motor. I am considering using minnows on a regular hook, spinners tipped with worms, spinners tipped with minnows. Do I have the right approach? Or would you recommend anything else, I'm most comfortable fishing soft plastics would these work? Thx for any help.
I recommend Stoney Lake, my favorite one. Been to Lower Buckhorn its nice but doesnt beat Stony. LoveSick Lake is the only competitor on the Kawarthas in my books. As for boat rentals, duno if youre gonna find any under $100. There used to be a cool guy at Stony Lake Resort that gave good deals but that property is now sold. I would try Choate's Marina they have boat rentals, or call up other marinas there for a price. As far as fishing goes at Stony, you are guaranteed fish when fishing dropoffs off the numerous islands, numerous weed beds, shallow rocks, I have like 10 good spots on my fish finder. Use worms, spinners, plastic baits for bass. Never caught musky or walleye there I get a lot of bass hit just regular worms, if its slow just drop them to the bottom of the weeds. The numerous rocks jutting out are your best bet for smallies. Enjoy!!!
Canadian beer eh? Well definately better than American beer, however I find the popular big 2 (Labatt, Molson) to be a NATIONAL SHAME. I like Moosehead, most of the honey browns especially sleemans, Coors if u can consider it canadian since they merged, I dont like Rickards at all. I like Lakeport, I havent tried too many Canadian beers I tend to stick with European or tropical flavors.
Thats definately more than 3pnds, I would say exactly 4pnds.
Too bad Pigeon lake has some bad weed, I had a rough trip there 2 weeks ago if you want some of the good stuff go to Stoney lake its nice and green and makes all the fish happy and mellow.
Went camping last Friday, got up at 6am to get a boat rental from LoveSick lake. What a beautiful morning for fishing, well overcast and periods of sun throughout. Started off using topwater, got many hits and hooks, but I couldnt keep them hooked VERY frustrating, but was my first topwater experience, I think a smaller bait would solve the problem. Hook a couple perch and bass to start, then got to the main area. Eventually there was light rain, then HEAVY rain for the next 8 hours but not pouring. Having been in a lightning storm 2 weekends ago, the rain seemed relatively mild. Advantages was non-stop fishing action, and very few boats on the water. Disadvantages is no shore lunch, no returning to fish after 3pm, soaked clothes, soaked tent, and I cut my thumb cutting the fish. Advantages FAR outweigh disadvantages, its gotta get a lot worse to ruin a day of fishing for me. In the end, along with the usually flurry of perch and panfish we got 2 decent sized bass (2pnds) and a couple of smaller ones. I personally lost about 4 bass from the topwater, anyone recommend any tips on it? I think it just it was too big. Regards
Over 500 pike and walleye in a week... WOW! I have yet to hook into one, hopefully tmrw at LoveSick Lake after I've caught my limit of bass.
Bass or perch (never caught pike or walleye). Cut the head off, cut their guts out. BBQ all the way baby w/ skin on, some butter some oil some seasoning u know! best is big perch or 1-1.5 pnd bass, too big and they dont taste as fresh or good i find. I havent tried fillets cuz this method is easier for me and I dont know anyone who can show me how to do it firsthand
Hey what do you mean by handle? I booked boat rental for Saturday, from what I heard Lovesick has the highest percentage of islands in the kawarthas, thats a key reason i like Stony so much, I hope I made the right decision to try this lake out, I've only hit Stony once so far this year but no other lake Ive been on I like so much... as for goin slow only 8hp on the rental so shouldnt have too much difficulty but thx for the tip
Hello Im thinking of fishing Lovesick lake instead of Stony this Saturday, I've heard good things about it. I used to fish Stoney a lot more but StoneyLakeResort closed down which was a very good place to rent boats from far above the rest. Any honeyspots, tips, etc? Experience is great to learn from.
Nice report dude, which lake(s) were you fishing?
Wow those are quite a few biggies, good job hopefully I'll be catchin those at Stony Lake this weekend.
Hello, a friend of mine was asking for a dock to spend about a half-day trip fishing on in the Toronto area and closeby areas. I know I've heard of some ponds at Downsview park? Or some in Richmond hill area, can people recommend their favorite dock/shore to fish from that isnt too far away (<45 minutes) from Toronto? It will be him and father, Thanks.
Nice fish, I'm looking forward to catching these on Pigeon Lake this weekend!
Hello all, I've been steadily improving my bass hunting and killing skills over the past 2 years, I'm pretty happy with where I am for now. However, I've been frustrated at my lack of walleye abilities. I would of thought I would of got a walleye strike by now even if I was just fishing for bass. I'm usually using some worm or tube, sometimes on a jig. My question is, is there a lure that can catch all 3 fish (bass, muskie (small size) , walleye)? I'm thinking of exclusively sticking to some sort of spinner baits this weekend in an attempt to land a walleye, or muskie if I'm lucky on top of numerous bass. Think this is a decent approach to try? Input would be very much appreciated, as well as any fishing knowledge about Pigeon Lake (I am in the north part, north of Big Island). Fishing report will follow the weekend trip, credit and respect will be given to anyone who helps me land a walleye or muskie Bull
Spent last weekend at a resort in Lower Buckhorn called Sunny View resort. Got there Friday night, told the boat dude I'll meet him at 6am to get the boat setup, and went back to the cottage. Me and 2 friends were partying in the cottage, eventually I decide to sleep at about 5am. Wake up after an hour, try to get my friends up but go figure theyre out cold. I've learned not too many people can party hard and survive the night, much less wake up after an hour of sleep. Its my love of fishing and promise to the boat dude to meet him that got me out of bed. Actually in the 1 hour of sleep, all I was dreaming / thinking about was fishing. Go out, the boat dude gives me the run-through of the boat. Tried some dock fishing with artificial fluorescent pink worm, no luck. Switch to black, no luck. Switch to real worms, start getting some bites. Got bunch of perch and a bass, all this time I was watching fish hitting the surface bugs out of reach before I finally decided to screw my friends, get in the boat, and give it a try. Well I get to the spot where I see the bites, its probably close to 8am by now. Lots and lots of weeds with open spaces between them. Cool thing was sun is out and I saw all the way down very clearly about 8 ft. Drop in the worm... BAM. Largemouth. Drop it in again... BAM. BAM BAM BAM. These bass were going nuts, sometimes id see two come out for the worm at a time! As the sun got higher, I found I had to lower my bait further and further down, eventually to the point of not being able to see it before the bass were hitting. I caught about 14 bass in 2 hours which is my alltime best by far, averaging about 1.5 pounds a piece. I threw many many back, and brought the biggest one back to the cottage. We went out fishing later that day but it sucked, the next day caught some bass not too many (i missed the early morning). A cool thing was that 2 smallies we caught both had huge crayfish in them. I tried attaching some images but it asks for a 'url' address, I did include them in the attachments but how do I integrate them into a post?
Hello all, I really want to do some early early morning fishing (4am) in the Kawarthas but dont want to pay money to rent a cottage overnight again. Anyone know of any good spots to camp overnight, that are also close to a boat rental place in the Kawartha Lakes? I'd also like to try a new lake there, so if anyone has some favorites let me know. So far I've tried Stoney, Clear, Lower Buckhorn, and Burleigh Falls. Also I promise to put together a fishing report this next time, havent had the time to report on my previous trip (but to summarize I set a personal record with about 14 bass in under 2 hours starting around 7am. I imagine an earlier start would produce even better.
Gonna be doing both this time, mostly on a boat though. But think will try shore at night.
Since I was a little boy of about 4 I've always been fascinated with fishing and always wanted to go fishing, but rarely got the chance. I managed to go fishing on a boat maybe about 5 times between the age of 10 and 20, and was always hungry for more. I also didnt catch many fish because no one really knew how to fish right. Then a few years ago I learned one of my best friend fishes, and went on a trip with them. It was a dream fulfilled, I've been fishing a few years now. Ive recently outgrown my dependence on live worms to catch fish, and am pretty good at bass fishing. My next dream is to hook into a walleye or muskie, this weekend, too bad bass season hasnt started. Thats my intro, I'm at the begininning of my fishing career and learning fast, it won't be long before trophy muskie walleye and bass will be posted on this board.
Hi I'm hitting up lower buckhorn lake in the Kawarthas this weekend, staying at Sunrise Resort. Anyone have any location tips for muskie / walleye at this time in that area? Thanks.