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Everything posted by leaf4

  1. Won't be for at least 10 years they say
  2. Yeah I forgot to take pics of it when it was about to get cut up, but the bark was suuuuper crunchy, I think next time I'll do a different rub and re apply halfway through I read on a smoking forum that it'll give you a really nice bark, but I didn't wanna mess with it now with the cold weather and trying to maintain a temp etc
  3. Nice, simple and delicious, and no having a thermometer strapped to you for 15 hours!
  4. It was fantastic, had 10 friends over and stil have a bunch left for lunches next week that will be amaaaaaaazing
  5. Went in at midnight... Couple more hours to go... Currently sitting at 165 degrees, the stall is real! Also im loving my wireless thermometer! I set up an alarm range to alert me if the smoker drops below 200 or above 235 and it will start beeping, got a wake up at 6am and had to turn the temp down as it was warming up outside so the heat came up! I had to build a wind screen out of cardboard so I could keep a stable temp... Oh the things we do for meat lol
  6. $6 is crazy! Can't beat that, that's for sure
  7. Not too bad here from what I've seen/what I've been purchasing usually all on sale. Picked up a 14lb brisket from lococos for $69.69 lmao yes the price played a small part in selection hahaha
  8. Yeah I heard of that, the guy claims he was blackout drunk, that's a sad excuse
  9. I got a flat a couple weeks ago and tossed my all seasons on then, got through those last couple blasts just fine but my car is also front wheel, so that helps a lot.
  10. Definitely not but the one I was using had a dial for tuning the pressure to suit your needs
  11. I used a karcher for a little while cleaning condensers at work and it was great
  12. Welcome aboard! Sounds like a nice setup!
  13. Well said! But we are all in it together... If the gubbermint thought like that! Have to dig ourselves out of the debt this province is in somehow but I don't see that happening anytime soon haha Good luck with the move!
  14. Yup... Mid 4's for waterdown easily 350k for 1200 sf in Hamilton (border of ancaster) which is saaaadddd
  15. I lost a really nice pair of Oakley sandals that are no longer made to a buddy's corgi, she's a lunatic and he doesn't even care to train her at all is the crazy part so my stuff goes into a hall closet or the laundry room with the door closed from now on
  16. Work for sure, I'm in Hamilton and I'm a sheet metal worker, not a lot of work in Hamilton or Niagara so I now work out of a shop in Mississauga and most of my work ends up in downtown T.O but I have been working at casino rama for the past week, 210km one way lol
  17. Yikes that's crazy! I just got a new kitten and he just about tries to eat whatever he can, especially plastic wrappers from granola bars etc, he also managed to get a hold of a halls throat lozenge and he throws it around all by himself and keeps himself entertained for hours doing that haha, when I come home it looks like a bomb went off with his toys strewn across the main floor, basement and upstairs
  18. I don't mind seeing reimer walk, he's good but needs to stay consistent for a full season before he can be considered a no. 1 Anyone see that polak and nurse scuffle? I would love to see round 2 when polak isn't jumped unsuspecting for hendricks losing an edge, hopefully nurse gets a game or 2, polak didn't even drop the gloves sheesh
  19. Nice, congratulations... If there was bountiful construction work in areas like that I wouldn't be in the city, but that's the way she goes for now! The best I can hope for is a nice country lot not far from the city
  20. Lol that's too funny, ask them if they ever watch Yukon men the one in Tanana on the Alaska river, they raise and train those sled dogs and have them outdoors 100% of the time in friggin Alaska! Haha
  21. Wow people are brutal, guess even there you can't escape the idiots!
  22. Lmao wow good luck with selling those
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