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Everything posted by Harrison

  1. That's because it's not hunting season yet! Very nice buck you have on your property there. Looks like a smart bugger, he's already mocking you.
  2. Good fishing and thanks for posting Mike. That area is getting more and more publicity over the last few years. Know of a few boats heading out there this fall for the first time. Getting quite the buzz. Trade ya a Musky Day for a Steelheading one, their even!
  3. Forecast calls for rain, maybe they need boots.
  4. Thanks for the heads up. I look forward to two turnovers this time of year. Fall and Apple.
  5. Not only would I be in the slammer, but half my office would be off on Stress leave.
  6. Bang on. Similair to a municipality posting one Firefighter job even though they already have 20 part-timers.
  7. Yeppers, I was. Beyond tough fishng!! Parka in the morning, short and t shirt afternoon. I screwed up my prayer in the morning too, I forgot the word "and" between Small - Large. "Dear Lord, please help me boat some strong healthy Small Large mouth bass"
  8. Nice deer shots Lew. I was on Upper Buckhorn Sat and Sun this past weekend. 4 musky caught and had one turn the boat 45 degrees after I set the hook on it before slicing my 80lb braid, it was a giant. All fish were caught on main lake weedlines with a vertical presentation. And not on purpose!
  9. I was just looking at those talons! Never really seen one up close. They'd probably do some serious damage too. I am hitting some dock this weekend, I'll have an eye now!
  10. Wow, close one. Is that the same turtle at the end of the vid? Look at the talons on that thing!
  11. Not odd at all. To each their own. Pretty tough to beat a 30 or 50lb berkely digi scale.
  12. Ha! Would of been a lot easier if we had of went out as a total farse like that guy from this and that. I am nervous if we get aired. They show 5 mins, but we filmed for close to an hour. They can make those 5 mins look anyway they want with that much material. You sign a contract basically saying they can make you look good, ok, or absolutely ridiculous. It is their choice, we are at their mercy.
  13. Sweet! To the list please. Phil Michael Harrison, have proof.
  14. I've towed in heavy traffic quite a few times. No biggie, just pick a lane and go. Leave some extra room for quick stops. I bet bad traffic will still be quicker then zig zagging on country roads around the big smoke. Folks may be a pain and not let you in if you are trying to switch lanes, they've never towed anything before. Sometimes you have to give them the, "here I come, like it or not" lane change.
  15. As a general rule of thumb I speed up in the fall. Fish more horizontal. Bulk up lure size as well. I know there are active fish in the fall eating somewhere, there has to be. I cover alot of water and do not focus on real fineese style fishing. Fish are more likely to be schooled up in the fall. Find one, there is a real good chance there are more in the area (bass/walleye). Try burning spinnerbaits(fast retrieve) or an agressive topwater retrieve, both are simple baits to use. I was on Buckhorn and Chemong yesterday. I found them still in summer pattern. Good Luck
  16. It would allow me to put the time in and fish the way I want to. I'd love to fish the FLW tour. Take atleast a week to prefish each event, bring the wife and kids with me in one of those huge touring buses. The gals can shop their little faces off while I fish. Would be fun to not fish for the money, but for the competition against the fish and other anglers only. It would be nice to have my morning coffee on a dock every morning too. Preferably on a Muskoka lake.
  17. Sorry Mike, I took it off track. If you want to go for a fish, I am in Bowmanville and will start hitting the rivers again in late Oct. Phil
  18. Here I'll attach one of Headhunters favourite 45's
  19. Shopping bags full of 45's. Or sicky, smelly, spreadable roe bags.
  20. Is there a certain provincial candidate in town?
  21. Nice fish and great report!
  22. That is gold there. Good on ya solo. I am a hardware guy in the fall. Love my tubes, power minnows, maggots, jigs and worms. But around Dec I will go back to roe once I get my favourite type in Nov! I got Worms too.
  23. Word.. haha.. awesome. Sorry, nothing else to add.
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