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Everything posted by Harrison

  1. Wannabe cartoonist close enough? I was saving a BB #4 for you too if you brought your guitar. I'll save it for Joe, love to hear the bass line to brown eyed girl again. Love that tune!
  2. Hmmmm, was HH looking for date opinions or just opinions. If the latter I would like to change my answer. And for supporting my new biz I would like to sponsor this event and give everyone going a split shot.
  3. Oct 2nd is to early. I vote for 11, 12, 13 of Nov. Some of us could make it a 3 day'er. Or at least pitch it to the misses as one.
  4. I hear ya, I've made a couple phones calls as well. There is a handfull of guys I know that would be heading to the nuke for a night fish launching out of Whitby. I never saw the lake, but an east wind like Bill said, is a bad wind for that area. I mean bad. The cross current at the nuke is insane with an east wind. Still crossing my fingers.
  5. Crowe Lake. Was an amazing Musky and Largemouth fishery. Now it is a hammerhandle snot rocket farm. Largies are few and far between, but the smallies have exploded. There are a few theories why, all I know is it is not the same. Such is life.
  6. Tip of finger to first knuckle is about an inch.
  7. Too much fishing.Where do YOU draw the line? I don't, she does. I am a tiny shadow of my old fishing self. Mainly because I have a young family. I put in my 250+ days a year on the water in the past. Maybe once the kids have grown I will want to fish as hardcore as I once did. But right now, the days I do get to spend on the water I cherish them more. I will admit, I think about fishing 24/7. Probably why I have two businesses now in the fishing industry. Have to have my toes in the water some how! Kind of like eating potatoe chips, if you only eat one handful they taste so much better then when you can have the full bag. For me anyways.
  8. Oh, it was there before the wife spell check! LOL
  9. Good Call. I love fishing jerkbaits. Fav right now is the Lucky Craft Staysee followed very closely by the yo-zuri sashimi.
  10. Mike, I remember seeing a bunch of these at Gagnons in Oshawa a little while ago. Give them a shout.
  11. Ha, I am not meaning that. I have to tread lightly! I think it is still $20 plus. I was just dinged with a $27 dollar package from the UK. There are awesowe deals on ebay, especially for razors!
  12. Good Points about buying "lots" of lures. This is the key to geting the real good deals. I forget the exact amount, but anything over $25 +/-?, is subject to taxes and/or duties when being brought over the border into Canada. Be sure to add these amounts when figuring out your savings and deciding to buy. If you get lucky and get away with it, it's a bonus. I've learnt from experience.
  13. They are dollorama type lures I assume, being shipped from China. No name knock offs. They come with their own lead, keep out of reach of children, lol. But, they'll catch fish. No Doubt.
  14. I was drving listening to Howard Stern. I headed straight to the closest house which was my uncles in time to watch the second plane hit. When I heard the words "We are under Attack" on CNN, I had a really weird feeling, can't even explain it today. Can only imagine what those felt really close to the attacks.
  15. Very nice rod. In fantastic shape. I am no expert, but I have bought and sold a dozen or so cane rods. Mostly American/Britsh pre 1950's. I am not familiar with the stamp on this rod. However, I would hazard to guess it is not overly valuable "yet". It may become quite valuable down the road with the war collectors, moreso then angling collectrs. IMO Great rod and something to hold on to for sure.
  16. If a jerk jerks a jerkbait, a twit twitches a twitch bait, ....
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